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India to buy 60-63 Rafales jets off the shelf from France; MMRCA deal off:

as for the so called TOT well its a joke on"patriots" which was care fully crafted by babu's of MOD , HAL and IAF to justify there kickbacks grabings from defnce purchases

no one is going to give his trade secrets just because your a big coustmar for his merchandise

looks like modi sarkar intends to tie the hands of the magician (corrupt officials) so he is taking the bull by its horns
No, just no.
@Manindra Let's be clear about one thing - US is an unreliable defense suppler in the eyes of the Indian establishment - both Military and Political - and we have many reasons to believe so - France’s steadfastness as a military ally contrasted strongly with that of the United States, which stopped F-16 deliveries to Pakistan (but kept the money) when it found it expedient to do so, and slowed or vetoed delivery of components for Light Combat Aircraft that India was developing. And, of course, the 1998 arms embargo, decreed by the US after India’s nuclear test in May of that year, left a very bad taste in Indian mouths. France, on the contrary, was the only Western nation not to impose sanctions on that occasion.

It was India’s real reason for eliminating Boeing and Lockheed Martin from the fighter competition; India has resolved, to buy only second-line equipment from the U.S., such as transport (C-17, C-130J) or maritime patrol aircraft (P-8I). Vital weapons such as missiles and fighters, when they cannot be locally produced, will remain the preserve of France and Russia.

Do you know how much our frontline naval ship use or may be use in future US GT engine, EMALS etc.?
@Chanakya's chant & @Indian Jaat & @halupridol @Jayanta @zootinali @The Huskar

Bhailog time have come it seems. Kuch meetha ho jaye


Mithai from my home state

Happy bihu in advance to all my assamese brothers.
I am not saying the F-18 couldn't be made to operate at those heights and relatively easily (as the DRDO have shown) but the fact is the F-18 Boeing took to Leh were not able to deliver the performance the IAF stipulated and hence they were marked down because of it. It is no good any of the OEMs saying "we can produce a better product given xyz" if that were the case they should have brought that product in the first place!

The ToT or lack thereof only would have become an issue had the F-18 been "down selected"with the Rafale and EFT. The trails and evaluations were 100% about technical capabilities, the sealed bids were only opened AFTER this down select and the bids of the non-down selected fighters (F-18, Gripen, F-16 and MiG-35) were returned to their OEMs unopened.
Which are the capabilities ?
AoA or G performance or payload capacity on that attitude ?
These are just face savings
I am reminded of few LINES from a Hindi song of the Movie DON

Pal Pal Ek Hulchul
Every moment there’s some movement / distraction

Dil Mein Ek Toofaan Hai
There’s a storm inside my heart

Aane Ko Hai, Woh Manzil
I’m about to reach that destination

Jiska Mujhe Armaan Hain
Which I had desired

Poetry on Rafale :woot:
Guys JUST IMAGINE the Excitement ;anxiety and nervousness at IAF Headquarters
They will have been in the loop throughout so they are unlikely to be as anxious as us ;)

Which are the capabilities ?
AoA or G performance or payload capacity on that attitude ?
These are just face savings
There were 600+ technical criteria to meet, no a/c met all of them but some did better than others and the IAF picked the two a/c that performed best.
Very shoddy comparison
They compare current F-18 BVRAAM to future Rafale BVRAAM
They ignore F-18 operational AESA which also have edge Rafale's future AESA
Even they trying to compare their guns :lol:
They ignore the price factor of both
F18 is a old design which has limited future development scope.. Barring growler, SH lags Rafale everywhere.. The most important segment is its thrust to weight ratio which is 0.93.. IAFs requirement is above 1..

And IAF had good experience while operating M2K in 1999..
There were 600+ technical criteria to meet, no a/c met all of them but some did better than others and the IAF picked the two a/c that performed best.

600 + Technical criteria applied only on high attitude without making public ?
thing is Rafale is the best 4.5+ gen fighter owt there onli problem is cost and its wepons pakage is also way damn expensive when compared to F/A -18 E F advanced super hornet so its looks like this rafale deal if its true is just a eye wash for something bigger
care to explain that Sir ?
The "kickbacks" argument when it comes to Indian defence deals has long since past, the rules in place are so stringent that the question of graft has virtually been removed the issue now is the MoD has been (perhaps is even today) run by bureaucrats who are so afraid of the mere perception of wrongdoing that they would chose inaction over sticking their neck out even the slightest bit.

looks like this rafale deal if its true is just a eye wash for something bigger
Such as?
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