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India to decide response after Pakistan attack

NEW DELHI (AFP) - India was to decide its response Wednesday after accusing
Pakistan of killing two of its soldiers and mutilating one of the bodies along the
tense border between the nuclear-armed neighbours. Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid said India would deliver a "proportionate
response" to the "ghastly" killings in Kashmir on Tuesday which he said were
designed to sabotage an already fragile peace process. The Pakistani military meanwhile rejected what it called Indian "propaganda" that
it said was aimed at diverting attention after a cross-border exchange at the
weekend in which a Pakistani soldier was killed. The two Indian soldiers died after a firefight broke out around noon as a patrol
moving in foggy conditions discovered Pakistani troops about half a kilometre
(1,600 feet) inside Indian territory, an army spokesman said. A ceasefire has been in place along the Line of Control that divides the countries
since 2003, but it is periodically violated by both sides. "There was a firefight with Pakistani troops," army spokesman Rajesh Kalia told
AFP from the mountainous Himalayan region, confirming the names of the men as
sergeants Hemraj Singh and Sudhakar Singh. "We lost two soldiers and one of them has been badly mutilated," he added,
declining to give more details on the injuries. "The intruders were regular (Pakistani) soldiers and they were 400-500 metres
(1,300-1,600 feet) inside our territory," he said of the clash in Mendhar sector, 173
kilometres (107 miles) west by road from the city of Jammu. Indian reports and a military source speaking to AFP indicated that the mutilated
soldier may have been decapitated, but further investigations and a post-mortem
were required to confirm this. Speaking on Indian television late Tuesday, Khurshid described the killings as
"inhuman" and "not the way civilised people deal with each other". "We need to do something about this and we will, but it has to be done after
careful consideration of all the details in consultation with the defence ministry,"
Khurshid told the NDTV news channel. "What will be done, in which manner, is something we will take a call on
tomorrow." Khurshid. "It is absolutely unacceptable, ghastly, and really, really terrible and extremely
short-sighted by their part," he added, promising that the response would be
"proportionate". "This seems like a clear attempt to derail the dialogue," he added. "We have to find
ways in which the dialogue is not sabotaged or destroyed." Relations between the neighbours had been slowly improving over the last few
years following a rupture in their slow-moving peace process after the 2008
attacks on Mumbai, which were blamed by India on Pakistan-based militants. In Islamabad, a Pakistan military spokesman denied what he called an "Indian
allegation of unprovoked firing", calling the Indian account "propaganda to divert
the attention of the world from Sunday's raid on a Pakistani post". Pakistan's army says Indian troops crossed the Line of Control on Sunday and
stormed a military post in an attack that left one Pakistani soldier dead and another
injured. It lodged a formal protest with India on Monday. India denied crossing the line, but a foreign ministry spokesman said Indian troops
had undertaken "controlled retaliation" on Sunday after "unprovoked firing" that
damaged a civilian home. The deaths deal a serious blow to efforts to ease tension in South Asia and
improve diplomatic relations. Steps such as opening up trade and offering more
lenient visa regimes have been a feature of recent high-level talks. Muslim-majority Kashmir is a Himalayan region that India and Pakistan both claim
in full but rule in part. It was the cause of two of three wars between the
neighbours since independence from Britain in 1947. The last major escalation in Kashmir occurred in 1999 in fighting that claimed the
lives of more than 1,000 combatants on both sides after India accused Pakistani
militants and troops of occupying strategic Indian peaks. The last major mobilisation of Indian troops to its border with Pakistan took place
in 2001 after an attack on the national parliament in New Delhi by five Islamic
So Indians got the reply if you ever dare to attack us again and think you will get away with than remember you are not USA we will hit back and hit back really very hard so never mess with us again and Salute to the Lions of Pakistan Army great job boys keep it up ALLAH O AKBAR
KRAIT jee you like to take a moral high ground but here you keep on insisting on using TTP, a declared terrorist outfit! Like I said before I will believe PA's word on what happened and you'll go for IA's version. IA and Indian media has lied before blaming mutilations when there was no such thing (in Kargil). Indian media also kept on blaming ISI for Samjhoota express - their credibility is zilch when it comes to pk.
Question remains why IA initiated this whole sordid affair.
Yeah, we have every reason to do so you know why, its fair in love and war as said by Razpak. You helped in Kashmir militancy, we helped proxies against you.

Have yoiu forgotten when Pakistani govt. said that no Pakistani is involved 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

You all bring Samjhota Express but never se you have attacked through terrorists multiple times. We at least jailed the accused, HS is roaming free.

And IA didn't initiated any affair. We already said that the previous engagement was due to PA shelling in Uri district which resulted in death of a pregnant woman on Indian side and one Pakistani soldier on your side.

Issue here is beheading and mutilation of dead soldier's body.
Yeah, we have every reason to do so you know why, its fair in love and war as said by Razpak. You helped in Kashmir militancy, we helped proxies against you.

Have yoiu forgotten when Pakistani govt. said that no Pakistani is involved 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

You all bring Samjhota Express but never se you have attacked through terrorists multiple times. We at least jailed the accused, HS is roaming free.

And IA didn't initiated any affair. We already said that the previous engagement was due to PA shelling in Uri district which resulted in death of a pregnant woman on Indian side and one Pakistani soldier on your side.

Issue here is beheading and mutilation of dead soldier's body.

Nope issue is border conflict started by IA. On mutilation you are not willing to accept PA's version and I am not willing to accept IA's version.

Secondly Indian media has lied earlier both in case of Samjhoota and Kargil mutilations, it is unreliable.
Bl00dy lame duck government, always taking crap from Pakistan. Aman ki Asha, my left eye! As Krait mentioned, it's Aman ki Tamasha!

Severing heads seems to have become a fashion there, seeing the TTP indulging in this vile practice too!
Nope issue is border conflict started by IA. On mutilation you are not willing to accept PA's version and I am not willing to accept IA's version.
Secondly Indian media has lied earlier both in case of Samjhoota and Kargil mutilations, it is unreliable.
Fine, don't accept it. Keep on enjoying and partying. I don't care.
Sir now you want to give response you shouldn't have attacked our post first time if you will attack us we will respond with all the weapons we have and what ever we have
Yeah, we have every reason to do so you know why, its fair in love and war as said by Razpak. You helped in Kashmir militancy, we helped proxies against you.

Have yoiu forgotten when Pakistani govt. said that no Pakistani is involved 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

You all bring Samjhota Express but never se you have attacked through terrorists multiple times. We at least jailed the accused, HS is roaming free.

And IA didn't initiated any affair. We already said that the previous engagement was due to PA shelling in Uri district which resulted in death of a pregnant woman on Indian side and one Pakistani soldier on your side.

Issue here is beheading and mutilation of dead soldier's body.

I thought nobody takes me seriously Krait?

Poor Indians. They will probably shoot some Bangladeshi civilians on their eastern front to regain some self esteem.

Oh, you can bet on that. They have indian puppets in power so it's safe for them to murder civilians on our side of the border.
Oh, you can bet on that. They have indian puppets in power so it's safe for them to murder civilian on our side of the border.

You guys should respond to the Indians like we do.

They only understand the language of force.
Nothing will happen. Spineless govt. can't protect women in national capital can't be expected to protect our nation.

GOI's Response: Invite Pakistan team for another series. Aman ka Tamasha.

At least Pakistan Army has support of its people, Indian Army hasn't got this.

Your conclusion is quite logical.
If India did not have balls, Bangladesh would never have been born dear :lol:

And you would have Kashmir .

Former happened , latter didn't.

Now go to sleep

There's plenty of time left, so don't be so impatient. Something will definitely happen and sooner than most of us can even imagine, so don't count the chickens so early.
in other news :lol:
Roundtable moot on Pak-India trade cooperation tomorrow | The Nation

Pakistan has big leverage on trade grounds,Fascilitating India Afghan,Iran trade,gas pipeline and such.
Pakistan has in a way created against India,the 'silicon sheild' of Taiwan against china.

What a pipedream...... India Iran trade doesn't depend on pakistan, sea lanes are always open. Apart from that as far as IPI is concerned building an marine pipeline, hopefully will gather steam to bypass pakistan completely. In turn we can completely abandon TAPI.

as far as shield against India, there doesn't need to be one, especially with an economy like india which is quite capable of surviving on it's huge internal market. Exports do help garner profits, but that doesn't mean we should drive it leverage security interests especially vis-a-vis pakistan which has consolidated its position on every avenue to hurt Indian interests and sentiments.

So Indians got the reply if you ever dare to attack us again and think you will get away with than remember you are not USA we will hit back and hit back really very hard so never mess with us again and Salute to the Lions of Pakistan Army great job boys keep it up ALLAH O AKBAR
This sums up the cause of the attacks by PA and on a broader spectrum the entire asymmetric war-machinery of pakistan against India. the root cause lies in the political impotency often termed as "patience" of India.

We need to to take a page out of Israels book!
KRAIT jee you like to take a moral high ground but here you keep on insisting on using TTP, a declared terrorist outfit! Like I said before I will believe PA's word on what happened and you'll go for IA's version. IA and Indian media has lied before blaming mutilations when there was no such thing (in Kargil). Indian media also kept on blaming ISI for Samjhoota express - their credibility is zilch when it comes to pk.

Question remains why IA initiated this whole sordid affair.

As far a samjotha express is concerned all investigations were done by india, hence the credibility remains intact. As far as credibility of ISPR/PA is concerned, we all know the face value of that. Hence in this particular case, media will raise its voices, there will be protests, and as always indian parliament will keep hibernating. Pak 1 Ind 0... mutilations/beheading will go unpunished as in the past.
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