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India to catch up with China? Stop deluding yourselves!

Do quote me after 28 years.
There's no need to wait that long, we will keep tracking India's progress for the next 5 years if the gap only keeps widening you already look like a complete fool as it is impossible to surpass China with only 2 decades. Then again India never stood a chance to surpass China let alone matching it. :rofl:
No, acquiring land is harder in China.
Land is more expensive here. A slum dweller can easily get one million dollars overnight.

Pls do not blame everything on politics, US has 100,000 expressways, Europe has several thousand km of high-speed railway.

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Paying money is not equal to acquiring land. That's easy. And the govt is willing to go to 2 times the market value of the property in India.

The problem with acquiring land in India is the established judicial system which can place 'stay' order on projects, stopping construction overnight.

The Congress party-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government decides to amend the land acquisition act and introduces a bill in the parliament. The bill calls for a mandatory social impact assessment. It also proposes that the government, while acquiring the land, has to pay for loss or damages caused to the land and has to provide compensation as per prevailing market prices. A Land Acquisition Compensation Disputes Settlement Authority is to be set up at the state and central levels.

According to the bill, for a private project, land can be acquired only if 80% of the affected families agree to its acquisition. For a PPP project, 70% of affected families must agree. It also proposes that compensation for those affected would be set at four times the market rate in rural areas and two times the market rate in urban areas.

So you see, the people have to agree and allow the govt to possess land. There is no such consensus in China.

Read this article, it will solve a lot of your questions.
OMG....pls don't talk like a RSSer....
IT services are a very very tiny part of your economy.....
Do you know 2 trillion dollars mean different things in different time?

Read a little about Indian economy and you will find out that majority of our growth happened due to rapid expansion of IT sector, it maybe a small thing in China but in India it is a big contributor to the economy. Don't comment like a typical Commie
Nope, it just shows I have the intelligence to recognise a masochist when i see one and the good sense to leave him to his public flogging.

Enjoy what's coming to you. You fully deserve it.

You are no different from him.
India has too many mountains, it's too hard. By the way, China has far more mountainous terrain than India, and somehow the Chinese managed.

Do you know why? It's because while the Indians talked, talked, and talked, the Chinese got to work and made it happen.

India is like a little whiny child who has an excuse for everything: it's too hard... it's not possible... we are a democracy...
We do have expressways in ANY difficult terrain, on Tibet-Qinghai Plateau we have built several thousand miles.
We have also built on Gobi Desert, Tianshan Mountains (4-7km), Karst landform (which is considered the hardest part).

Expressway on Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang

Several of the world's highest bridges.
The first one in my province, used to be the highest before 2016.
Read a little about Indian economy and you will find out that majority of our growth happened due to rapid expansion of IT sector, it maybe a small thing in China but in India it is a big contributor to the economy. Don't comment like a typical Commie

You do realise that these are probably cents a post chinese bots, right ? They are probably paid to comment like typical commies.

What is your excuse ? A desperate need for public humiliation and abuse before you can sleep everyday ?
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Read a little about Indian economy and you will find out that majority of our growth happened due to rapid expansion of IT sector, it maybe a small thing in China but in India it is a big contributor to the economy. Don't comment like a typical Commie
I mean the foundation of your economy is NOT IT....
Do you know there are more real communists in Indian than in China?
lol, enjoy them.
Read a little about Indian economy and you will find out that majority of our growth happened due to rapid expansion of IT sector, it maybe a small thing in China but in India it is a big contributor to the economy. Don't comment like a typical Commie

Wait, I thought majority of your growth was from talking endlessly... Doesn't India count talking toward its GDP?
You do realise that these are 50 cent chinese bots, right ? They are paid to comment like typical commies.

What is your excuse ? A desperate need for public humiliation and abuse before you can sleep everyday ?
I've heard 50 cent yuan in india can have a good meal.
But to me, it's nothing.
Probably you need come here and make a living, better than living in slums with cows.

@waz @WAJsal Anti-rule comment, pls directly ban.
I mean the foundation of your economy is NOT IT....
Do you know there are more real communists in Indian than in China?
lol, enjoy them.

Do tell more


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You do realise that these are probably cents a post chinese bots, right ? They are probably paid to comment like typical commies.

What is your excuse ? A desperate need for public humiliation and abuse before you can sleep everyday ?

Calm down now boy, I have been playing this game far longer than you

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