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India to catch up with China? Stop deluding yourselves!

U have zero knowledge of transport.
Pls do not comment on sth you don't know.

We have new expressways planned between some major cities. The highest length I've heard is 1000Km.

But we need regular highways first. This project will be of the highest priority obviously.

Don't forget that we are a democracy. That means govt have to focus a lot on short term plans because they will come up for reelection in 5 years.

Work during the current fiscal is estimated to cross 6,000 km, surpassing the previous best — 5,700 km completed in 2012-13 during UPA-II.

And our national highways are pretty good. Although illegal, we do a comfortable 120-140 and top speed of 160Kmph in cars without problems. If I could I would have gone faster, but that's the limit of the car.

This is an image from my phone.

Also, unlike in China, where the CCP can acquire and demolish whatever they want, that's not the case in India. So if we need straight expressways, acquiring land isn't easy. Construction starts after land is acquired, which leads to delays. And all these projects are cleared only after an environmental impact study is done.

You call this better resources? If so, just how shockingly poor is India's countryside?



These people are some of the richest land owners in India.
We have new expressways planned between some major cities. The highest length I've heard is 1000Km.

But we need regular highways first. This project will be of the highest priority obviously.

Don't forget that we are a democracy. That means govt have to focus a lot on short term plans because they will come up for reelection in 5 years.


And our national highways are pretty good. Although illegal, we do a comfortable 120-140 and top speed of 160Kmph in cars without problems. If I could I would have gone faster, but that's the limit of the car.

This is an image from my phone.

Also, unlike in China, where the CCP can acquire and demolish whatever they want, that's not the case in India. So if we need straight expressways, acquiring land isn't easy. Construction starts after land is acquired, which leads to delays. And all these projects are cleared only after an environmental impact study is done.

These people are some of the richest land owners in India.

Slum dwellers don't actually own the land on which their shacks are built, don't you even know your own country?

Jesus, the stupid is extra strong with you today.
Now Take a look at the Geographical map of the two countries and see how difficult it is to build infrastructure in a mountainous terrain like India. Do you see the same problem in China ?
This is the most ridiculous claim I've read today....
I'm not sure you r really a new member or one of those banned RSS members.

Let me use your map.
Red circle is the location of China's poorest province, Guizhou.
Do you know this province has 5000+km expressway and another 5000km to build (india has around 2000km) and nearly ALL world's highest bridges?




The highest bridge in the world
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Slum dwellers don't actually own the land on which their shacks are built, don't you even know your own country?

Jesus, the stupid is extra strong with you today.

Its called the Law of adverse possession. So yes, they do own that land. Legally.
I never claimed education is the panacea to all ills.

A certain Population density is required to gain critical mass so that basic infrastructure can penetrate their home and deliver last mile service. That along with a minimum economic baseline and obvious political will.

Which is why I said that people needs to AFFORD, Even Affordable healthcare.

Healthcare should ideally be free. The govt will be launching a universal healthcare program in a few years.


This has nothing to do with education.

You are spinning your ideal world our of a theoretical idea of life like the students of JNU.

First take a look at the population density map of India and China and then see how population density makes it easier to build cities and provide basic facilities and last mile connectivity.


Urbanisation occurs only in the presence of a water body. large River or Sea / Ocean.

Now Take a look at the Geographical map of the two countries and see how difficult it is to build infrastructure in a mountainous terrain like India. Do you see the same problem in China ?

This is India,


This is China.


Do you see the difference ? I am done trying to educate you. Your problem is ignorance combined with arrogance. Perfect candidate for pdf.

Nice work getting personal. Shows you are yet to mature.

Anyway, your arguments are a series of fails. The highest water concentration in India is in the Indo-Gangetic plains. Which is where most of the population is located also, shows in the population density map. And this area with abundance of fresh water and high pop density is also the least developed in India. Not to mention, as the term suggests, the Indo-Gangetic 'plains' are in the 'plains'.

The area with the highest HDI and good governance is South India. The entirety of South India is on a plateau or enclosed within large hills, for example, the 3rd largest and richest city in India, Bangalore, is 888m above sea level. And at the same time the South has a lower pop density than the North. And South India is also the place where there is least amount of fresh water. Not to mention, South India has only one major port, which doesn't supply to the North at all, so being close to the ocean has not particularly helped, especially when the biggest population centers are enclosed within the ghats.

I would recommend getting better educated in such matters, right after you learn a bit of humility.
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We have new expressways planned between some major cities. The highest length I've heard is 1000Km.

But we need regular highways first. This project will be of the highest priority obviously.

Don't forget that we are a democracy. That means govt have to focus a lot on short term plans because they will come up for reelection in 5 years.


And our national highways are pretty good. Although illegal, we do a comfortable 120-140 and top speed of 160Kmph in cars without problems. If I could I would have gone faster, but that's the limit of the car.

This is an image from my phone.

Also, unlike in China, where the CCP can acquire and demolish whatever they want, that's not the case in India. So if we need straight expressways, acquiring land isn't easy. Construction starts after land is acquired, which leads to delays. And all these projects are cleared only after an environmental impact study is done.

These people are some of the richest land owners in India.
No, acquiring land is harder in China.
Land is more expensive here. A slum dweller can easily get one million dollars overnight.

Pls do not blame everything on politics, US has 100,000 expressways, Europe has several thousand km of high-speed railway.

Healthcare should ideally be free. The govt will be launching a universal healthcare program in a few years.

This has nothing to do with education.

Nice work getting personal. Shows you are yet to mature.

Anyway, your arguments are a series of fails. The highest water concentration in India is in the Indo-Gengetic plains. Which is where most of the population is located also, shows in the population density map. And this area with abundance of fresh water and high pop density is also the least developed in India. Not to mention, as the term suggests, the Indo-Gangetic 'plains' are in the 'plains'.

The area with the highest HDI and good governance is South India. The entirety of South India is on a plateau or enclosed within large hills, for example, the 3rd largest and richest city in India, Bangalore, is 888m above sea level. And at the same time the South has a lower pop density than the North. And South India is also the place where there is least amount of fresh water. Not to mention, South India has only one major port, which doesn't supply to the North at all, so being close to the ocean has not particularly helped, especially when the biggest population centers are enclosed within the ghats.

I would recommend getting better educated in such matters, right after you learn a bit of humility.

Lol.....like I said, i am done trying to educate you.

Enjoy getting whipped and humiliated by the chinese bots and pakistani false f lagers. People get what they deserve.
From my understanding, expressways are like trunk corridors that ensure high speed movement of people and freight. In China,we try to connect every county with the network, that is to say, every county should have at least one ramp to the network. No matter how developed a freight railway network is, in any country, road transport is still the mainstream except for big-volume raw materials such as coal and wood.

Many members claim India'a economy is where China was at one or two decade ago. If two trillion dollars are real, then in case of China, we already had several thousands miles of expressways in 1990s when our economy was less than 2 trillion dollars with the same length being built in the meantime.

I don't think it's a good idea to upgrade highways into expressways. Highways are equally important, directly connecting all the small townships and counties along the road. In China, all expressways have parallel highways. Both of them are important, on can not replace the other!

You can see the relation between highway and expressway, railway and high-speed rail on the Lanzhou-Urumqi corridor (Silk Road corridor).
Expressways tend to be straight. Highways tend to connect more townships directly.
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The reason why we have a 2 trillion economy despite having a shitty Infrastructure till now is because your growth was based mainly on Manufacturing ours was based on IT services which require far less Infra than Manufacturing. So while our economy may be a decade or 2 behind our Infrastructure is at least 3-4 decades behind you.

Your point regarding expressways and Highways is correct, but we can always build more than required highways than present and then later convert them into expressways on the basis of demand and supply
I never claimed education is the panacea to all ills.

A certain Population density is required to gain critical mass so that basic infrastructure can penetrate their home and deliver last mile service. That along with a minimum economic baseline and obvious political will.

Which is why I said that people needs to AFFORD, Even Affordable healthcare.

You are spinning your ideal world our of a theoretical idea of life like the students of JNU.

First take a look at the population density map of India and China and then see how population density makes it easier to build cities and provide basic facilities and last mile connectivity.


Urbanisation occurs only in the presence of a water body. large River or Sea / Ocean.

Now Take a look at the Geographical map of the two countries and see how difficult it is to build infrastructure in a mountainous terrain like India. Do you see the same problem in China ?

This is India,


This is China.


Do you see the difference ? I am done trying to educate you. Your problem is ignorance combined with arrogance. Perfect candidate for pdf.

India has too many mountains, it's too hard. By the way, China has far more mountainous terrain than India, and somehow the Chinese managed.

Do you know why? It's because while the Indians talked, talked, and talked, the Chinese got to work and made it happen.

India is like a little whiny child who has an excuse for everything: it's too hard... it's not possible... we are a democracy...
Proves you have no clue about India.

Nope, it just shows I have the intelligence to recognise a masochist when i see one and the good sense to leave him to his public flogging.

Enjoy what's coming to you. You fully deserve it.
The reason why we have a 2 trillion economy despite having a shitty Infrastructure till now is because your growth was based mainly on Manufacturing ours was based on IT services which require far less Infra than Manufacturing. So while our economy may be a decade or 2 behind our Infrastructure is at least 3-4 decades behind you.

Your point regarding expressways and Highways is correct, but we can always build more than required highways than present and then later convert them into expressways on the basis of demand and supply
OMG....pls don't talk like a RSSer....
IT services are a very very tiny part of your economy.....
Do you know 2 trillion dollars mean different things in different time?

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