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India to send 300 teachers to China to learn Mandarin

That's pretty good, I wouldn't have imagined that he was speaking Hindi well at all.

I think its because of Roman script we have many sounds which we couldnot express properly in Roman script. If he has contacted any Indian guy, he would have sung perfect.
Why do keep subtitles in Chinese even in Chinese language program.

1. Not everyone in China speaks Mandarin. Mandarin is not even the first language for the majority of Chinese citizens.

2. Because of tones, it is difficult to comprehend Mandarin songs since one cannot express tones while singing. Subtitle becomes necessary to understand what the singer is singing about.
Sounds native? Wow. :woot:

I might start trying to learn some of these languages then. Maybe it's a late start but with the new computer software (like Rosetta Stone) it could work out well.

the good thing is if you learn any of the north Indian language you will be able to understand rest of the languages automatically. This include Nepali also. I have never been taught punjabi and urdu but still I am able to understand, speak and read both the languages if written in roman script. Though the median language of all these languages is Hindi.
if you learn Urdu, you will also automatically learn many Persian (Iranian) and Arab words, even some Turkish. That would be more beneficial for China's future, no?

Learning some 'Turkish, Persian or Arab words' doesn't help with even a grasp of those two languages.
Well, Hindi and Urgu are basically same languages with different writing system.

That's in contrast with Cantonese, Wu, vs Mandarin, which have same writing system but otherwise are completely different languages.

I've noticed that Persian and Korean share similarities, while Urdu and Japanese share similarities.

For examples: ***Komshi in Japanese and Komeshi in Urdu = Silence

Hai in Japanese (okay, yes, sure, etc) and Sai in Urdu have same meaning.

Aray? in Japanese/Urdu = Huh?

Sachaii in Japanese and Sachhh in Urdu = Really?

All right then" in Japanese is something like Ajchau, and Accha in Urdu means Okay

In chinese "Soo jao" means go to sleep...In urdu its the same...
In chinese "Jao" means go away..In Urdu its the same

In Russian "Chaey" means tea..In Urdu its the same.

As Falling Monk said

Ka in Japanese... not sure what it means but is very similar to Urdu "kya" "what"

Nom = Name in both langauges.

For thousand of years the Silk Road played an important role of transferring trades, sciences and cultures among various ethnic groups. Many Chinese monks went into the Indus Valley and received their Buddhist manuscripts and teachings and brought back to China. Subsequently the Japanese learned their religious philosophies and part of their language from the Chinese through the Koreans.

So it wouldn't surprised that words that did not existed in one's language that could be pick up along this route. Also some word like 'mom' are universal albeit in corrupted forms. There are probably more if one look hard enough.
I've noticed that Persian and Korean share similarities, while Urdu and Japanese share similarities.

For examples: ***Komshi in Japanese and Komeshi in Urdu = Silence
Spelling mistake, it is Khamoshi in Urdu. Khamoshi is Persian word rather than urdu
Hai in Japanese (okay, yes, sure, etc) and Sai in Urdu have same meaning.

Never heard of the word "Sai", might be you want to say something else, you should give examples using this word in sentence

Aray? in Japanese/Urdu = Huh?
Aray! is same as "hey!" in english, it is used to call some one or give a sense of exclamation. example "hey!! What have you done?" or "Hey! come here" when pronounced in Hindi/Urdu "Aray !! yaha aao" or "Aray!! ye tumne kya kia?"
I dont know from where you derived meaning of "Aray" as Huh??
Sachaii in Japanese and Sachhh in Urdu = Really?

Sach is hindi word not urdu
Actual meaning of Sach is "True" not "really". and Sachai in hindi means "truth"
Sach meaning in Hindi,Meaning of sach in Hindi English Dictionary

All right then" in Japanese is something like Ajchau, and Accha in Urdu means Okay
Again Acha is not not only Urdu word it is also hindi word, it also means "good"

In chinese "Soo jao" means go to sleep...In urdu its the same...
In chinese "Jao" means go away..In Urdu its the same
again "So jao" is also Hindi

In Russian "Chaey" means tea..In Urdu its the same.
This can be... In Hindi we call it "Chai"

As Falling Monk said

Ka in Japanese... not sure what it means but is very similar to Urdu "kya" "what"

Nom = Name in both langauges.

"Kya" means "What" which is hindi word, it is derived from sanskrit word "Kim"
Name = Naam in Hindi!
Learning Punjabi is not that difficult - you basically pepper each rapidly spoken sentence with an abuse to someone's mother or sister - and presto, you know Punjabi

buddy you dont know anything about Punjabi...okay if you would than you would be know that Punjabi is not just an abusing..okay buddy
China has to be careful about india sending agents in guise of teachers. India for sure eager to train its agents with Chinese language and culture.

okay why do you care about that so much. India and china are going to be partners in near future as you know their mutual benefits are increasing day by day and no two countries will try to lose country like china or India.
How good/bad is this guy's pronunciation in Hindi?

pronunciation is just okay okay type but appreciate his spirit it is not easy to do something like this..:)
It feels so proud when any foreigner tries to use Hindi. The major cause of lesser popularity of Hindi in world is that in India most of people can understand English so Hindi is not a mandatory thing for communicate with any Indian means you know English than you can survive with an Indian
pronunciation is just okay okay type but appreciate his spirit it is not easy to do something like this..:)
It feels so proud when any foreigner tries to use Hindi. The major cause of lesser popularity of Hindi in world is in India most of person can understand English so Hindi is not a mandatory thing for communicate to any Indian.
Yes it is.
English is only a link language of elites in india. Do you think you are going to communicate in english with common man in india such as, Auto riksha driver, bus conductor, shop keeper, gate keeper, guards etc. English may be necessary to earn your bread and butter, to survive in India you need to know hindi
Yes it is.
English is only a link language of elites in india. Do you think you are going to communicate in english with common man in india such as, Auto riksha driver, bus conductor, shop keeper, gate keeper, guards etc. English may be necessary to earn your bread and butter, to survive in India you need to know hindi

yeah but in India a foreigner will not be completely helpless without knowing Hindi as he/she will find a person who can understand english may be a little but he can help him....that is what i am saying

In Korea, U will feel helpless without Korean because you will find lack of English speakers in high level offices too.
1. Not everyone in China speaks Mandarin. Mandarin is not even the first language for the majority of Chinese citizens.

2. Because of tones, it is difficult to comprehend Mandarin songs since one cannot express tones while singing. Subtitle becomes necessary to understand what the singer is singing about.
Actually, nobody's mother tone is Mandarin. Most of Young generation are educated with Mandarin. Some of old generation can not use it frequently.
yeah but in India a foreigner will not be completely helpless without knowing Hindi as he/she will find a person who can understand english may be a little but he can help him....that is what i am saying

In Korea, U will feel helpless without Korean because you will find lack of English speakers in high level offices too.

Let me share an personal experience with you. If you get time please visit link
I was reading a blog once. One foreigner wanted to go Jaipur by train but mistakenly reached New Delhi Railway station instead of Old Delhi railway station. Her train was going to leave within half an hour. She went to taxi driver , who managed to speak in english. He charged Rs 350 from her and dropped her to Old Delhi Railway station in 20 minutes. She also faced traffic problem. She was lucky that she managed to catch her train.

From the above story two things are very clear

1) If she was able to communicate with some other people in local language, she would be able to know that within Railway campus there is metro station. She could go to Old Delhi railway station using metro within 5 minutes costing her only Rs 9.

2) If Cab Driver did not knew english, he might not have been able to charge her that much huge amount. Hence he earned his bread.

Yes you are right some times foreigners are able to get help from english educated ones but luck doesn't help them always. Think of person dont know Hindi at all and wishes to live in Delhi for long period. He will not be able to survive in these conditions.

Me myself was cheated by auto drivers in Hyderabad, since I didnt knew local language. I spent Rs 150 from Secundrabad station to nearest bus stand
Its very good to know more than one language, especially in business. Good move, India.
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