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India to sign pact with Iran soon to ship goods to Afghanistan

As far i know it first hand... It was Iran, who paid billions to Indian un-skilled labour, instead of hiring their own un-employed non-shias from Sistan!

the reason behind Iran-Pak agreement and new Iran-India agreement is Sistan-va-Balouchestan's development.hopefully Zahedan and Chapahar port become developed.right now many factories are taking place in the province and this will improve Iranian people's lifes there.plus crime-rate in Sistan-va-Balouchestan is reduced to Iran's average crime-rate which is supposed to be in good level.
I couldn't be more happier as pakistani cause this will help us pretty much eliminate smuggling into pakistan but none of answered my question who is going to provide security for this in Afghanistan Indians or Iran?

In Afghanistan it will be ANA and in Iran Iranian armed forces.
I couldn't be more happier as pakistani cause this will help us pretty much eliminate smuggling into pakistan but none of answered my question who is going to provide security for this in Afghanistan Indians or Iran?

Due to really think Iranians will allow foreign troops in their land.
India and Iran have agreed to draw up a transit pact for transporting goods to Afghanistan, which has also resulted in the government moving a cabinet note on investing over $100 million in the expansion of the Chabahar port that could act as a hub for this arrangement, The Indian Express Daily News reported on March 24.

A sources said anonymously to The Indian Express that the Chinese decision to literally take over the running and management of Gwadar port in Pakistan lent urgency to this long-delayed project. Located along the same coast, the two ports are just over 70 km from each other.

Also, the fact that Iran and Pakistan have decided to go ahead with their gas pipeline project despite US warnings has put India on alert about Tehran's other options. Presidents Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Asif Ali Zardari inaugurated the construction of this pipeline project at Chabahar, a signal India cannot overlook.

Sources said it would be in India's interest to harness Chabahar port's potential soon enough to ensure a link into Afghanistan for its goods, which bypasses Pakistan. India, Iran and Afghanistan already have a joint working group, which is supposed to work out the details of implementing this plan.

The government is examining three options for investment in the port, focused on improving the berthing facility and expansion of the container terminal.

India is likely to have to bear almost the entire burden of construction. Iran, on the other hand, has prepared the road connecting Chabahar to Zaranj on the Iran-Afghan border.

A transit agreement has its own significance given that India was left out of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement because of objections from Islamabad.

South Block officials pointed out that investment in port infrastructure is among the identified areas that will not attract US sanctions. With financial institutions in India wary of Iran-related business, the government will have to muscle its way to ensure Chabahar moves forward.

India to sign pact with Iran soon to ship goods to Afghanistan - Trend.Az

There is more good news.

Coming to the rescue of local refineries that buy crude oil from Iran, the Government plans to set up a special fund to back domestic insurers in providing cover to these units.

These companies find it difficult to get cover from international insurers as the West has restricted European and American companies from entering into deals in Iran in almost every non-essential business, including insurance. This is targeted at Teheran’s revenue sources.

Adding to the refiners’ woes is the refusal of the country’s insurance companies to provide cover to units processing Iranian oil as they are unable to get reinsurance from European majors.

Though Indian insurance companies are not governed by the US/EU sanctions, they do depend on reinsurance from Western companies because of the high-risk nature of the business. Reinsurance makes up 80-90 per cent of the insurance cover provided.

Petroleum Secretary Vivek Rae said the Department of Financial Services is working on creating a reinsurance fund to provide cover to refineries. When set up, both insurance companies and the oil industry will contribute to the fund.
Insurance fund likely to cover refiners using Iranian crude oil - Business Line
What a stupid Question.... who protect Indian consulate in Zahedan?
Of course... it is Iran's and its Pakistani subjects to protect and fund hindu interests... !

India already have subsidized transit aid from Pakistan.... and a thriving state sponsored smuggling.
Logical, question should be, what has changed that India want to change its route?

BTW....India never pulled out of any pipeline deal... India and Iran were using this tactics to block cheap gas from Turkestan.

Now.. tell us which Iranian port India invested ? and what is your point?

As far i know it first hand... It was Iran, who paid billions to Indian un-skilled labour, instead of hiring their own un-employed non-shias from Sistan!

Load of lies, can you prove anyone. :omghaha::omghaha:
In Afghanistan it will be ANA and in Iran Iranian armed forces.

And who is going to help ANA made of NA against 70% of the population?Iran or India.Basically this pact is a knee jerk reaction to Chines take over of Gwadar by India.
Afghanistan is a land-locked country. Most of its international trade is done through Pakistani sea-ports. Therefore, India wished to connect to Afghanistan via an alternative route (through Iran). So, in 2003 a trilateral agreement was signed among India, Iran and Afghanistan.

Under this agreement:
> Iran was to build a highway from Chabahar (a Port City of Iran) upto Afghanistan border.
> India was to build a road connecting Delaram (border city of Afghanistan) to Zaranj (Capital of Nimruz province of Afghanistan)


Delaram-Zaranj Highway

> Delaram–Zaranj Highway, also known as Route 606.
> Length about 200km.
> Connects Delaram (border city of Afghanistan) to Zaranj (Capital of Nimruz province of Afghanistan).
> India has totally financed this project. (about Rs 600 crore).
> Border Roads Organization (BRO) of India, has constructed this highway.
> Construction started in 2005, and the road was opened for public use in 2009.
> During the construction of this highway, Taliban killed about 130 workers, including 4 Indians from BRO.

India needed to access both Afghanistan and other Central Asian nations (like Turkmenistan), through Chabahar port, but the port is not yet fully developed to handle the huge cargo to and from India.



Hajigak, 130 km west of Kabul in Bamiyan province, holds Afghanistans largest iron ore deposits. Of the 22 companies shortlisted for the bid for these mines 14 are Indian, including a consortium led by the public sector Steel Authority of India Limited.
And who is going to help ANA made of NA against 70% of the population?Iran or India.Basically this pact is a knee jerk reaction to Chines take over of Gwadar by India.

If talks between NATO and Taliban are successful there won't be any resistance from Terror or people of Afghanistan.

India has good image in Afghanistan and the goods are for the daily lives of Afghan people. India will not put its military boots in Afghanistan.
I couldn't be more happier as pakistani cause this will help us pretty much eliminate smuggling into pakistan but none of answered my question who is going to provide security for this in Afghanistan Indians or Iran?

First you point the threat well, then only one of us can answer. The threat with India,Pakistan and Iran pipeline was that pipeline would be connected through Pakistan , and since India & Pakistan don't trust each-other and in crisis situation Pakistan would not allow to have a free flow of gas.Thus proposal was dropped. But in this case I see no threat.
First you point the threat well, then only one of us can answer. The threat with India,Pakistan and Iran pipeline was that pipeline would be connected through Pakistan , and since India & Pakistan don't trust each-other and in crisis situation Pakistan would not allow to have a free flow of gas.Thus proposal was dropped. But in this case I see no threat.

Few years back Americans though it would be a walk in the park and they saw no threat in Afghanistan. After a loss of over a trillion dollars and 1000s of soldiers not to mention humiliating defeat i bet you they will disagree with you.

As i said before if Afghanistan trade shifts from pakistan to Iran we will benefit more then India or Iran, as goods destined for Afghanistan end up in pakistani store shelves tax and duty free.
Few years back Americans though it would be a walk in the park and they saw no threat in Afghanistan. After a loss of over a trillion dollars and 1000s of soldiers not to mention humiliating defeat i bet you they will disagree with you.

As i said before if Afghanistan trade shifts from pakistan to Iran we will benefit more then India or Iran, as goods destined for Afghanistan end up in pakistani store shelves tax and duty free.

As for the first part of your statement,"Yes some threat is associated with it", but Afghanistan is on building phase and other countries need to help them. It may be a worry factor in the start but 10 years down the line it will bear fruit as nations investing now will be in a consolidated position then to nab the rising market there 10-15 years down the line.

And also it is a strategical decision to make our presence in Asia as well as protect our interest in the Arabian Sea as China will soon be a indirect player in this region to because of Chabbar Port transfer to China.

For the later part, we don't consider Pakistan as our competitor. To stand in this Asian Century, and make maximum out of it economically we have to compete with China, which has almost 60%-65% of the world manufacturing.
Gigawatt( my question who is going to provide security for this in Afghanistan Indians or Iran?)

When development and prosperity comes from one door,terrorism and backwardness goes out from other door.Hence,I think Afghans themsleves can provide security.Iran and India can help too.If Afghanistan develops,it means less drugs,and a more secure Iran,Pakistan and in whole, a more secure region.So it is as much crucial for Iran to see a developed Neighbour as Afghanistan itself.
What a stupid Question.... who protect Indian consulate in Zahedan?
Of course... it is Iran's and its Pakistani subjects to protect and fund hindu interests... !

India already have subsidized transit aid from Pakistan.... and a thriving state sponsored smuggling.
Logical, question should be, what has changed that India want to change its route?

BTW....India never pulled out of any pipeline deal... India and Iran were using this tactics to block cheap gas from Turkestan.

Now.. tell us which Iranian port India invested ? and what is your point?

As far i know it first hand... It was Iran, who paid billions to Indian un-skilled labour, instead of hiring their own un-employed non-shias from Sistan!

And as far as I know, you've always been full of the brown stinky stuff

you have claimed to have been all over the Middle East, including Iran and in many cities like Tabriz, Tehran, Isfahan etc...

What was a wahabi doing in Iran exactly? Even if they let you walk in, what business did you have in Iran exactly? To find targets for your suicide bombing brothers?

You're always either lying or writing pure and utter nonsense that stinks more than a freshly produced pile of horse manure
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