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India to build sea bridge, tunnel to connect Sri Lanka at a cost of Rs 24,000 crore: Nitin Gadkari

Anything RW does is fine by you ne?

WTH does RW do on SAARC countries improving cooperation?:o:

I have been very angry about several things done by RW like giving ministries to some Ex-MR regimers who have very dirty records. I have been very critical on those things just jumping and stating totally random and out-of-place won't change it
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You are obviously believe what JVP says don't you?

What I said about US intention on Sri Lanka is based on my knowledge. It may or may not actually happen. However it doesn't negate the fact that US is interested in Sri Lanka. Anyhow US did help Sri Lanka on destroying the floating armories of the LTTE because SL navy has painstakingly convince them the fact that LTTE armories might be used by the Al-Qaeda. US support on us was purely done to ensure that the weapons did not reach to wrong hands other than LTTE.

I don't know whether you aware of the fact that US put ban on arms sales to Sri Lanka in 2008. Which was the year SLA fought it's bloodiest battles. How come this fact fit in to US help on destroying LTTE? Did they want us to fight LTTE with bare hands?

Situation Report

US State Department - Policy - Directorate of Defense Trade Controls

I am Anti-JVP and Anti-Left wing groups like the JVP and trade unions allied to it as well as JVP tied student movements. Others aren;t like you to beleive everything their dear leader say..

Then your knwledge is small, Even a little kid will not believe somthing stupid like the US conspiring to create a eelam just because they wanted an ally which was already in SL from JR to Premadasa and also have one now and they don't even need to care about Sri Lanka, there are better alternatives than creating an obviously unstable ally ruled by a military-like dictatorship where Tamil militants fighting each other for power.
The world doesn't revolve around Sri Lanka, actually Sri Lanka was a "minor" thing for the US in its long list. Superpowers aren't running towards Sri Lanka.

US under Ronald reagen set the up the SL-Israel ties to avoid problems in having to directly arm SL. There was an analysis during the war on how Sri Lanak was getting US weapons covertly that cannot be exported without US approval

Today Singapore is a succesful nation because they had a good foriegn policy and they didn't play super power against another superpower like SL did with India and China. It doesn;t work and only end up destroying the country. Singapore developed ties with the West and US instead of babbling nonsense against them. Singapore also developed ties with Israel and the most insignificant country in the region became a developed country in less than a generation. The countries that were making BS Conspiracy theories against jews and west are still behind although even Malaysian leaders like Mahathir Mohamad who had a negative view on west weren't dumb enough to ruin the relationship with the US
Today Singapore is a US partner but has a good foreign policy and is also friendly with China

These are land locked countries surrounded by India and they are psyched because of it.

SL falls in different ball game with entire Indian ocean at your disposal to export to the world. No need to by psyched by your big neighbour. You can always have trade treaties with your big neighbour which gives you most gains. Mexico benefited the most because of NAFTA with united states.

Before these SAARC countries should start cooperating more with each other (Including Pakistan and India)
Indo-SL bridge will be built one day but will take several decades. By that time all of SAARC should be connected by a road and rail network
Well what to export when cheap Indian products are filling Sri Lankan market. Sri Lankan producers cannot compete with the Indian companies.

Sooner than later you guys have to adapt to this reality. Even India had to adapt to cheap Chinese stuff. Economist say level playing field is being created in the name of free trade. Survival of the fittest.
Sooner than later you guys have to adapt to this reality. Even India had to adapt to cheap Chinese stuff. Economist say level playing field is being created in the name of free trade. Survival of the fittest.

SL is never a country that should be making cheap stuff like India or China.
SL economy will evolve as the demand for Ceylon tea is going down which was one of main Sri Lankan exports and the apparel sector is losing the competetion in US Sri Lanka will evolve. But till then its better without the bridge
Before these SAARC countries should start cooperating more with each other (Including Pakistan and India)
Indo-SL bridge will be built one day but will take several decades. By that time all of SAARC should be connected by a road and rail network

Even this bridge will take couple of decades to be completed. No one is in a hurry for its completion. All other Saarc countries are already road connected except SL. Trust me no one is feeling threatened by us. You just have to have mechanisms built for fair trade practices. Pakistan and Bangladesh have negative list of goods (goods that are not allowed in their country) even though we have granted MFN to Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Sooner than later you guys have to adapt to this reality. Even India had to adapt to cheap Chinese stuff. Economist say level playing field is being created in the name of free trade. Survival of the fittest.

We can manage our economy without opening everything to India. It's what people do to survive.
WTH does RW do on SAARC countries improving cooperation?:o:

I have been very angry about several things done by RW like giving ministries to some Ex-MR regimers who have very dirty records. I have been very critical on those things just jumping and stating totally random and out-of-place won't change it

RW has a more dirty past more than your dirty ex MR ministiers. ever heard of Gonawala Sunil?

RW is the one who brought this bridge thing after all....

RW has a more dirty past more than your dirty ex MR ministiers. ever heard of Gonawala Sunil?

RW is the one who brought this bridge thing after all....

There is no use making a fuss now.

People like you - Saradiel - are the one's who have destroyed Sri Lanka. The country is being eviscerated by the "change" that you and people like you wanted so badly. Enjoy watching the slow demise of the island at the hands of Ranil, Chandrika and Sirisena. The smart people will have left or will be making plans of leaving.

RW has a more dirty past more than your dirty ex MR ministiers. ever heard of Gonawala Sunil?

RW is the one who brought this bridge thing after all....

And second the Bridge was proposed by the British in the 1800s , I am not sure how many times the bridge was considered after that but again it was propsed in the early 2001s and again in 2010 under MR.
You are either giving too much credit for RW or thinks he is nearly immortal.

I was talking about Indo-SL relations and how ties between SAARC countries should improve not about the Bridge or Ranil.
And my comment you quoted has nothing to do with RW. Its you just jump and start shouting about RW randomly like this
Anything RW does is fine by you ne?
You obviously didn't give any answer to US arms embargo in 2008.


Then your knwledge is small, Even a little kid will not believe somthing stupid like the US conspiring to create a eelam just because they wanted an ally which was already in SL from JR to Premadasa and also have one now and they don't even need to care about Sri Lanka, there are better alternatives than creating an obviously unstable ally ruled by a military-like dictatorship where Tamil militants fighting each other for power.

The world doesn't revolve around Sri Lanka, actually Sri Lanka was a "minor" thing for the US in its long list. Superpowers aren't running towards Sri Lanka.

I dunno you have ever read a book called "The confession of the economic hitman" or "The Pinochet files". It might shed some light on the US foreign policy on countries like us.

JR was the US ally AFAIK, Premadasa was not went the far JR had gone. However democratically elected politicians don't help the US foreign policy when their time in the power is limited to 5 years generally. Moreover there is no guarantee for the US that the next government would continue the policies what people like JR had created. There fore US need a enclave where there is no bi polar political parties. That is the reason they try to create enclaves of countries which have predominantly unitary ambitions which could be easily manipulated.

Eelam does not need to be ruled by a dictatorship to be an effective proxy against both Sri Lanka and India. A democratic parliament in Eelam can also work just as fine for US ambitions. That's because there is a fear factor. It's as same as what we see in Israel and Pakistani politics.

West Wants Sri Lankan Regime To Midwife a “Tamil Kurdistan “ To Serve As Permanent Proxy. | dbsjeyaraj.com

US under Ronald reagen set the up the SL-Israel ties to avoid problems in having to directly arm SL. There was an analysis during the war on how Sri Lanak was getting US weapons covertly that cannot be exported without US approval

Sri Lanka received very minimal of US or Israeli weapons during the fourth Eelam war. The majority of the arms came from China and Pakistan.

Today Singapore is a succesful nation because they had a good foriegn policy and they didn't play super power against another superpower like SL did with India and China. It doesn;t work and only end up destroying the country. Singapore developed ties with the West and US instead of babbling nonsense against them. Singapore also developed ties with Israel and the most insignificant country in the region became a developed country in less than a generation. The countries that were making BS Conspiracy theories against jews and west are still behind although even Malaysian leaders like Mahathir Mohamad who had a negative view on west weren't dumb enough to ruin the relationship with the US

Today Singapore is a US partner but has a good foreign policy and is also friendly with China

Singapore don't need to meddle with the super powers because Singapore is located in a relatively calm location both politically and geographically. Singapore's fate would've being completely different if it was located near China just like Hong Kong, Taiwan or the Korea. AFA Sri Lanka is concerned, it is unavoidable that Sri Lanka is drawn into the battle between India and China. Their is no other option left to us other than siding with one faction. That is the choice our politicians should make when they come to power. MR sided with China and Ranil sided with India.

Further more Singapore didn't need to develop any ties with the West where the tie was already made secure by the British. British had made Singapore to be a leading port facility before they left it to the locals. Lee Kwan Yew only had to continue what Brits have left up. Also Malaysia didn't have an issue which US has taken interest into.
You obviously didn't give any answer to US arms embargo in 2008.


I dunno you have ever read a book called "The confession of the economic hitman" or "The Pinochet files". It might shed some light on the US foreign policy on countries like us.

JR was the US ally AFAIK, Premadasa was not went the far JR had gone. However democratically elected politicians don't help the US foreign policy when their time in the power is limited to 5 years generally. Moreover there is no guarantee for the US that the next government would continue the policies what people like JR had created. There fore US need a enclave where there is no bi polar political parties. That is the reason they try to create enclaves of countries which have predominantly unitary ambitions which could be easily manipulated.

Eelam does not need to be ruled by a dictatorship to be an effective proxy against both Sri Lanka and India. A democratic parliament in Eelam can also work just as fine for US ambitions. That's because there is a fear factor. It's as same as what we see in Israel and Pakistani politics.

West Wants Sri Lankan Regime To Midwife a “Tamil Kurdistan “ To Serve As Permanent Proxy. | dbsjeyaraj.com

Sri Lanka received very minimal of US or Israeli weapons during the fourth Eelam war. The majority of the arms came from China and Pakistan.

Singapore don't need to meddle with the super powers because Singapore is located in a relatively calm location both politically and geographically. Singapore's fate would've being completely different if it was located near China just like Hong Kong, Taiwan or the Korea. AFA Sri Lanka is concerned, it is unavoidable that Sri Lanka is drawn into the battle between India and China. Their is no other option left to us other than siding with one faction. That is the choice our politicians should make when they come to power. MR sided with China and Ranil sided with India.

Further more Singapore didn't need to develop any ties with the West where the tie was already made secure by the British. British had made Singapore to be a leading port facility before they left it to the locals. Lee Kwan Yew only had to continue what Brits have left up. Also Malaysia didn't have an issue which US has taken interest into.

I was able to guess who wrote that article before I even clicked that link. Its written all over the article's title.
I don't need to reply to a idiot who goes around Racist scum like Dayan Jayatilleka only thing he can do is write these nonsense on Western Imperialist conspiracies and Anti-Tamil nonsense like these.

Now I know from where your dumb conspiracy theories come from .
US wants to create a Unstable state for no reason because they desperately need an ally, tell that to a little baby and prove it with a article written by DAYAN of all all people!
These are the BS in your head and its good you showed how idiotic you are.
Even Dayan Jayatilleke should find better conspiracy theories if he want to stop the Economic liberalization than "Diaspora capitalists" conspring to stop Rural 'Sinhala" areas sfrom developing and "Minority elite" and made up words like pan-Tamilianism.
even a little child can write better stories that these Dayan's Sinhala supremacist nonsense.

Talking to you about this is useless now, its better if you go to Dayan and giveyour ideas to him so he can add moreto the already childishly stupid and racist articles
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I was able to guess who wrote that article before I even clicked that link. Its written all over the article's title.
I don't need to reply to a idiot who goes around Racist scum like Dayan Jayatilleka only thing he can do is write these nonsense on Western Imperialist conspiracies and Anti-Tamil nonsense like these.

Now I know from where your dumb conspiracy theories come from .
US wants to create a Unstable state for no reason because they desperately need an ally, tell that to a little baby and prove it with a article written by DAYAN of all all people!
These are the BS in your head and its good you showed how idiotic you are.
Even Dayan Jayatilleke should find better conspiracy theories if he want to stop the Economic liberalization than "Diaspora capitalists" conspring to stop Rural 'Sinhala" areas sfrom developing and "Minority elite" and made up words like pan-Tamilianism.
even a little child can write better stories that these Dayan's Sinhala supremacist nonsense.

Talking to you about this is useless now, its better if you go to Dayan and giveyour ideas to him so he can add moreto the already childishly stupid and racist articles

How Dayan is racist? First answer that.

Second answer about the US help on SL war effort in the light of arms embargo.

Anyhow what Dayan says have some concerns in it. If we devolve more power to the provinces than the current ones and introduce a new constitution weakening the central gov. We would obviously create a Federal states with the island. And also when the Diaspora money and the Indian investments begins to pour in on North and East it will create a province that is financially and ideologically capable of sustaining a new country. They only need is a standing army.
How Dayan is racist? First answer that.

Second answer about the US help on SL war effort in the light of arms embargo.

Anyhow what Dayan says have some concerns in it. If we devolve more power to the provinces than the current ones and introduce a new constitution weakening the central gov. We would obviously create a Federal states with the island. And also when the Diaspora money and the Indian investments begins to pour in on North and East it will create a province that is financially and ideologically capable of sustaining a new country. They only need is a standing army.

LOL Looks like your are the first one thats a fan of Dayan I met. well MR cannot survive without Sinhalese supermacists like you and him and their childsih stories like this.
Indian and Tamil Diaspora investments are already puring into Sri Lanka including the North and East were you sleeping all this time? I even a met a Tamil businessman from Norway who is investing in Jaffna a year ago. These lies and Hate of the Rajapaksa govt needs to END NOW! Demonizing the Tamil Diaspora and saying its the same as the LTTE is wrong and its the country that will suffer because of the lies of a man who created fear to stay in power.
How the hell does Sri Lanka develop without the North and East? You want to prison them and stop investments into them because they are tamil? This is enough

The entire article is about a fairytail of Tamils conspring against Sinhalese while controlling West and India

(I) rewire and reprogram Sinhala consciousness so we can never win another war (II) ‘divide and rule’ the majority through hardcore provincialism

It is the agenda of the Tamil bourgeoisie including the Diaspora capitalists, reflecting its interests, which pilots or guides the new regime. The regime serves the interests not of the organic national majority but of the minority elites with dense cross-border, transnational affiliations, networks and loyalties.

The new model would aggregate the North and East and pan-Tamilianism, while disaggregating the South and the Sinhalese.

Dayan tries to make teh govt look like its serving minorities while ignoring majority sinhalese trying to create a racial divide
pretty much everyone in Sri Lanka knows who Dayan is don't act like a kid here , I am sure you know it pretty well.

Keep these poision for yourself instead of poisoning the country
TNA is already trying to take down tamil nationalists inside it and Wigneshwaran's nationalist actions have already passed the limits of Sumanthiran and now even Sampanthan is angry

I had enough of your dumb conspiracy theories but now its reached a point, if you and dayan want to spread Sinhalese nationalism and hate against Tamils just to change a government then do it in another country.

Don't waste other people's time on your fairy tails. I don;t want to here any of your Sinhala spremacist Anti-Tamil nonsense
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LOL Looks like your are the first one thats a fan of Dayan I met. well MR cannot survive without Sinhalese supermacists like you and him and their childsih stories like this.
Indian and Tamil Diaspora investments are already puring into Sri Lanka including the North and East were you sleeping all this time? I even a met a Tamil businessman from Norway who is investing in Jaffna a year ago. These lies and Hate of the Rajapaksa govt needs to END NOW! Demonizing the Tamil Diaspora and saying its the same as the LTTE is wrong and its the country that will suffer because of the lies of a man who created fear to stay in power.
How the hell does Sri Lanka develop without the North and East? You want to prison them and stop investments into them because they are tamil? This is enough

The entire article is about a fairytail of Tamils conspring against Sinhalese while controlling West and India

(I) rewire and reprogram Sinhala consciousness so we can never win another war (II) ‘divide and rule’ the majority through hardcore provincialism

It is the agenda of the Tamil bourgeoisie including the Diaspora capitalists, reflecting its interests, which pilots or guides the new regime. The regime serves the interests not of the organic national majority but of the minority elites with dense cross-border, transnational affiliations, networks and loyalties.

The new model would aggregate the North and East and pan-Tamilianism, while disaggregating the South and the Sinhalese.

Dayan tries to make teh govt look like its serving minorities while ignoring majority sinhalese trying to create a racial divide
pretty much everyone in Sri Lanka knows who Dayan is don't act like a kid here , I am sure you know it pretty well.

Keep these poision for yourself instead of poisoning the country
TNA is already trying to take down tamil nationalists inside it and Wigneshwaran's nationalist actions have already passed the limits of Sumanthiran and now even Sampanthan is angry

I had enough of your dumb conspiracy theories but now its reached a point, if you and dayan want to spread Sinhalese nationalism and hate against Tamils just to change a government then do it in another country.

Don't waste other people's time on your fairy tails. I don;t want to here any of your Sinhala spremacist Anti-Tamil nonsense

Sri Lanka should not accept wanton supply of money into the North and East via India or via the diaspora. The important factor to understand here is that neither key elements in India nor the diaspora has rejected the idea of separate state for Tamils. We are running a risk if we allowed the so mentioned entities to continue fund the war-torn North and East.

How can you say Tamil diaspora is not as same as LTTE? Sure they aren't using violence but the ideology is same on both. Tell how can you be so sure about diaspora on the Tamil eelam? Do you think they have given it all up?

North and East has traditionally being linked to the rest of the island economy. It has never developed it's economy on it's own. Therefore the economic development of the North and East is entwined with economic development of the rest of the island. No one can just pour money only on North and East and say it's being developed. It's a lie. That's why it's essential to keep a track of the money flow to the North and East. Sure we have just won a 30 year war but we have still to overcome the terrorist ideologies.

What Tamil nationalism in Sri Lanka? Tamils have no nationalism in Sri Lanka. Don't try to make them a separate nation. Anyhow Samapanthan knows he can achieve his goals through the present government. That's why he's contempt with it. However the old Wigge is not happy about it because the limelight has now switched to Sampanthan. That's why he tries to portrait him as a radical. It's their personal political battle. It got nothing to do with the national issue.
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