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India to Deploy Massive Tank Army Along Border With Pakistan

Do you think India is trying to start war with Pakistan?

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Just like your men in 1962 against the Chinese, why didn't they bravely fight to the death?

1962 Indian Army General quote.
. .
Haha..if you really believe in what you type may i ask you how do you think our threats are empty?

Its already in place if we are involved in breaking you into pieces

You threats are for public consumption! Thats all it is, empty rhetoric! Missing the tattas to carry them through.

We already know that you are trying to break us up, albeit all your efforts are falling flat on their face. We are moving ahead while you fume and bitch about it.
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We dont need to sniff..we know what we are dealing with...an army which is good for nothing and can only overthrow civilian governments.

Have a army half the size of Indian army and believe in 1 mard e momin is equal to 10 hindu but piss in their pants when they hear the word cold start..an army which is worth only masterminding mumbai attacks but doesnt last in battlefields.

There's nothing more humorous than watching an Indian boxing above his weight.
Your one of the largest army in the world is so pathetic that to fight it either needs the help of rag tags Muktis or simply some one like US and Israel to save it's sorry a$$.....call centres may have given you Indians a gift of gab but reality is that to fight on your own you feel vulnerable as a female on Delhi transport.....jokers who blame even a derailment on ISI talk about something like a cold start. First try to give your soldiers a decent meal before talking about war cos last time your army lost it's appetite to play Hanuman.

Indian army 'backed out' of Pakistan attack

Pakistan military advanced ??????????????

Are you sure ?????

Air force is obsolete bar F16s

Old Navy bar 3 Agosta subs

very modest tank fleet mostly lightweight old chinease tanks nd old USA pattons

Which is why Pakistan tested a SLCM recently when everyone scoffed at and ridiculed the idea just a day before.
Your generals are cowards who just surrender.

Regarding looking professional..Pakistani troops in the photo are Military Police and Indian ones are Infantrymen.

I hope you know basics about Army and berets of your own Army.

And the Indian Army picture is 10 years older than Pak Army photo which buys uniform from money given by US Army.

And your Generals are so brave they know how to sell their soldiers rations to locals and earn awards on fake encounters.
You should have thought of that before posting, either way, compare the soldiers to your hearts content.
We even buy bullets with US money since Indians aren't worth our hard earn cash.
And your Generals are so brave they know how to sell their soldiers rations to locals and earn awards on fake encounters.
You should have thought of that before posting, either way, compare the soldiers to your hearts content.
We even buy bullets with US money since Indians aren't worth our hard earn cash.
Atleast they dont sell and buy plots or over throw the civilian government.

They captured nearly 4,000 of your men. Show me as many photos as you want, here is the video of your men surrendering.

Yes it is a bit trollish, but shows your men giving up. You shouldn't be rambling on about the cowardice of surrender.
Soldiers of every country surrender but i am talking of the surrender orders being issued by the Army Hq.
Which is why Pakistan tested a SLCM recently when everyone scoffed at and ridiculed the idea just a day before.

And when you accomplished something, they will doubt you and call it fake. The reason is because Indians like to make up things after setbacks. For example, Indians like to point out this one military victory in 1967 over China that they made up that supposedly compensated for their 1962 embarrassment. They even modified the articles gradually until one person pointed out that it's a phony story in Wikipedia. Sad Indians.

Atleast they dont sell and buy plots or over throw the civilian government.

Soldiers of every country surrender but i am talking of the surrender orders being issued by the Army Hq.

Does it matter who order the surrender? Maybe there is a reason behind it.
There's nothing more humorous than watching an Indian boxing above his weight.
Your one of the largest army in the world is so pathetic that to fight it either needs the help of rag tags Muktis or simply some one like US and Israel to save it's sorry a$$.....call centres may have given you Indians a gift of gab but reality is that to fight on your own you feel vulnerable as a female on Delhi transport.....jokers who blame even a derailment on ISI talk about something like a cold start. First try to give your soldiers a decent meal before talking about war cos last time your army lost it's appetite to play Hanuman.

Indian army 'backed out' of Pakistan attack

Stupid link to prove something i dont understand.

And even if they complaint about arsenal atleast they are not begging to a foreign nation for it.

Half of your country has been lost by your brave Army..i hope the other half survives the next 50 years

And when you accomplished something, they will doubt you and call it fake. The reason is because Indians like to make up things after setbacks. For example, Indians like to point out this one military victory in 1967 over China that they made up that supposedly compensated for their 1962 embarrassment. They even modified the articles gradually until one person pointed out that it's a phony story in Wikipedia. Sad Indians.

Does it matter who order the surrender? Maybe there is a reason behind it.
Surrender by a soldier is no big deal even the US Army soldiers surrendered in Iraq.

But when the order comes from higher ups it shows the morale of the Army.
India need to stop bullying its neighbors. Gandhi would rather be under colonial rule if he sees what India has become. A second hand imperialist.
So India has been bullying China all along and there CCP is staring with its jaw open? Mao would currently rolling in his grave and would have probably preferred Imperial Japanese rule of China given their martial tradiation

And when you accomplished something, they will doubt you and call it fake. The reason is because Indians like to make up things after setbacks. For example, Indians like to point out this one military victory in 1967 over China that they made up that supposedly compensated for their 1962 embarrassment. They even modified the articles gradually until one person pointed out that it's a phony story in Wikipedia. Sad Indians.Does it matter who order the surrender? Maybe there is a reason behind it.

We Indians even have edited wikipedia to show CPC stood by castrated when India integrated Sikkim a region claimed by Chinese as their territory in 1975, when in reality China humiliated India and consolidated its presence in Sikkim
And when you accomplished something, they will doubt you and call it fake. The reason is because Indians like to make up things after setbacks. For example, Indians like to point out this one military victory in 1967 over China that they made up that supposedly compensated for their 1962 embarrassment. They even modified the articles gradually until one person pointed out that it's a phony story in Wikipedia. Sad Indians.

Does it matter who order the surrender? Maybe there is a reason behind it.

I know about THEIR nature very well! Can't say too much as I have just come back from a ban 8-)
I know about THEIR nature very well! Can't say too much as I have just come back from a ban 8-)
Kardeshim!! This Hesap was permanently closed by Rahmetli Zia-ul Hak 30 years ago!!! You Pak folks want to take away the Dunya of these Ehl-i Dunya. The primary objective in their lives is to hoard wealth, and take great satisfaction and pride in it. But, you want to play with it. How dare you have come up with such sinister plans!!! No wonder, when asked to President Obama - What makes him wake up at the middle of the night sweating - El Jevap was "Pak". As for President Trump, he's no loser; as such, he has many exciting ways to keep his nights short!!!!!?!!?
Doctrine are design and art of the war, changes time to time however, the referred cold doctrine was turned into Cold-Feet-Start=Doctrine that you may remember how the preparations etc were done on urgent basis but it was the same Tactical N that countered it way before start however, recently India admitted that it existed so we will make sure, the same may remain on paper. These threats are old ones but repeated time to time by NaMO & Co.

Same old line Pakistan did this, terrorism, supporting actors etc as the same are repeated thousand times by Indian Media and NaMO since joined the office. Not to divert the topic, read about Pakistan war on terrorism, the losses of innocent lives and our advancing victory in the same. What Indian war with terrorism are you referring here, except the atrocities in Kashmir and I am sure the same is the point of you but they are fighting for their freedom and right of determination. Pakistan's war on terrorism is widely/globally accepted, appreciated and supported by many and on other hand, who says IA is fighting the terrorism in IoK except your own media and GoI. Lastly it was UN seeking access to the IoK to check human rights violation which was denied by the India. The terrorism you referred, is actually blames and are not proven and Pakistan is supporting the Kashmir Cause. At-least avoid listening too much to India Media and these Arnab like lines as Pakistan started, Pakistan did, Pakistan doing etc while on other hand, you do not see who has been threatening every now & then.

You need to research more in order to how to submit a fair analysis. What you wrote is not worth a debate.
Atleast they dont sell and buy plots or over throw the civilian government.

Soldiers of every country surrender but i am talking of the surrender orders being issued by the Army Hq.
No your officers just sell and profit off the rations meant for soldiers
We dont need to sniff..we know what we are dealing with...an army which is good for nothing and can only overthrow civilian governments.

Have a army half the size of Indian army and believe in 1 mard e momin is equal to 10 hindu but piss in their pants when they hear the word cold start..an army which is worth only masterminding mumbai attacks but doesnt last in battlefields.

Well you definitely know what you are dealing that is why you have been reduced to verbal and empty threats. Being half the size of Indian army it has already forced Indian army back to empty threats or at best dramas like surgical strikes of Sep 29.

Few posts before you were boosting about using terrorists to thin out Pakistani army even though it is half the size of the joke you call as Indian army and now you are whining about Mumbai attacks. What happened? Didn't like Pakistan using terrorists" Didn't like taste of your own medicine? Anyways right now my army is overthrowing any civilian government but forcing ever enemy to empty threats and verbal diarrhea. That is fine for me. :)

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