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India to catch up with China? Stop deluding yourselves!

Do tell more
Does it say IT service?
It says SERVICE!
And do you know our service economy is already over 50% of the economy?
That's over 5 trillion dollars....
I think your agriculture sector is a little bit too high. (waste too many labor)

I always admire Indian chaiwallas and dabbawalla. They make up bulk of India's service economy.
I can't understand your comment.
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Does it say IT service?
It says SERVICE!
And do you know our service economy is already over 50% of the economy?
I think your agriculture sector is a little bit too high.

I can't understand your comment.



Does it say IT service?
It says SERVICE!
And do you know our service economy is already over 50% of the economy?
That's over 5 trillion dollars....
I think your agriculture sector is a little bit too high.

I can't understand your comment.

I read a couple of papers on why our economy is doing relatively well compared to our Infrastructure & the conclusion of all those reports were same. India is doing so well because majority of our productivity comes from activities which require little to no Infrastructure
I read a couple of papers on why our economy is doing relatively well compared to our Infrastructure & the conclusion of all those reports were same. India is doing so well because majority of our productivity comes from activities which require little to no Infrastructure

The Chinese are going to find that difficult to accept.
I read a couple of papers on why our economy is doing relatively well compared to our Infrastructure & the conclusion of all those reports were same. India is doing so well because majority of our productivity comes from activities which require little to no Infrastructure
You do understand 2 trillion dollars in 2016 is amazingly different from the same number years ago?
I read a couple of papers on why our economy is doing relatively well compared to our Infrastructure & the conclusion of all those reports were same. India is doing so well because majority of our productivity comes from activities which require little to no Infrastructure

Without more infrastructure, India will be stuck. Sooner or later, if India wants to develop further, it needs far more infrastructure than it has right now. Factories need electricity, and people need to get around.
You do understand 2 trillion dollars in 2016 is amazingly different from the same number years ago?

Dude, I have already mentioned that. There's no point considering the dollar GDP for India.

India's economy is larger than Japan's if you compare economic activity.

India has surpassed Japan to become the world’s third-largest oil consumer, with its oil demand galloping 8.1 per cent in 2015, according to BP Statistical Review of World Energy released on Wednesday. With demand of 4.1 million barrels a day, India is the third-largest consumer behind the U.S. (19.39 million bpd) and China (11.96 million bpd).

And you know very well that India is not industrialized, and even then oil consumption is 3 times lesser than China's and 5 times lesser than the US's even though both the economies are 5 times and 7 times larger resply. There is an obvious mismatch there. And we have significantly lower number of vehicles per 1000 people and lesser roads than China or the US.
Without more infrastructure, India will be stuck. Sooner or later, if India wants to develop further, it needs far more infrastructure than it has right now. Factories need electricity, and people need to get around.
One sells 100****0000 tons of iron to China, can be GDP 1 billion yuan
But you can also sell some trains to produce GDP 1 billion yuan....
You see the difference....
Talk about economy activity!
I think, for high-speed transport of both passengers and freight, india should also build a network of expressways (not some isolated expressways but a closed system linking all lines together). Geographically, india is smaller and has less geologically complicated land such as China's Guizhou Province....There is no reason India has not started massive construction of expressways from now. China planned to build a network in 1970s. The cost will be much smaller now, otherwise, after 1-2 decades when you realise normal highways are not enough, it'll be too late facing the astronomical figures.

@Nilgiri @Echo_419 @anant_s @litefire Your thoughts?

The program has been expanded recently in India.


One sells 100****0000 tons of iron to China, can be GDP 1 billion yuan
But you can also sell some trains to produce GDP 1 billion yuan....
You see the difference....
Talk about economy activity!

India's main exports are jewelry, refined petroleum, vehicles, machines, pharmaceuticals, electronics and clothes. There's no iron there.

India's main imports are crude oil, gold/gems, chemicals and iron, apart from electronics and machinery. So India is an iron importer, not an exporter.

In fact China is a major exporter of iron and steel to India.
India's main exports are jewelry, refined petroleum, vehicles, machines, pharmaceuticals, electronics and clothes. There's no iron there.

India's main imports are crude oil, gold/gems, chemicals and iron, apart from electronics and machinery. So India is an iron importer, not an exporter.

In fact China is a major exporter of iron and steel to India.

Wow, just when I thought you've reached peak stupid, you've broken through it effortlessly. Andrew was using a hypothetical example.

And by the way, why does India export so little? Could you explain?
Wow, just when I thought you've reached peak stupid, you've broken through it effortlessly. Andrew was using a hypothetical example.

If you were any smarter than a lobotomized Sarah Palin, you would understand that I took India off his hypothetical list.

And by the way, why does India export so little? Could you explain?

Unlike in China, the govt in India didn't bother. We are a consumption led economy, not a trade driven economy.

Just so you can understand the little that you can, it means India manufactures mainly for the domestic market, and only exports the excess production to other countries. We simply did not care about the rest of the world.

In fact, now China wants to be like India. A consumption led economy.
If you were any smarter than a lobotomized Sarah Palin, you would understand that I took India off his hypothetical list.

Unlike in China, the govt in India didn't bother. We are a consumption led economy, not a trade driven economy.

Just so you can understand the little that you can, it means India manufactures mainly for the domestic market, and only exports the excess production to other countries. We simply did not care about the rest of the world.

In fact, now China wants to be like India. A consumption led economy.
Our consumption is bigger than your entire economy.

i think the density should be at least double!
Transport is even more important than electricity.
Without transport, coal cannot be sent to the local power station in time!

National highways (ultimate plan)
i think the density should be at least double!
Transport is even more important than electricity.
Without transport, coal cannot be sent to the local power station in time!

One step at a time brother. Compared to what it is now, it will be a big improvement. There will be further highways done simultaneously by each state to branch off the network as well.
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