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India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon

As for ecquadorian lmao .. Check out the previous posts your own media reported it.. So much for humiliation :rofl:

Another report from your ministry of defence:

View attachment 17632

P.S it wasn't even the topic n the question was directed to Neptune..

Who reported it,Pakistani media...???

Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador

ISLAMABAD, July 27 (APP )- Ecuadorian Air Force (EAF) which inducted seven Indian manufactured Dhruv helicopters, at a package cost of $ 50 millions, is finding itself beset with problems even as the last consignment of two helicopters has barely arrived in the country. According to the aviation sources, one of the inducted Dhruv helicopters crashed last year while two others have been grounded on account of malfunctioning of over-speed management unit (OMU).
While the Ecuadorian Air Force is plagued by Dhruv related maintenance issues, its difficulties have been compounded by exorbitant repair cost demanded by Indian manufacturers.
The original US company that manufactures the OMU, charges $100000 as the repair cost while the Indians have demanded $250000 for the same job.
India has also raised the price of two additional Dhruvs that the EAF had originally planned as additional follow through acquisitions; demanding $ 12 million apiece.
The EAF has informed the Indian government that because of cost issues, maintenance problems, under par flight performance and poor post sale spare support it is considering cancelling further orders for induction of Dhruv helicopters.
According to observers the disappointing Ecuadorian experience with the Dhruv Helicopters doesn’t augur well for the Indian efforts to find a toe hold in South American countries for its aviation products.
It is bound to have its negative fallout as other South American governments; Columbia, Brazil and Chile, who were contemplating induction of Dhruv helicopters in their respective air forces, are now certain to revisit such plans.
Dhruv is not only accident prone, overly priced and having maintenance support issues, it also comes with the Indian tendency of creating dependence and over invoicing, which make even costlier options from other countries more palatable, say observers.
Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador

And even EAF defended the Dhruv..According to Ecuador's Chief of the Armed Forces Joint Command General, Dhruv has demonstrated good quality...
.La FAE defiende a los helicópteros Dhruv

So much for humiliation of our neighbours...who cannot even develop their own moped engine ...:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Who reported it,Pakistani media...???

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador

And even EAF defended the Dhruv..According to Ecuador's Chief of the Armed Forces Joint Command General, Dhruv has demonstrated good quality...
.La FAE defiende a los helicópteros Dhruv

So much for humiliation of our neighbours...who cannot even develop their own moped engine ...:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

After getting owned ... clingin to ... :lol:

typical "gslv" ..
LOL... which arre?

The AFCS is Indian designed,So is the Integrated Dynamic System.

hahahahah,,, its you who bought in SM to divert the topic while you were getting hammereddddd.. :lol:

Really??You still cant answer whats Pakistani in Super Mushak....:omghaha:

As for SM,, Again wrong kiddo.... 20-KSA,7-Oman,2+ South Africa,20-Iraq... dozens to Pak military.. :lol:

Does not even know difference between Mushak ( SAAB Supporter ) & Super Mushak (Modified Mushak with new engines,fuel injection system )...You doesnt even know anything about even Pakistani aircraft??

:lol: diverts the topic after getting owned,, than shamelessly trolls.. :lol:

prove your claims or else shut up,will you.....??

LOL/// Still more Pak parts than Dhruv..

LOL... French claim its their engine Ardedin AH1 .. this report claims:

From the same webpage...

For its first application, the Dhruv, a first engine variant christened the Ardiden 1H1 (or "Shakti" in India), offering a power of 1,400 shp, is jointly developed and producted with HAL.

Also going to power Russian Ka-62 and Chinese AC352 helicopters..:lol:

Its not Indo-French Jointly developed Ardiden 1H1/Shakti (a 1400shp turboshaft ) but French Ardiden 3,a 1700-2000 shp turboshaft thats going to power Ka-62 & AC 352...

The Ardiden 3, from 1,700 to 2,000 shp, is dedicated to 6 up to 8 tons helicopter market. It has already been selected by China and Russia to power respectively the AC532 and Ka-62 helicopters.

Improve your comprehension skills ...please...

Turbomeca - Ardiden

Engine snag hits HAL's Light Utility Helicopter

HAL confronts Snecma in light helicopter project

Price row prompts HAL to look elsewhere for chopper engine

Shakti Engine was selected for LUH.....Now?

HAL selects the Turbomeca Shakti engine over the LHTEC CTS-800

The title (a shitty source... domain.b.. )says it al.. :lol: jointly develop with UK.

And you are only proving me right..:D

And you are telling me that there isnt any co development?Search google for & you'll find many results...

And keep that :lol: for Pakistan's Aerospace Industry....A country that can develop its own space launchers have the capability to co develop hydraulic actuators....

for LCH (cancelled program). ..We are talking about dhruv heli pal...

LCH is a cancelled program?


I add that statement to long list...of your empty claims..

MOD file.. doesnt talk about foriegn parts,help etc.. didnt bother to read it all...

Mind it,its an MoD report,not some junk by some random journalist.It talks about the truth.MoD knows far more than 'Defensenews' about HAL Dhruv.

The design and development of ALH started in 1984. The collaboration
agreement entered in 1984 was terminated in 1995 even though certain systems
were yet to be developed, validated and integrated
. As a result, five prototypes of
the basic versions which were to be certified by 1994 were actually flight tested
and certified in October 2003.

The Government of India entered into a collaboration agreement
with Messerschmitt Bolkow Blohm (MBB) - West Germany, in July 1984 for design,
development and establishment of production facilities of ALH and entrusted the same to
the Company. The Collaboration agreement provided for achievement of 13 prescribed
milestones (Annexure VII) within seven years i.e. by 1991. Subsequently, the Company
prepared (July 1992) Preliminary Project Report (PPR) for ALH, which indicated
development of ALH including first flight and type certification of basic version before
end of 1994. The PPR also revised the schedule for design freeze of utility version of
ALH to December 1993 and completion of prototypes by 1994. This resulted in extension
of collaboration agreement by four years up to 1995.
Audit observed that the collaboration agreement was not extended beyond 1995. At that
time, certain systems like Anti Resonance vibration Isolation System (ARIS), Automatic
flight Control system (AFCS), Retractable Landing Gear, etc., were yet to be developed,
validated and integrated
. This resulted in postponement of the plan to establish
production facilities. As a result, five prototypes of the basic versions which were to be
certified by 1994 as per PPR were actually flight tested and certified for Military version
in March 2002 and for Civil version in October 2003.

What does the MoD report say?The collaboration with MBB didn't extend beyond 1995,and the basic version was only certified on 2002.MBB exited the project before systems like ARIS,AFCS,landing gear etc were even designed.That makes these systems fully Indian.

ALH was designed in India,with help of MBB.It was flight tested,modified entirely by HAL.Its components were tested by India as well as ground tests & Vibration tests.

but this caught my attention:
View attachment 17470

So you do not agree with whats written about 'Co-development' in MoD file,and accept what is written about a glitch in the same report?....that's the height of hypocrisy... Control Saturation Warning Device is already Integrated with Dhruv ...now?

Dhruv Mk-III boasts of numerous improvements

hahahaha brat rakshak bakwas... and guess what?

400 Bad Request

replace ***** with bharat and article talks about

1.Mihir Sonar
2.Super Vision 2000 radar
3.Not all Dhruvs have israeli avionics

That article talks about The Indian IDS,Testing etc...

And yes,India has one of the fastest growing Aerospace Industries in the world-Indian space program is going forward with 10 tonne to LEO class launch vehicles,cryogenic & semi cryogenic engines,Mars Mission,4 tonne class communication sats,high resolution remote sensing sats&Radio Imaging sats,Reusable Launch Vehicles .....Indian Aircraft projects like LCA,LCH,LUH,Regional Transport Aircraft as well joint projects like FGFA & MRTA are going at a good pace....Indian missile program is moving forward with ICBMs,SLBMs,STMs,SAMs,BMD & AAMs...So keep that smiley for your own.....

Kewl ma man...:D

Is it ready/operational..

Already in service with Indian Navy's Kamovs Ka 25


Now For your own info - SAAB provides MAWS Sensors for a Much complex,Indian Designed Multi Sensor Warning System used in Dhruv


fuel tanks, floatation equipment and related gaskets and seals for the ALH are now manufactured locally
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After getting owned ... clingin to ... :lol:

typical "gslv" ..

getting owned??Oh.. please Making baseless claims in every discussion....Typical DESERT FIGHTER...

Turbofan Engine on Brahmos...!!!

The only country tht needs seperate turbofan (Failed or under developmen) engines... while boasting abt one in service n "super sonic" indian painted yakhont!...

Arihant is an Akula..!!!

lol ATV= Based on Akula-1 class..

Shaurya is just a BM...Yeah a Ballistic Missile that follows a 'non ballistic trajectory'

yeah i remember shaurya the russian 600-750km BM is a CM.. :lol:

Chinese designed reactors,made in Pakistan ( With important components like reactor vessels,cores & pumps imported ) are Indigenous Pakistani reactors...

6+ indigenous reactors are already under contruction...

More Mushaks (yes he is boasting about License produced turboprop trainers) are made than HAL HT 2,HAL Marut,HAL Kiran,HAL Deepak,HAL basant etc combined !!!

More Mushaks are in service with Pak n foriegn countries than all of these failed producted combined ... :lol:

MIRV is not even in drawing board for DRDO...!!

Yes a cakewalk yet not achieved nor on ur "drawing board" .. :lol:

Super Mushak has more Indigenous parts than Dhruv....!!

LOL/// Still more Pak parts than Dhruv..

Indian mars & moon missions depend on Russia...check out the link he gives..!!!

Indian SLVs & Missiles are Russian copies...!!

Yes all russian copied stuff...

JF 17 has more Pakistani components than Arjun,LCA combined !!

Certainly more than indian contributions in dhruv,arjun and the paper fighter LCA....

IAF pilot is the only major Indian component on the MKI

Yes i agree..... the IAF pilot in tht is the only major indian component...

All avionics & RWR of MKI are from Israel & EU

avionics,rwrs? lol all frm israel n eu...

And Now he claims that LCH program is cancelled..I bet even HAL didnt know that...!!

jointly develop with UK..for LCH (cancelled program).

I guess this guy is our defense minister ...he have already cancelled many of our defense projects...recently he cancelled Barak 8 program :omghaha:....And we poor Indians are integrating it with our destroyers for testing....without knowing that the project have been cancelled..!!!

barak-8 cancelled program (atleast for india)... .


For this guy Indian advancements in composite technology is a 'joke' & so is Indian made satellites for foreign countries.....Ignorance is a bliss for this guy..
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That is what happens when you make baseless claims and too that in the field in which you dont have any knowledge about. :lol:

@gslv mk3 having a field day over @DESERT FIGHTER ....... :p:

let me educate him more...

Detail Design

The Centre has designed composite Main and Tail Rotor Blades, Gear Boxes and Crashworthy Fuselage for the ALH.

  • Light Weight Crashworthy Structure (Composite and Metallic)
  • Composite Rotor Blades
  • High Performance Mechanical Transmission Systems
  • Mechanical Control Systems for Rotors
  • Advanced Rotor Systems

  • Estimation of Performance, Load and CG
  • Stability and Control
  • Crash Analysis of Structure
  • Finite Element Modeling and Analysis
  • Dynamic Stress Analysis
  • Vibration Analysis
System Design

Each customer's unique specifications have been met in the ALH, in the design of advanced cockpit with Multi-function Display (MFD) and Night Vision Goggles (NVG) capability, flight control systems, communication and navigation systems. The Centre has carried out the integration of:
  • State-of-the-art Cockpit Display System
  • Avionics
  • Electrical System
  • Hydraulics / AFCS and Flight Control Systems
  • Landing Gear
  • Power Plant and Fuel System
  • Oxygen System
Ground Testing

Ground Test capabilities include Structural and System testing along with design and fabrication of the Test Rigs.
  • Static and Stiffness test on Components and Structures
  • Fatigue and Endurance Tests
  • Tests on Hydraulic, Flight control and Transmission Systems
  • Vibration and Ground Resonance Tests
  • Development of Special Test Equipment and Integrated Dynamic System facilities like whirl towers
  • Development of Software for Test Control, Monitoring, Data Acquisition and Analysis
  • Strain Gauging and Calibration for in-flight Load Measurement
Flight Testing
Decades of experience with Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing Aircraft Flight Testing enables Conceptualiation, Design, Fabrication and Commissioning of Compact and Flexible Instrumentation Packages, Data Acquisition Systems and Analysis of Flight Test results.
  • Development of on-board Data Acquisition and Telemetry capable of handling more than 1000 parameters
  • Real-time and post-flight analysis
  • Development of Software for the above activities

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - Rotary Wing Research & Design Centre

I hope he wont say his source 'asian defence' or 'world defence blog' knows more than the manufacturer itself....

The problem with these hypocrites that they overlook Indian achievements in Indian Projects,and criticize 'foreign content' on them...While there is significant foreign content in their own projects.

They would claim ALH is a MBB ripoff,when the chopper had been designed & tested in India with foreign collaboration only in the initial phase.They would overlook Indian achievements like a composite crashworthy Airframe,Engine Co development ,AFCS & IDS & complain that gun turret (not used on all Dhruvs ), fuel tanks (already Indigenized) MAWS sensors (That are just a component of a larger Indian developed Multi Sensor Warning System which they purposefully forget ) are foreign !!!.

They would claim that LCA is a French Design,Because it is a delta wing design ( they doesnt even notice that LCA is a compound delta unlike Mirage ) & Dassualt was involved in reviewing the project definition ( Yes,just a review of pd!!!)...Our men at ADA,HAl & NAL who designed it,and tested it in windtunnels & using CFD gets no credit at all...

They are interested in claiming that 'Indian products are rippoffs of some other product',while they are the biggest operators of such ripoff products - Shaanxi ZDK-03 ( AEW&C Variant of Shaanxi Y 8,based on Antonov An 12 ),Chengdu J-7 (Chinese Mig 21 Variant ) & Harbin Z-9 (license-built Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin)
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The AFCS is Indian designed,So is the Integrated Dynamic System.

Really??You still cant answer whats Pakistani in Super Mushak....:omghaha:

Does not even know difference between Mushak ( SAAB Supporter ) & Super Mushak (Modified Mushak with new engines,fuel injection system )...You doesnt even know anything about even Pakistani aircraft??

prove your claims or else shut up,will you.....??

From the same webpage...

Its not Indo-French Jointly developed Ardiden 1H1/Shakti (a 1400shp turboshaft ) but French Ardiden 3,a 1700-2000 shp turboshaft thats going to power Ka-62 & AC 352...

Improve your comprehension skills ...please...

Turbomeca - Ardiden

Shakti Engine was selected for LUH.....Now?

HAL selects the Turbomeca Shakti engine over the LHTEC CTS-800

And you are telling me that there isnt any co development?Search google for & you'll find many results...

And keep that :lol: for Pakistan's Aerospace Industry....A country that can develop its own space launchers have the capability to co develop hydraulic actuators....

LCH is a cancelled program?


I add that statement to long list...of your empty claims..

Mind it,its an MoD report,not some junk by some random journalist.It talks about the truth.MoD knows far more than 'Defensenews' about HAL Dhruv.

What does the MoD report say?The collaboration with MBB didn't extend beyond 1995,and the basic version was only certified on 2002.MBB exited the project before systems like ARIS,AFCS,landing gear etc were even designed.That makes these systems fully Indian.

ALH was designed in India,with help of MBB.It was flight tested,modified entirely by HAL.Its components were tested by India as well as ground tests & Vibration tests.

So you do not agree with whats written about 'Co-development' in MoD file,and accept what is written about a glitch in the same report?....that's the height of hypocrisy... Control Saturation Warning Device is already Integrated with Dhruv ...now?

Dhruv Mk-III boasts of numerous improvements

replace ***** with bharat and article talks about

1.Mihir Sonar
2.Super Vision 2000 radar
3.Not all Dhruvs have israeli avionics

That article talks about The Indian IDS,Testing etc...

And yes,India has one of the fastest growing Aerospace Industries in the world-Indian space program is going forward with 10 tonne to LEO class launch vehicles,cryogenic & semi cryogenic engines,Mars Mission,4 tonne class communication sats,high resolution remote sensing sats&Radio Imaging sats,Reusable Launch Vehicles .....Indian Aircraft projects like LCA,LCH,LUH,Regional Transport Aircraft as well joint projects like FGFA & MRTA are going at a good pace....Indian missile program is moving forward with ICBMs,SLBMs,STMs,SAMs,BMD & AAMs...So keep that smiley for your own.....

Already in service with Indian Navy's Kamovs Ka 25


Now For your own info - SAAB provides MAWS Sensors for a Much complex,Indian Designed Multi Sensor Warning System used in Dhruv


fuel tanks, floatation equipment and related gaskets and seals for the ALH are now manufactured locally

getting owned??Oh.. please Making baseless claims in every discussion....Typical DESERT FIGHTER...

Turbofan Engine on Brahmos...!!!

Arihant is an Akula..!!!

Shaurya is just a BM...Yeah a Ballistic Missile that follows a 'non ballistic trajectory'

Chinese designed reactors,made in Pakistan ( With important components like reactor vessels,cores & pumps imported ) are Indigenous Pakistani reactors...

More Mushaks (yes he is boasting about License produced turboprop trainers) are made than HAL HT 2,HAL Marut,HAL Kiran,HAL Deepak,HAL basant etc combined !!!

MIRV is not even in drawing board for DRDO...!!

Super Mushak has more Indigenous parts than Dhruv....!!

Indian mars & moon missions depend on Russia...check out the link he gives..!!!

Indian SLVs & Missiles are Russian copies...!!

JF 17 has more Pakistani components than Arjun,LCA combined !!

IAF pilot is the only major Indian component on the MKI

All avionics & RWR of MKI are from Israel & EU

And Now he claims that LCH program is cancelled..I bet even HAL didnt know that...!!

I guess this guy is our defense minister ...he have already cancelled many of our defense projects...recently he cancelled Barak 8 program :omghaha:....And we poor Indians are integrating it with our destroyers for testing....without knowing that the project have been cancelled..!!!


For this guy Indian advancements in composite technology is a 'joke' & so is Indian made satellites for foreign countries.....Ignorance is a bliss for this guy..

let me educate him more...

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - Rotary Wing Research & Design Centre

I hope he wont say his source 'asian defence' or 'world defence blog' knows more than the manufacturer itself....

The problem with these hypocrites that they overlook Indian achievements in Indian Projects,and criticize 'foreign content' on them...While there is significant foreign content in their own projects.

They would claim ALH is a MBB ripoff,when the chopper had been designed & tested in India with foreign collaboration only in the initial phase.They would overlook Indian achievements like a composite crashworthy Airframe,Engine Co development ,AFCS & IDS & complain that gun turret (not used on all Dhruvs ), fuel tanks (already Indigenized) MAWS sensors (That are just a component of a larger Indian developed Multi Sensor Warning System which they purposefully forget ) are foreign !!!.

They would claim that LCA is a French Design,Because it is a delta wing design ( they doesnt even notice that LCA is a compound delta unlike Mirage ) & Dassualt was involved in reviewing the project definition ( Yes,just a review of pd!!!)...Our men at ADA,HAl & NAL who designed it,and tested it in windtunnels & using CFD gets no credit at all...

They are interested in claiming that 'Indian products are rippoffs of some other product',while they are the biggest operators of such ripoff products - Shaanxi ZDK-03 ( AEW&C Variant of Shaanxi Y 8,based on Antonov An 12 ),Chengdu J-7 (Chinese Mig 21 Variant ) & Harbin Z-9 (license-built Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin)

hahaha.. keep whining.. i busted your nonsense with "YOUR" sources.
. and now after a week you pop up to vomit more nonsense...

@gslv mk3 having a field day over @DESERT FIGHTER ....... :p:
That is what happens when you make baseless claims and too that in the field in which you dont have any knowledge about. :lol:

Thts what happens when you get owned and shamelessly push your BS... See the previous pages.. :rofl:
hahaha.. keep whining.. i busted your nonsense with "YOUR" sources.. and now after a week you pop up to vomit more nonsense...

Thts what happens when you get owned and shamelessly push your BS... See the previous pages.. :rofl:

Busted ?? :omghaha:Its your usual tactics...for running away when you have been proved wrong,Remember the LCA thread in which you claimed LCA is a French Design?....This was your reaction when I proved that LCA was indigenous....usual arguments of a loser

who cannot prove the BS you vomit....remember your statements?? ''JF 17 has more Pakistani components than Arjun,LCA,ALH combined'' '' ATV= Based on Akula-1 class..'' LCH cancelled program.''?? :omghaha::omghaha:

You still cant prove what is Pakistani in Super Mushak !!!:omghaha::omghaha:

And your comprehension skill are pathetic- Mistaking an Ardiden 3 for a Ardiden 1H1.....:omghaha:

Any one who reads post #109 will understand who vomits BS........!!!!


The problem with these hypocrites that they overlook Indian achievements in Indian Projects,and criticize 'foreign content' on them...While there is significant foreign content in their own projects.

They would claim ALH is a MBB ripoff,when the chopper had been designed & tested in India with foreign collaboration only in the initial phase.They would overlook Indian achievements like a composite crashworthy Airframe,Engine Co development ,AFCS & IDS & complain that gun turret (not used on all Dhruvs ), fuel tanks (already Indigenized) MAWS sensors (That are just a component of a larger Indian developed Multi Sensor Warning System which they purposefully forget ) are foreign !!!.

They would claim that LCA is a French Design,Because it is a delta wing design ( they doesnt even notice that LCA is a compound delta unlike Mirage ) & Dassualt was involved in reviewing the project definition ( Yes,just a review of pd!!!)...Our men at ADA,HAl & NAL who designed it,and tested it in windtunnels & using CFD gets no credit at all...

They are interested in claiming that 'Indian products are rippoffs of some other product',while they are the biggest operators of such ripoff products - Shaanxi ZDK-03 ( AEW&C Variant of Shaanxi Y 8,based on Antonov An 12 ),Chengdu J-7 (Chinese Mig 21 Variant ) & Harbin Z-9 (license-built Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin)
Busted ?? :omghaha:Its your usual tactics...for running away when you have been proved wrong,Remember the LCA thread in which you claimed LCA is a French Design?....This was your reaction when I proved that LCA was indigenous....usual arguments of a loser

who cannot prove the BS you vomit....remember your statements?? ''JF 17 has more Pakistani components than Arjun,LCA,ALH combined'' '' ATV= Based on Akula-1 class..'' LCH cancelled program.''?? :omghaha::omghaha:

You still cant prove what is Pakistani in Super Mushak !!!:omghaha::omghaha:

And your comprehension skill are pathetic- Mistaking an Ardiden 3 for a Ardiden 1H1.....:omghaha:

Any one who reads post #109 will understand who vomits BS........!!!!


images (1).jpg

India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon | Page 7

India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon | Page 6
Yes you are right,that's exactly what I want to say,when I saw this....:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:



with all the Ls your working on.. :lol: i thought it was your "light heli" tht got cancelled hence the typo..


Everybody is welcome view the previous pages (nos.6-7)... :lol:
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with all the Ls your working on.. :lol: i thought it was your "light heli" tht got cancelled hence the typo..


Everybody is welcome view the previous pages (nos.6-7)... :lol:

Yeah right everyone know what you understood from this page..

You quoted my links & proved me wrong ??lets see...

You quoted this source..........
Turbomeca - Ardiden

Helicopters for the class of 5-8 tons, the Ardiden has a first variant called Ardiden 1H1 ("Shakti" in India) co-developed and co-produced with HAL for the Dhruv . It offers a power of 1,400 shp. The Ardiden 3 , with a power of 1 700 2 000 shp, is dedicated to helicopters from June to August tonnes. He initially equip Chinese AC352 helicopter and Russian Ka-62.

And here comes the genius,with his comprehension skills...

LOL... French claim its their engine Ardedin AH1 .. Also going to power Russian Ka-62 and Chinese AC352 helicopters

And this is the reply to a source I quoted..

for LCH (cancelled program).

His reply about an MoD file,which contains data about Collaboration as well as indigenous development of ARIS,AFCS etc....( he thinks 'defenseblog' is more informed than Indian MoD )

MOD file.. doesnt talk about foriegn parts,help etc.. didnt bother to read it all...

His reply,after quoting another source about Mihir Sonar,Super Vision Radar

hahahaha brat rakshak bakwas.

About an other link that talks about IDS,ground testing...your reply..


Reply about SV 2000 Radar...

Kewl ma man...:D

Is it ready/operational..

Now some more jokes...
LOL/// (Super Mushak) Still more Pak parts than Dhruv..
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Yeah right everyone know what you understood from this page..

Turbomeca - Ardiden

And here comes the genius,with his comprehension skills...


Now some more jokes...



India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon | Page 4

India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon | Page 4

India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon | Page 5

India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon | Page 5

India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon | Page 6

India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon | Page 6

India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon | Page 6

India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon | Page 7

India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon | Page 7

images (2).jpg

P.S: Another eqcuadorian heli crashed.. blame it on Pak..:lol:

Yeah right everyone know what you understood from this page..

Turbomeca - Ardiden

And here comes the genius,with his comprehension skills...


Now some more jokes...

Yeah right everyone know what you understood from this page..

Turbomeca - Ardiden

And here comes the genius,with his comprehension skills...

And this is the reply to sources I quoted

His reply about an MoD file,which contains data about Collaboration as well as indigenous development of ARIS,AFCS etc....( he thinks 'defenseblog' is more informed than Indian MoD )

His reply,after quoting another source about Mihir Sonar,Super Vision Radar

About an other link that talks about IDS,ground testing...


Reply about SV 2000 Radar...

Now some more jokes...

Editing posts... grow up kiddo... u still failed..:lol:
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