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India to catch up with China? Stop deluding yourselves!

Of course. Literacy solves a lot of problems. But without access to health, no amount of education will save you from diseases.

The fact is we have a huge problem with infant mortality, that's more to do with access to affordable health care than literacy. Any woman with common sense would prefer to give birth around professionals.

Did your daddy drop you as a baby?

I quoted directly from the graph your friend posted. Read that first.

It depends on what you did to the people who lived on land replaced by expressways.

Wow, the stupid is extra strong with this one today. What caste are you?
The thing is, they need to have proper roads to drive.
I find it weird that they spend billions in building highways, as opposed to the real road for car drivers, "control-accessed expressways".

China started to build expressways in 1980s.
In 1990s, more than 10,000km expressways were being built at the same time....
I really think they should not just build highways but at least, Preserve some land for future expressway construction.
I'm not saying highways are not needed, actually we are still massively building highways today.

National highways in China
Roads are good, but not control-accessed, thus not high-speed
View attachment 344001

National expressway in China (provincial expressway not shown).
Lorry drivers can fly! Carrying fresh veggie from several thousand kilometres away to my city!
View attachment 344002

I think, for high-speed transport of both passengers and freight, india should also build a network of expressways (not some isolated expressways but a closed system linking all lines together). Geographically, india is smaller and has less geologically complicated land such as China's Guizhou Province....There is no reason India has not started massive construction of expressways from now. China planned to build a network in 1970s. The cost will be much smaller now, otherwise, after 1-2 decades when you realise normal highways are not enough, it'll be too late facing the astronomical figures.

@Nilgiri @Echo_419 @anant_s @litefire Your thoughts?

We started our Highway construction program in the early 2000s, so you must take that into consideration. Fortunately we are building expressways and Highways at a record speed now and will have a much more advanced road network in a decade or two

Wow, the stupid is extra strong with this one today. What caste are you?

Grow a pair and show your real flags before trolling, boy
Of course. Literacy solves a lot of problems. But without access to health, no amount of education will save you from diseases.

The fact is we have a huge problem with infant mortality, that's more to do with access to affordable health care than literacy. Any woman with common sense would prefer to give birth around professionals.

That is a logical fallacy.

Demand creates Supply, Not the other way around.

You first need to be able to Afford, Affordable healthcare. This is an oxymoron but also a reality. Its foolish to say that women choose to give birth without professional help. Even in villages there is help in the form of mid-wives. But without utility services like running water, sewage or electricity, no sensible doctor will settle in a village, much run a hospital there.

Alternative is to have a heavy population density and road access. (Kerala model)

Economic prosperity will create better living condition and standards, the other thing that improve living standards is education.

Education helps you create a safer environment where diseases do not thrive. Education helps you avoid diseases by preventive action.

Education is always the key.
We started our Highway construction program in the early 2000s, so you must take that into consideration. Fortunately we are building expressways and Highways at a record speed now and will have a much more advanced road network in a decade or two

Grow a pair and show your real flags before trolling, boy
Did you even read my comment?
I was talking about the difference between highways and expressways.
India isn't next China, there is no next China.

India is the only country on this plane which has the guts to compare themselves with a country whose GDP is 5 times of theirs. China is a country of action and India is a country of words.
Did you even read my comment?
I was talking about the difference between highways and expressways.

I did and I agree with your point, but as we are a poor country we are building more highways than expressways. Sometime in the future these highways can be converted into Expressways.
Block by Block development, like how F-16 Aircraft was developed, makes more sense to us
I did and I agree with your point, but as we are a poor country we are building more highways than expressways. Sometime in the future these highways can be converted into Expressways.
Block by Block development, like how F-16 Aircraft was developed, makes more sense to us

We are looking to reduce oil imports. So building more expressways is hardly the way to do it. Building alternate means of transport is the way forward. Especially using electric power or using water ways. That is our priority area.
We are looking to reduce oil imports. So building more expressways is hardly the way to do it. Building alternate means of transport is the way forward. Especially using electric power or using water ways. That is our priority area.

LOL, another Indian talker, always with an excuse.

We are looking to reduce oil imports. So building more expressways is hardly the way to do it. Building alternate means of transport is the way forward. Especially using electric power or using water ways. That is our priority area.

China was poor, and yet she built more expressways. Why do Indians always find excuses. When are Indians going to shut the fock up and start working?
We are looking to reduce oil imports. So building more expressways is hardly the way to do it. Building alternate means of transport is the way forward. Especially using electric power or using water ways. That is our priority area.
U have zero knowledge of transport.
Pls do not comment on sth you don't know.
Even in villages there is help in the form of mid-wives.

That's obviously not helped.

But without utility services like running water, sewage or electricity, no sensible doctor will settle in a village, much run a hospital there.

Education doesn't supply any of these. And the same logic works, an engineer will not move to a village either. Good teachers also don't live in villages.

Services have to be provided by govt regardless of area, whether it's a village or a city. Health and education are both services. So are the rest you mentioned.

Education only means you move out of the village. But that's what urbanization means. You move to places that have better resources, so that way your education and health access is better and that way you contribute to the GDP by increasing its value by increasing your own productivity.

HDI is simply the technical term for literacy, health etc.
I did and I agree with your point, but as we are a poor country we are building more highways than expressways. Sometime in the future these highways can be converted into Expressways.
Block by Block development, like how F-16 Aircraft was developed, makes more sense to us
From my understanding, expressways are like trunk corridors that ensure high speed movement of people and freight. In China,we try to connect every county with the network, that is to say, every county should have at least one ramp to the network. No matter how developed a freight railway network is, in any country, road transport is still the mainstream except for big-volume raw materials such as coal and wood.

Many members claim India'a economy is where China was at one or two decade ago. If two trillion dollars are real, then in case of China, we already had several thousands miles of expressways in 1990s when our economy was less than 2 trillion dollars with the same length being built in the meantime.

I don't think it's a good idea to upgrade highways into expressways. Highways are equally important, directly connecting all the small townships and counties along the road. In China, all expressways have parallel highways. Both of them are important, on can not replace the other!

You can see the relation between highway and expressway, railway and high-speed rail on the Lanzhou-Urumqi corridor (Silk Road corridor).
Expressways tend to be straight. Highways tend to connect more townships directly.
That's obviously not helped.

Education doesn't supply any of these. And the same logic works, an engineer will not move to a village either. Good teachers also don't live in villages.

Services have to be provided by govt regardless of area, whether it's a village or a city. Health and education are both services. So are the rest you mentioned.

Education only means you move out of the village. But that's what urbanization means. You move to places that have better resources, so that way your education and health access is better and that way you contribute to the GDP by increasing its value by increasing your own productivity.

HDI is simply the technical term for literacy, health etc.

You call this better resources? If so, just how shockingly poor is India's countryside?


That's obviously not helped.

Ask that to the number of lives they have saved and helped.

Education doesn't supply any of these. And the same logic works, an engineer will not move to a village either. Good teachers also don't live in villages.

Services have to be provided by govt regardless of area, whether it's a village or a city. Health and education are both services. So are the rest you mentioned.

Education only means you move out of the village. But that's what urbanization means. You move to places that have better resources, so that way your education and health access is better and that way you contribute to the GDP by increasing its value by increasing your own productivity.

HDI is simply the technical term for literacy, health etc.

I never claimed education is the panacea to all ills.

A certain Population density is required to gain critical mass so that basic infrastructure can penetrate their home and deliver last mile service. That along with a minimum economic baseline and obvious political will.

Which is why I said that people needs to AFFORD, Even Affordable healthcare.

You are spinning your ideal world our of a theoretical idea of life like the students of JNU.

First take a look at the population density map of India and China and then see how population density makes it easier to build cities and provide basic facilities and last mile connectivity.


Urbanisation occurs only in the presence of a water body. large River or Sea / Ocean.

Now Take a look at the Geographical map of the two countries and see how difficult it is to build infrastructure in a mountainous terrain like India. Do you see the same problem in China ?

This is India,


This is China.


Do you see the difference ? I am done trying to educate you. Your problem is ignorance combined with arrogance. Perfect candidate for pdf.
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