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India to get mine-resistant vehicles

- Barred any private firm from even component level participation from MMRCA
What Indian companies, before 2006 provided components to the F-16, Rafale, F-18, Gripen, EFT, MiG-35? This is an absurd point, the MMRCA deal will be coming with ToT and local production that WILL involve numerous Indian companies both public and pvt on the private side these will include Samtal, Reliance, TATA etc


- Chose the CH-47 instead of Mi-26T which is highly improved and completely digital.
- Chose AH-64 instead of Mi-28N.

Since when did Russian products become Indian? Just because you have a preference for Russian products (for god knows what reasons considering how they have consistently screwed India on supply, costs and after sale support). The Ch-47F and AH-64E won their respective competitions on MERIT. To claim political considerations played a part is nothing but slander.

- DRDO fought uphill battle to induct more Arjuns despite their proven worth in the Arjun vs T-90 showdown.
It takes time for the IA to get the requisite infrastructure down for operating and maintaining a 60++ ton heavy MBT of Western design ideology when it has operated medium weight MBTs of Russian origin for decades. It's not going to happen overnight. It is now getting used to the Arjun and will be placing more orders..

- Chose to import ATGMs rather than speeding up Nag and developing its MANPAD variant.
Where is the NAG MANPADs variant? Has it even been tested? Nope, it is nowhere to be seen, the Indian Mil can't be sat around waiting for the DRDO to deliver on their promises that they have a poor record of doing.

- Chose to import IFVs instead of going at it alone despite potential and capabilities.
What IFVs has India imported in the last 2 decades?

- Chose the Hawks rather than speeding up IJT-36.
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about- the Hawk is an ADVANCED Jet Trainer, the HJT-36 is an IJT, whilst the Hawk can do all the training the IJT can do the HJT-36 cannot do all the training an AJT can- they are different beasts.

And you seem to think by will alone these projects can be "sped up" it doesn't work like that, the IAF is still waiting for the LCA and if it waited any longer for the HTT-40 it wouldn't have a pilot cadre who knew how to fly a basic prop trainer!

- Sat and ruined Bofors technology for 25 years despite sitting on full ToT by Sweden. Now planning to import again.
The IA requires 3 different types of arty- MGS, towed, ULH all of 155mm calibre. The ToT of the FH77 is of little aid in meeting these requirements.

It would be nice if we could replace the engine of these MRAPs with our desi engines after a few years n extend their life n reduce maintenance cost.:)
Indeed that would be good, maybe TATA can come up with something? But tbh the Indian automotive industry is lacking on the engine design and production front especially on the HGV side of things. These US MRAPs will be powered by massive engines and to date I don't know what "desi" company could offer a suitable replacement.
TATA provides excellent systems but instead we will be using imported material again.
TATA has some nice PROTOTYPES yes I agree. Their MPV in service with the CRPF offers nowhere near the level of protection a these US MRAPs and the LAMV they have shown that looks great is years away from entering service. The CAPFs need these vehicles yesterday.

Let's not delude ourselves, there are things that Indian companies just aren't producing to date and India MUST look abroad otherwise critical gaps will emerge in the security apparatus.

And I'm sick of people ranting and raving against importing this and that- if an Indian company was producing better it would have been ordered.


but I want to point out one of the flaw.CRPF stopped using MPV as it was easy target and they preferred walk over these MPVs.don't know about MRAP's true capability,but Jungle Warfare is better done by foot than these vehicles.Maoists regularly targets CRPF's Bulletproof and Mine Protection Vehicles.
These MRAPs offer many times more protection than those sh!tty OFB MPVs. With the introduction of these MRAPs the CRPF will be able to change their tactics and push into enemy/dangerous territory with little fear of being blown to pieces as they would have to be concerned about in the OFB's MPV.

The Buffolo and Couger MRAPs truly are a class apart from the OFB MPVs currently in service:



+ @Tshering22 surely you want the CAPFs out there putting their a$$es on the line to have the best possible protection, or you think they'll prefer something that has less protection but at least has an Indian manufacturers badge on it?

MRAP Saves Lives in Afghanistan : Great History
Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle Mrap Saves Lives - Video17.in
MRAP: Plenty of AC, saves lives, too
Pragmatism. A few bonuses these US MRAPs offer. Number 1- price. They will be sold to India dirt cheap, we are talking less than 1/20th of the showroom price with still plenty of life left in then. S.Korea bought 2000 of these $2 million dollar for around $80,000 apiece.

Number 2- almost instant delivery of a proven machine that does exactly what you need. There is clearly a demand for such Machines in the fight agaisnt the Naxals as has been proven. Even in Dantawala where 76 CRPF personnel died hey were travelling in the OFB MRAPs and those backward things did little to protect their occupants. These US MRAPs are state of the art and will perform exceptionally well have no doubt.

Yes there are Indian offerings but the trouble is they would have to pass intensive user trails in order to be cleared for service with the CAPFs this would take more than a year and that's a year gifted to the enemy.

With these US MRAPs the CAPFs can take the fight to the enemy with little to worry about they can go deep in enemy terrain and be confident they'll come out unscathed with these MRAPs.

These US MRAPs truly are the best machines available on the market no matter what Indian companies will say.

Very sensible decision by the GoI and I am very happy to see them doing something as pragmatic as this.

This will only aid the fight against the Naxal scum.
With all due respect,

1.Cost- I agree these vehicles will be cheap when compared to new ones,but they are used ones and needs to be transported from Afghanistan,a land locked country. So the vehicles probably will have to go through Pakistan,which has added complications when it comes to India.

Also (2) Spare parts,these vehicles have nothing in common with what we have right now. Spare parts and servicing know how is zero. Any spares we need ,we'll have to cannibalise or buy from them.

3.Our we already have multiple MPVs in production in the country.And,as a police officer quoted,the casualties in our forces despite riding in MPVs is that most of them don't strap down.

How much kg of explosives these vehicles survive?I can't find any info on that. OFB ones can survive 14kgs I guess.

IMO,its a wrong decision,and possibly a scam in the making.Though I'll be happy to be proven wrong!

The Buffolo and Couger MRAPs truly are a class apart from the OFB MPVs currently in service:



+ @Tshering22 surely you want the CAPFs out there putting their a$$es on the line to have the best possible protection, or you think they'll prefer something that has less protection but at least has an Indian manufacturers badge on it?

MRAP Saves Lives in Afghanistan : Great History
Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle Mrap Saves Lives - Video17.in
MRAP: Plenty of AC, saves lives, too
how about Typhoon MRAP ? ( both USA and Russian types)
how about Typhoon MRAP ? ( both USA and Russian types)
Irrelevant to this discussion pal. I am only referring to the MRAP types the US has in service in Afghanistan and the GoI is in talks to procure.
Good Good, India has decided to go for junks instead of new one LOL Does India know that those are not in working condition, they need some repairments ? LOL
Indian companies do have devloped there own products and as some posters have pointed out CRPF uses them but what we will get form America will be dirt cheap or free so i think its a good deal.Nothing has been finalised yet by the way.
I Wonder, why the MoD didn't decide to buy them earlier, IEDs are not new, they are happening since long time and jawans loosing their lives. So why now? Why didn't MoD think about it earlier? By now, TATA's and Mahindra's would've completed tests and would've been awaiting for admission. And from a thread on PDF i've come to know that US is giving those MRAPs to Pakistan. So i think MoD should now consider TATAs and Mahindra's MPVs.

Indian companies do have devloped there own products and as some posters have pointed out CRPF uses them
Which one bro? :woot: i didn't know that.
Indian companies do have devlope there own products and as some posters have pointed out CRPF uses them but what we will get form America will de dirt cheap or free so i think its a good deal.Nothing has been finalised yet by the way.
i think India is very good in producing MRAP, should go for them and these will be not be cheap, after buyhing them you will have to repair them.
i think India is very good in producing MRAP, should go for them and these will be not be cheap, after buyhing them you will have to repair them.
Yeah but atleast 20 countries are in competition so let us wait and see what happens and i dont know what type of spares do you need for a MRAP.
Which one bro? :woot: i didn't know that.
Read Griffin's and Abingdonboy's post.
i think India is very good in producing MRAP, should go for them and these will be not be cheap, after buyhing them you will have to repair them.
Dude, those are State of the art vehicles and upon all we'll get them at a fraction of it's original price. Why leave such a huge opportunity?
Dude, those are State of the art vehicles and upon all we'll get them at a fraction of it's original price. Why leave such a huge opportunity?
because those are not in operational condition
Who told you that? Had it been so, why US force in afghan would've been using that?
it has already been reported and there are many threads on this issue in this forum. US force used them, they got damage and now they want to sell in 2nd hand to others because US does not see any point of taking them back which will be costly.
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