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India to get mine-resistant vehicles

Nobody is paying for any left over American stuff in the first place.
India will pay for it, if we want it. We don't expect to get things on dole, like certain other countries.

So rest assured, we will not "steal" the stuff, which is the term you used so ignorantly.
Yeah well, it'd be interesting to see what Afghanistan has to say about this. But its dead against giving these military equipments to Pakistan. Just read an hour ago:

Quote from an article: The Afghan Senate described the decision a “breach of agreement in the war on terror and if the US is honest to its promises in the war on terror it should avoid giving weapons to a country which supports terrorism and is involved in shedding bloods of the Afghans, Americans and other nations,” the Afghan official Bakhtar news agency reported.
(Source: Surplus armour: US says not handing over military gear to Pakistan – The Express Tribune)

I definitely didn't see that coming!
their main claim was that these r the weapons which should be given to only ANA for better future of their country then anyone else...........Keeping in view this now lets see how afghan gov sees this.
their main claim was that these r the weapons which should be given to only ANA for better future of their country then anyone else...........Keeping in view this now lets see how afghan gov sees this.
Their main worry was about this going to the patrons of the taliban terrorists.
actually,they do have crude rocket launchers,which may be not as powerful as RPG-7,but still do their job.plus,they do attacked Police using this.

Downed chopper: Police say Maoists making propellers, rocket launchers - Indian Express

probably Side Mesh could hold them off.Me too want these MRAP into Indian Service.but I want to study their shortcomings.thats all.
These "rockets" of the Naxals are crude at best and you don't see the kind of proliferation of RPGs in the Red States as you will see in Afghanistan, Pakistan or Iraq.

The Slat armour on the US MRAPs will be more than enough to counter these but in all honesty the likelihood of Naxals using such weapons against armoured CAPF convoys is so low it's hard to justify the weight penalty of such added armour on day to day operations. Have such armour around just in case there is credible intel that such weapons will be used but don't have it fitted to the entire fleet.

Nobody is paying for any left over American stuff in the first place.
India is (for these MRAPs) as is S.Korea who got similar (previous generation ) MRAPs from the US after it pulled out from Iraq. Neither of these nations are recipients of US Military aid.
their main claim was that these r the weapons which should be given to only ANA for better future of their country then anyone else...........Keeping in view this now lets see how afghan gov sees this.
The ANA is in no position to operate such sophisticated vehicles, they don't have the logistics, the resources or the trained manpower to support them. It's just not a feasible solution to leave them in the hands of the ANA.

Better make a buck off such kit and give it to allies who are willing to pay- India, S.Korea, Japan etc...
India will pay for it, if we want it. We don't expect to get things on dole, like certain other countries.

So rest assured, we will not "steal" the stuff, which is the term you used so ignorantly.
as by article u r interested in left over equipment's mine resisting vehicles.

The ANA is in no position to operate such sophisticated vehicles, they don't have the logistics, the resources or the trained manpower to support them. It's just not a feasible solution to leave them in the hands of the ANA.

Better make a buck off such kit and give it to allies who are willing to pay- India, S.Korea, Japan etc...
tell that to afghans then.
as by article u r interested in left over equipment's mine resisting vehicles.

tell that to afghans then.
And India is going to be PAYING for such equipment with CASH- clear?

And it's not "left over" many of these vehicles will be barely 3 years old and at most 6 years old, they still have a LOT of life left in them. It is just the logistics of sending such beasts back to the US mainland make it simply uneconomical but to make out these are redundant or aged machines is very far from the truth.
US Proposal to transfer MRAPs to Pakistan Exposes Kabul Rift

here is better article which is quoting their official with name.
Did you read that article? It only proves my point and disproves yours. Here is an extract:

Afghan media and some lawmakers have gone on to demand the U.S. immediately suspend any such talks with Pakistan, accusing Islamabad of sponsoring terrorism in their country.

Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Tasnim Aslam, says Afghan criticism is uncalled for, because of the steep sacrifices that Pakistan has made in fighting terrorism.

“Over 40,000 of our nationals including members of the security forces have rendered ultimate sacrifice in the fight against terrorism," she noted. "Any attempt to depict Pakistan as other than a victim of terrorism is a travesty and we completely reject it. It is disconcerting that such injurious statements are being made at a time when sincere efforts are under way to turn a new page in the bilateral relations with Afghanistan.”

Clearly shows that they were upset at the rumours of military tech going to the sponsors of talibani terrorists.

as by article u r interested in left over equipment's mine resisting vehicles.

Interested in buying, not bakshish.
tell that to afghans then.
Who needs to tell this to them? Who are they to dictate business transactions between 2 other nations? They are foolish at best to have assumed that the US would leave such high-end gear in their hands when their army is barely a decade old and combating illiteracy amongst other serious issues.
And India is going to be PAYING for such equipment with CASH- clear?

And it's not "left over" many of these vehicles will be barely 3 years old and at most 6 years old, they still have a LOT of life left in them. It is just the logistics of sending such beasts back to the US mainland make it simply uneconomical but to make out these are redundant or aged machines is very far from the truth.
read the thread again carefully.

Did you read that article? It only proves my point and disproves yours. Here is an extract:

Clearly shows that they were upset at the rumours of military tech going to the sponsors of talibani terrorists.

Interested in buying, not bakshish.
''Presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi says his country will strongly oppose any move to deliver the military hardware to Pakistan. He says Kabul was expecting coalition forces to leave it for the Afghan security forces.''

here is the official with official statement and name. Its this source who is trying to portray it in Pak- Afghan terrorism thingy.

Who needs to tell this to them? Who are they to dictate business transactions between 2 other nations? They are foolish at best to have assumed that the US would leave such high-end gear in their hands when their army is barely a decade old and combating illiteracy amongst other serious issues.
''Presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi says his country will strongly oppose any move to deliver the military hardware to Pakistan.He says Kabul was expecting coalition forces to leave it for the Afghan security forces.''

What can i say these low lifers r like that.......Have a look at above statement.
''Presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi says his country will strongly oppose any move to deliver the military hardware to Pakistan.He says Kabul was expecting coalition forces to leave it for the Afghan security forces.''

What can i say these low lifers r like that.......Have a look at above statement.
Well they were wrong to assume weren't they? And i wonder if this response from them has more to do with the Af-Pak relations than anything else. I doubt the Afghans will have the same complaints or at least will voice the same complaints about such a sale to India.
''Presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi says his country will strongly oppose any move to deliver the military hardware to Pakistan. He says Kabul was expecting coalition forces to leave it for the Afghan security forces.''

here is the official with official statement and name. Its this source who is trying to portray it in Pak- Afghan terrorism thingy.
Don't you realize that it can be BOTH? That they would like to keep it for themselves, AND that they don't want Pakistan getting it? Both those sentiments are expressed in the very article you quoted, in response to which your foreign ministry's spokeswoman had to cry about Pakistan being committed to fighting terrorism, "unfair accusation that Pak causes terrorism" and so on.

As far as the afghans are concerned, the best possible thing to happen is them being allowed to keep it. Can't blame them for wanting that. But failing that, their next best option is to not let these equipment go to the patrons of their enemies - ie, Pakistan. If it's a choice between giving to Pak and selling to India, Afghans would much rather have these sold to India, rather than being given to the country that sponsors the terrorists who make their country a hell.
Don't you realize that it can be BOTH? That they would like to keep it for themselves, AND that they don't want Pakistan getting it? Both those sentiments are expressed in the very article you quoted, in response to which your foreign ministry's spokeswoman had to cry about Pakistan being committed to fighting terrorism, "unfair accusation that Pak causes terrorism" and so on.

As far as the afghans are concerned, the best possible thing to happen is i they can keep it. Can't blame them. But failing that, the next best option is to not let these equipment go to the patrons of their enemies - ie, Pakistan. If it's a choice between giving to Pak and selling to India, Afghans would much rather have these sold to India, rather than the country that sponsors the terrorists who make their country a hell.
LOL the afghan terrorism in Pakistan is more then whatever we did........ So keep that in mind. But this proves my point in contrast to the Kabul President's spokesman's statement. U r basically shooting in the air here with no concrete argument.
LOL the afghan terrorism in Pakistan is more then whatever we did........ So keep that in mind. But this proves my point in contrast to the Kabul President's spokesman's statement. U r basically shooting in the air here with no concrete argument.
No, you are. It's perfectly clear from all articles that Agh is wary about these things going to Pakistan, since Pakistanis sponsor and support the talib terrorists. It is even mentioned in the article you quoted.
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