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India to sign pact with Iran soon to ship goods to Afghanistan

When development and prosperity comes from one door,terrorism and backwardness goes out from other door.Hence,I think Afghans themsleves can provide security.Iran and India can help too.If Afghanistan develops,it means less drugs,and a more secure Iran,Pakistan and in whole, a more secure region.So it is as much crucial for Iran to see a developed Neighbour as Afghanistan itself.

era i couldn't agree no more but here is the problem NA and pashtunes are enemies that will never change.ANA is 100% made out of NA guys and pashtuns are not given any representation.

Do you really think knowing the Afghans history and this unfairness any kind of business or peace will succeed long enough o make prosper Afghanistan.
Do you really think knowing the Afghans history and this unfairness any kind of business or peace will succeed long enough o make prosper Afghanistan.

Well, we will never know unless we try. And we have to be relentless in our efforts. Its time for Iran, India and Pakistan to come together and cooperate in bringing change. Deepen economic ties both between themselves, but also increase economic activity and trade in Afghanistan. The tribal structure is troublesome, but we have to still do it. Put our heart and soul into it, and God willing, Afghanistan will rise from the mist. A stable Afghanistan is not only in the best interest of Iran, but also India and Pakistan.
Thats why we have to work together and overcome any differences.
Its time for this part of the region to rise up!
Good tactical move as we can bypass Pakistan and trade via our partner Iran :tup:
this is good news, unlike the Pakistanis that blackmail, extort and despise American supply chains into Afghanistan the Iranians can be trusted not to do the same.
As a capitalist and free-market free-enterprise country since 1947, Pakistan should welcome any healthy competition. C.B port's direct rival (Gwadar) will hopefully be picking up steam rapidly now given transfer of port ops to China.

While some indians here who dont even understand a lick about regional integration get excited and start making e-taunts which they are most famous for -- one must not look at something mutually-beneficial for both rival sides:

a positive outcome of these two rival projects would be to find mutual advantages and build them in complementarity to each other. The two projects can easily be linked with one another, and server different sectors or markets, reducing competitions but also reducing expensive duplication. This, if ever done, will dramatically transform the geostrategic landscape of the region.

now of course given the distrust and hatred existing on both sides and the fact that we love working against eachother's interests - this could be wishful thinking.

Either case, Gwadar essentially gives us the exact same purpose (access to land-locked mineral rich Central Asia) while further down the road it will serve as an energy corridor for fuel supplies destined for industrial-intensive and energy-hungry Central/Western China

If Pakistan and even indian can bypass/non-comply with trade sanctions against Iran - then it could be grounds to create a movement among other members of UNGA to put national interest before the selfish vested interests of others.
Common sense- good for Afghanistan to have options open so that they can run an independent foreign policy. With all dependency on Pakistan alone, Afghanistan's options against a hegemonic pakistan were limited.
Common sense- good for Afghanistan to have options open so that they can run an independent foreign policy. With all dependency on Pakistan alone, Afghanistan's options against a hegemonic pakistan were limited.

it's a huge myth that A-stan has been dependent on Pakistan for its trade. That is just emotional hogwash peddled by morons who dont even know basic geography. Now of course as this thread demonstrates, there are no shortage of morons here.

Pakistan has been the cheapest maritime route, but not even for ALL of Afghanistan. Mostly central and eastern section. Iran for several decades has its own "domain" as well.

For quite some time now. Pakistan has played an important role because of the relative proximity of Kabul/Kandahar to Karachi --and as even colonialist Britishers and military strategists observed -- if you control even Kandahar alone then you control much of Afghanistan. But that doesnt mean that we had the control over every ounce of cement or every unhatched egg that goes into Afghanistan.

I laugh at these funny looking indian guys talking about "hegemonic" anything. In fact it's india which has tried for years to encircle Pakistan. Unfortunately for them, their project has failed. And following 2014 it would continue to unravel as can already be seen.
it's a huge myth that A-stan has been dependent on Pakistan for its trade. That is just emotional hogwash peddled by morons who dont even know basic geography. Now of course as this thread demonstrates, there are no shortage of morons here.

Pakistan has been the cheapest maritime route, but not even for ALL of Afghanistan. Mostly central and eastern section. Iran for several decades has its own "domain" as well.

For quite some time now. Pakistan has played an important role because of the relative proximity of Kabul/Kandahar to Karachi --and as even colonialist Britishers and military strategists observed -- if you control even Kandahar alone then you control much of Afghanistan. But that doesnt mean that we had the control over every ounce of cement or every unhatched egg that goes into Afghanistan.

I laugh at these funny looking indian guys talking about "hegemonic" anything. In fact it's india which has tried for years to encircle Pakistan. Unfortunately for them, their project has failed. And following 2014 it would continue to unravel as can already be seen.

I see you are already mad because Afghanistan has an option. This is good news.
I see you are already mad because Afghanistan has an option. This is good news.

Au contraire!

Maybe you failed to read my post properly. In fact if anything - you're already flapping and fluttering your arms in excitement because you think you can counter Pakistani "hegemony" as you define it :)
I see you are already mad because Afghanistan has an option. This is good news.

Pakistan has currently not great but average market of Plastic, fabric goods near the Af Pak border areas and towns like Jalalabad and Kandhaar . But due to war it went down to zero. Pakistan will try to revive its market there. They even sell cycles and some household electrical parts. They are also trying to bring Chinese low cost vehicle market into Afghanistan.
Gigawatt( my question who is going to provide security for this in Afghanistan Indians or Iran?)

Valid question..And the answer is no one...It is a rude fact...Even the same question is also coming into my mind.....I beleive all this initiative is with the assumption that the trade with Cental Asia involves Iran and Afganistan and Pakistan and its proxies may not try to create disturbances with the assumption that the in this project even Iran is also involved...And 2nd assumption is that although Afganistan may fall into Taliban GOV, India may have an influence with military and militia group of Northen Alliances that may help to protect the intrests of India as the road goes through Northern to Central Part of Afganistan....

And the other and more important assumption is that, although it sounds odd, India GOV is very confident enough that withing next 5 year, India and Pakistan relation will go through the upper trajectory and relation will be based on more towards trade investement line...
Pakistan has currently not great but average market of Plastic, fabric goods near the Af Pak border areas and towns like Jalalabad and Kandhaar . But due to war it went down to zero. Pakistan will try to revive its market there. They even sell cycles and some household electrical parts. They are also trying to bring Chinese low cost vehicle market into Afghanistan.

Sir, As with Iran I believe there will be the development of secondary markets in economically deprived areas.
We Indians can exploit these border markets to promote cross border trade within afghanistan but without putting Indian citizens in danger.

Iran will continue to seek to counter Saudi-influenced in Pakistan so I am sure they will try to make a balancing act and prevent espionage activites from their soil from us. Currently, as I am aware through links back home and here that Indian presense has to be highly protected from Pakistani backed attacks on them.
Moreover, they cannot extend their reconstruction efforts or influence as the true extent of the Afghan government does not exist beyond certain "fort" cities.
Sir, As with Iran I believe there will be the development of secondary markets in economically deprived areas.
We Indians can exploit these border markets to promote cross border trade within afghanistan but without putting Indian citizens in danger.

Iran will continue to seek to counter Saudi-influenced in Pakistan so I am sure they will try to make a balancing act and prevent espionage activites from their soil from us. Currently, as I am aware through links back home and here that Indian presense has to be highly protected from Pakistani backed attacks on them.
Moreover, they cannot extend their reconstruction efforts or influence as the true extent of the Afghan government does not exist beyond certain "fort" cities.

The clash is more likely to happen in southern Afghanistan, where as on west of Afghanistan, iran will dominate the zone and on the east Pakistan will put efforts.

Arab world in not interested in inner situation of Afghanistan, they are more likely to secure their business at dubai port which is countered by Gwadar and Chabbar. Hence they will try to destabalize both Iran and Pakistan from Afghansitan.

Indians presence will be more safer near Iran Afghan border than on the eastern front of Afghanistan. If India wants to deal, they can deal via Iran and more on the western side.
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