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India to build sea bridge, tunnel to connect Sri Lanka at a cost of Rs 24,000 crore: Nitin Gadkari

Sri Lanka should not accept wanton supply of money into the North and East via India or via the diaspora. The important factor to understand here is that neither key elements in India nor the diaspora has rejected the idea of separate state for Tamils. We are running a risk if we allowed the so mentioned entities to continue fund the war-torn North and East.

How can you say Tamil diaspora is not as same as LTTE? Sure they aren't using violence but the ideology is same on both. Tell how can you be so sure about diaspora on the Tamil eelam? Do you think they have given it all up?

North and East has traditionally being linked to the rest of the island economy. It has never developed it's economy on it's own. Therefore the economic development of the North and East is entwined with economic development of the rest of the island. No one can just pour money only on North and East and say it's being developed. It's a lie. That's why it's essential to keep a track of the money flow to the North and East. Sure we have just won a 30 year war but we have still to overcome the terrorist ideologies.

What Tamil nationalism in Sri Lanka? Tamils have no nationalism in Sri Lanka. Don't try to make them a separate nation. Anyhow Samapanthan knows he can achieve his goals through the present government. That's why he's contempt with it. However the old Wigge is not happy about it because the limelight has now switched to Sampanthan. That's why he tries to portrait him as a radical. It's their personal political battle. It got nothing to do with the national issue.

Its NOT a organization!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:omghaha:
Tamil Diaspora means millions of Tamils who scattered around the world. It does NOT have an Ideology. Its no wonder you go after people like Dayan when you don't even have the brains to get a freaking Dictionary!

You can find a lot of Tamils in the Diaspora who are against the LTTE. There was even an incident in Canada where Tamils who talked against the LTTE were attacked by another group.
The Tamil I met a year ago from Norway considers himself Sri Lankan and his grand father was in the Ceylon Military and no one is "pouring money" either. Thats NOT how investments are done, he has a restaurnet in Jaffna and I think it employs some locals.
Do you even know that unemployement is extremely high in the North? If the Tamils don't get benefits of peace due to paranoid brainwashed racist idiots like you then another war is inevitable because it was Sinhalese like you and Dayan who killed SWRD ,started anti-tamil riots and started the War in the first place.

I didn't call anyone a seperate nation, Learn what Ethnic Nationalism is first.

You don;t even know what you talking about and wasting my time on fairy tails against tamils.
Don't Quote Me without knowing what you are saying its a total waste of time:blah:
Its NOT a organization!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:omghaha:
Tamil Diaspora means millions of Tamils who scattered around the world. It does NOT have an Ideology. Its no wonder you go after people like Dayan when you don't even have the brains to get a freaking Dictionary!

You can find a lot of Tamils in the Diaspora who are against the LTTE. There was even an incident in Canada where Tamils who talked against the LTTE were attacked by another group.
The Tamil I met a year ago from Norway considers himself Sri Lankan and his grand father was in the Ceylon Military and no one is "pouring money" either. Thats NOT how investments are done, he has a restaurnet in Jaffna and I think it employs some locals.
Do you even know that unemployement is extremely high in the North? If the Tamils don't get benefits of peace due to paranoid brainwashed racist idiots like you then another war is inevitable because it was Sinhalese like you and Dayan who killed SWRD ,started anti-tamil riots and started the War in the first place.

I didn't call anyone a seperate nation, Learn what Ethnic Nationalism is first.

You don;t even know what you talking about and wasting my time on fairy tails against tamils.
Don't Quote Me without knowing what you are saying its a total waste of time:blah:

Of course the diaspora is not an organization. But there are organizations within the diaspora which represent them. All most all of these organizations have the same ideology which LTTE possessed i.e. Tamil Eelam. Those are the mouthpieces of the diaspora. Those are the ones that funds separatism in Sri Lanka. LTTE and the war is over but the separatist sentiment is still very much alive among the local Tamil populace. It was clearly shown in both Jan. 8 and Aug 15.

Indeed lot of Tamils within the diaspora were against LTTE. But that does not mean there were against the separatist ideology of the LTTE. Actually LTTE also burrowed it from Tamil politics back then. Anyhow the money flow to the Tamil majority areas also highlight the overall racist policy of diaspora Tamils. They put there money only among their own kin. It seems that they too do not trust the central government policies on development of the entire nation. How can we expect any reconciliation from people like these?

Unemployment is also high in the Uva province. No one pour money into the Uva province just as the North and East. Isn't that racial segregation? Sri Lankan Tamils are not ethnic nationality in Sri Lanka.
Of course the diaspora is not an organization. But there are organizations within the diaspora which represent them. All most all of these organizations have the same ideology which LTTE possessed i.e. Tamil Eelam. Those are the mouthpieces of the diaspora. Those are the ones that funds separatism in Sri Lanka. LTTE and the war is over but the separatist sentiment is still very much alive among the local Tamil populace. It was clearly shown in both Jan. 8 and Aug 15.

Indeed lot of Tamils within the diaspora were against LTTE. But that does not mean there were against the separatist ideology of the LTTE. Actually LTTE also burrowed it from Tamil politics back then. Anyhow the money flow to the Tamil majority areas also highlight the overall racist policy of diaspora Tamils. They put there money only among their own kin. It seems that they too do not trust the central government policies on development of the entire nation. How can we expect any reconciliation from people like these?

Unemployment is also high in the Uva province. No one pour money into the Uva province just as the North and East. Isn't that racial segregation? Sri Lankan Tamils are not ethnic nationality in Sri Lanka

Well you are just a joke , You are accusing Tamils of being seperatist because they didnt vote MR eh?
You STILL can't take how things ended up ? Vast majority of the Muslims voted against him as well and you are syaing that Muslims are being seperatist. Is there a rule where not voting MR means they are seperatists?
This is NOT mad cultist logic about Dear leader Kim and everyone against him a is a western Imperialist blah blah blah

And you are just being dumb and dumber. Majority of overseas tamils invested in Real Estate in Colombo, the number of investments going into the North are pretty much the same as most other areas in fact the former govt even asked Tamils to help rebuild the North by Investing in it and also you can;t compare the situation in Uva to the North its competely different.
Sri Lanka : Sri Lankan president calls influential Tamil diaspora to invest in post-war progress

Don't quote me if you still b*tthurt becuase of the elections and are blaming Tamils and attacking them because most of them didn't vote your hero. Its a total waste of my time reading and trashing your baseless BS
That would be a smart move by Indian government. According the comments, probably not gonna happen.
Well you are just a joke , You are accusing Tamils of being seperatist because they didnt vote MR eh?
You STILL can't take how things ended up ? Vast majority of the Muslims voted against him as well and you are syaing that Muslims are being seperatist. Is there a rule where not voting MR means they are seperatists?
This is NOT mad cultist logic about Dear leader Kim and everyone against him a is a western Imperialist blah blah blah

And you are just being dumb and dumber. Majority of overseas tamils invested in Real Estate in Colombo, the number of investments going into the North are pretty much the same as most other areas in fact the former govt even asked Tamils to help rebuild the North by Investing in it and also you can;t compare the situation in Uva to the North its competely different.
Sri Lanka : Sri Lankan president calls influential Tamil diaspora to invest in post-war progress

Don't quote me if you still b*tthurt becuase of the elections and are blaming Tamils and attacking them because most of them didn't vote your hero. Its a total waste of my time reading and trashing your baseless BS

Tamils voters are guided by Tamil politicians. They want a province with wide powers and less central government control. Therefore in every election they propagated hatred among Tamil voters and promise them a ethnic Tamil country where there is no Sinhalese overloadship. Therefore the Tamils vote as a block for the whims of the Tamil political parties. Tamil political parties hated MR for his pragmatic approach towards the national issue and that's why majority Tamil votes went to MS.

Muslim on the other hand was threatened by the BBS and the rise of Sinhala nationalism. They wanted to ousted MR for less nationalist but more secular RW. That's the reason behind Muslim vote going to MS.

It is indeed apparent what TNA wants and Muslim congress need nothing less than what TNA gets. It's pretty easy to understand the underlying dynamic political climate in North and East. But for people like you who lives in a fairyland think everything is going smoothly because MS is precedent and RW is premier can't grasp the magnitude of the situation.

We could rest assure that Sri Lanka was safe under MR and GR. But now situation has changed and country has being given to RW, that we aren't sure how will our national security be fared under RW.
Tamils voters are guided by Tamil politicians. They want a province with wide powers and less central government control. Therefore in every election they propagated hatred among Tamil voters and promise them a ethnic Tamil country where there is no Sinhalese overloadship. Therefore the Tamils vote as a block for the whims of the Tamil political parties. Tamil political parties hated MR for his pragmatic approach towards the national issue and that's why majority Tamil votes went to MS.

MR was "Pragmatic"? :crazy:
The UNP and the EPDP also got seats from the Northern Tamils and avery few Tamils voted the UPFA but extremist Tamil parties recieved less votes than even the UPFA!
Tamils are more comfortable with Tamils parties than Sinhalese dominated parties but if they are given a good Tamil politician that works they will vote them.
You are still living in the lies of MR and the hate for his enemies and nothing less You barely know what the normal Tamil people want
It is indeed apparent what TNA wants and Muslim congress need nothing less than what TNA gets. It's pretty easy to understand the underlying dynamic political climate in North and East. But for people like you who lives in a fairyland think everything is going smoothly because MS is precedent and RW is premier can't grasp the magnitude of the situation.

We could rest assure that Sri Lanka was safe under MR and GR. But now situation has changed and country has being given to RW, that we aren't sure how will our national security be fared under RW.

You that just kept proving you knowing nothing and you are saying that its easy to understand the politics of North and East.
Who is the one living in a fairy land?. I never said anything is going smooth but I am seeing many things I wanted the megapolis and planned cities ,Liberalization of the Economy ,Privatisation ,Better Foreign Policy etc
YOU are the one used Patriotism like a tool you can use to protect YOUR Wimal and MR, YOU are the one who depserately tried to cover up MR's personality cult and YOU proved that YOU are nothing but a brainwashed cultist of MR
Logic doesn;t work for you. The "Magintuded of the Situation" is a made up nonsense in the Paranoid idiots like you MR made so he can milk your votes.
You are the one who is living ina fairy tail where everyone is consppriing against SL and your "Dear Leader" A word that Brainwashed North Korean's call Kim Jon-un .
You were the one who said MR never made White elephants ,You are the one who reads Dayan's Sinhalese Suprmeacist Fairy Tales and thats you who is living a twisted paranoid fairy land.

If Thats all you can say Don't expect me to answer for your dumb theories, you don't know anything
MR was "Pragmatic"? :crazy:
The UNP and the EPDP also got seats from the Northern Tamils and avery few Tamils voted the UPFA but extremist Tamil parties recieved less votes than even the UPFA!
Tamils are more comfortable with Tamils parties than Sinhalese dominated parties but if they are given a good Tamil politician that works they will vote them.
You are still living in the lies of MR and the hate for his enemies and nothing less You barely know what the normal Tamil people want

If Tamils are comfortable with Tamil parties rather than Sinhalese dominated parties; then why the heck both UNP and SLFP claim themselves to be national parties? UNP and SLFP should according to your logic be Sinhala parties catering only to Sinhala people rather than to the entire nation. Don't you see the problem here? Tamils are turning to racism while Sinhalese are taught to be pacifists. It's only the Sinhalese who think about everyone. Minorities only needs what they want. They don't care about others.

You that just kept proving you knowing nothing and you are saying that its easy to understand the politics of North and East.
Who is the one living in a fairy land?. I never said anything is going smooth but I am seeing many things I wanted the megapolis and planned cities ,Liberalization of the Economy ,Privatisation ,Better Foreign Policy etc
YOU are the one used Patriotism like a tool you can use to protect YOUR Wimal and MR, YOU are the one who depserately tried to cover up MR's personality cult and YOU proved that YOU are nothing but a brainwashed cultist of MR
Logic doesn;t work for you. The "Magintuded of the Situation" is a made up nonsense in the Paranoid idiots like you MR made so he can milk your votes.
You are the one who is living ina fairy tail where everyone is consppriing against SL and your "Dear Leader" A word that Brainwashed North Korean's call Kim Jon-un .
You were the one who said MR never made White elephants ,You are the one who reads Dayan's Sinhalese Suprmeacist Fairy Tales and thats you who is living a twisted paranoid fairy land.
If Thats all you can say Don't expect me to answer for your dumb theories, you don't know anything

It's people like you said war is unwinnable and the only way left was giving what LTTE desires. So it's as same as what you say now.
If Tamils are comfortable with Tamil parties rather than Sinhalese dominated parties; then why the heck both UNP and SLFP claim themselves to be national parties? UNP and SLFP should according to your logic be Sinhala parties catering only to Sinhala people rather than to the entire nation. Don't you see the problem here? Tamils are turning to racism while Sinhalese are taught to be pacifists. It's only the Sinhalese who think about everyone. Minorities only needs what they want. They don't care about others.

Well this pretty much proves your dumb and idotic logic brainwashed by Sinhalese supremacists like dayan, its the Sinhalese like you are being the raicts and Tamils who trying to survive without giving a damn about your nonsense.
Its Sinhalese like you who care so much about tamil Eelam than Tamils theselves. Tamils in the north aren't famailair with Parties like SLFP and UNP yet , those parties don;t have a really big presenace in those areas except for a few like Douglas and the female UNP MP who I don't remember now I see a problem how you say that something I didn't say is my logic.
A Tamil politician from the North can NEVER win in the south and a Sinhalese politician from the South can NEVER win in the North unless they stay there for a very long time and familiarize with locals. only someone thats familiar with the respective cultures ,languages and traditions can contest those areas, even a lttle child should know this

It's people like you said war is unwinnable and the only way left was giving what LTTE desires. So it's as same as what you say now.
Well logic or reason doesn;t work with you you are just like a 10 year old going after his superhero
You WELL KNOW that I supported MR in 2005 and 2010 and you WELL KNOW that no one said that what LTTE wants should be given. The LTTE was forced for peace talks and was never allowed to get what they want and was only ffered the federal solution.
You know it well and you also know that the war was unwinnable in 2001 when our soldiers are dying and CBK's economic mismanagement was reaching its height. The fact is if not for the peace talks then by now we would have lost the war. The peace talks gave enough time for the economy to recover so MR can restart the war

Stop replying if you can only lie and make very dumb and idiotic nonsense like this becuase you want you are justa brainless heatbroken zombie who is sill crying because your God King lost and you are just showing it all over here!
දයාන් කොහොමද සිංහල ජාතිවාදියෙක් වෙන්නේ? රටේ පැවැත්ම ගැන නේ එයා කතා කරන්නේ..මොළයක් තියේ නම් (නැති බව දන්නවා) ඒ මනුස්සයා කියන දේ අහල තේරුම්ගන්න බලනවා මොකද්ද වෙන්නේ කියල.....
දයාන් කොහොමද සිංහල ජාතිවාදියෙක් වෙන්නේ? රටේ පැවැත්ම ගැන නේ එයා කතා කරන්නේ..මොළයක් තියේ නම් (නැති බව දන්නවා) ඒ මනුස්සයා කියන දේ අහල තේරුම්ගන්න බලනවා මොකද්ද වෙන්නේ කියල.....

තමුසෙම දන්නවා දයාන් කියන්නේ කවුද කියල ! මෙතන බොරුවට එක මේක කියුවට වැඩක් නැහැ
තමුසෙට මොලයක් නැහැ කියල අනිත් අයට බිරුවට වැඩක් නැහැ කියල මන් කීපාරක් කීවද ?
තමුසෙට පුළුවන් ඔච්චරයි දයාන් ගැන මොලයක් තියෙන උන් ගණන් ගන්නේ නැහැ. තමුසේ පිස්සු කියවල මට දිවිනසගන්න කියල ලැජ්ජා වෙලා තවත් කියන්න එනව. තමුසේ මොඩය මොඩය ගානවා විතාර්යි තමුසෙට කිසිම මොලයක් නැහැ . අනිත් අ යට මොලයක් තියනවද කියල දැනගන්න මොලයක් තියෙන්න එපාය
මට අකුරු අහන්න බැහැ ,මම එක කියවල බැලුව කියෙව්වේ නැතිනම් එකේ තිබ්බ බොරු එකින් එක පෙන්න්නුවේ කොහොමද?
තමුසේ එක වෙනවා මේක වෙනවා කියල ක්යුවට වුනාද? දැන් මෙතන කියවන දයාන් කියා දේ වෙනවලු! මෙහමත් බූරුවෝ
තමුසේ කියවන දේ ගැන කතා කරන්න ඉගෙන ගෙන ඇති කියල හිතනවා
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Well this pretty much proves your dumb and idotic logic brainwashed by Sinhalese supremacists like dayan, its the Sinhalese like you are being the raicts and Tamils who trying to survive without giving a damn about your nonsense.
Its Sinhalese like you who care so much about tamil Eelam than Tamils theselves. Tamils in the north aren't famailair with Parties like SLFP and UNP yet , those parties don;t have a really big presenace in those areas except for a few like Douglas and the female UNP MP who I don't remember now I see a problem how you say that something I didn't say is my logic.
A Tamil politician from the North can NEVER win in the south and a Sinhalese politician from the South can NEVER win in the North unless they stay there for a very long time and familiarize with locals. only someone thats familiar with the respective cultures ,languages and traditions can contest those areas, even a lttle child should know this

What? Tamils in N&E aren't familiar with UNP and SLFP? Dude before TNA became the top player in Northern and Eastern politics it was UNP and SLFP that ruled those areas. Jaffna and it's surroundings were SLFP seats. Trinco and Batti was UNP seats. I think you know Alfred Doreapppa. He was from SLFP.

I want you to know why UNP and SLFP don't have a edge in the elections in N&E. If you could find the answer then I think you will see the light.

It doesn't need a Tamilians to seek votes from Sinhalese nor Sinhalese to seek votes from Tamilians. All it needs is right candidate at right location from the national parties. National parties are to represent the entire country as a whole. Regional parties should not come into national level politics. If it does then it indicates a problem with in the society.

Well logic or reason doesn;t work with you you are just like a 10 year old going after his superhero
You WELL KNOW that I supported MR in 2005 and 2010 and you WELL KNOW that no one said that what LTTE wants should be given. The LTTE was forced for peace talks and was never allowed to get what they want and was only ffered the federal solution.
You know it well and you also know that the war was unwinnable in 2001 when our soldiers are dying and CBK's economic mismanagement was reaching its height. The fact is if not for the peace talks then by now we would have lost the war. The peace talks gave enough time for the economy to recover so MR can restart the war

Stop replying if you can only lie and make very dumb and idiotic nonsense like this becuase you want you are justa brainless heatbroken zombie who is sill crying because your God King lost and you are just showing it all over here!

If you supported MR in 2005 please tell me what cons you saw in RW and the UNP rule?

Moreover if you supported MR in 2010 why didn't you neglect the allegation of corruption of MR made by UNP and it's allies?

War was unwinnable in 2001? LTTE was forced to a cease fire because LTTE couldn't fight the war. We were at a brink of a victory back then despite all those shortfalls. LLRP was wreaking havoc deep behind LTTE lines and LTTE was running out of cadres back then. But RW took the LTTE bait and let LTTE heal their wounds once again.

There were no recovery of the economy to be much praised. What MR got was a ruined country on a verge of a split. He led the war through a severe economic conditions. If it wasn't for the China we wouldn't have won the war.
Well this pretty much proves your dumb and idotic logic brainwashed by Sinhalese supremacists like dayan, its the Sinhalese like you are being the raicts and Tamils who trying to survive without giving a damn about your nonsense.
Its Sinhalese like you who care so much about tamil Eelam than Tamils theselves. Tamils in the north aren't famailair with Parties like SLFP and UNP yet , those parties don;t have a really big presenace in those areas except for a few like Douglas and the female UNP MP who I don't remember now I see a problem how you say that something I didn't say is my logic.
A Tamil politician from the North can NEVER win in the south and a Sinhalese politician from the South can NEVER win in the North unless they stay there for a very long time and familiarize with locals. only someone thats familiar with the respective cultures ,languages and traditions can contest those areas, even a lttle child should know this

Well logic or reason doesn;t work with you you are just like a 10 year old going after his superhero
You WELL KNOW that I supported MR in 2005 and 2010 and you WELL KNOW that no one said that what LTTE wants should be given. The LTTE was forced for peace talks and was never allowed to get what they want and was only ffered the federal solution.
You know it well and you also know that the war was unwinnable in 2001 when our soldiers are dying and CBK's economic mismanagement was reaching its height. The fact is if not for the peace talks then by now we would have lost the war. The peace talks gave enough time for the economy to recover so MR can restart the war

Stop replying if you can only lie and make very dumb and idiotic nonsense like this becuase you want you are justa brainless heatbroken zombie who is sill crying because your God King lost and you are just showing it all over here!

Wow, go to bed you piece of $hit. Sri Lanka under Ranil and Sirisena is an absolute and utter cesspool. They are ruining the country like no other government and pandering to their USA bosses. What government would set up a court to try their own leaders and soldiers while un banning groups that supported a terrorist organisation and releasing LTTE cadres at whim? You and people like you are a curse to Sri Lanka, Look at the economy, state of the roads, strikes, corruption ... Yahapalanaya has screwed Sri Lanka royally. Keep licking Ranil's boots.
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What? Tamils in N&E aren't familiar with UNP and SLFP? Dude before TNA became the top player in Northern and Eastern politics it was UNP and SLFP that ruled those areas. Jaffna and it's surroundings were SLFP seats. Trinco and Batti was UNP seats. I think you know Alfred Doreapppa. He was from SLFP.

I want you to know why UNP and SLFP don't have a edge in the elections in N&E. If you could find the answer then I think you will see the light.

It doesn't need a Tamilians to seek votes from Sinhalese nor Sinhalese to seek votes from Tamilians. All it needs is right candidate at right location from the national parties. National parties are to represent the entire country as a whole. Regional parties should not come into national level politics. If it does then it indicates a problem with in the society.

Tamils are more familiar with ITAK and TNA as well as UPFA allied EPDP than the SLFP
UNP has only started to reenter the North and Eastern provinces. The population will only vote someone they are familiar with and both UPFA and UNP have only a few of them like Douglas and Vijayakala, there are several UNPers in the East though but they are mostly muslim.
SLFP will not be able to regain their position in the North and they have to rely on the EPDP thats the current political situation. I don't need to "see the light" the only thing you can say is some nonsense like 'showing the light" or "teaching patriotism". I pretty much explained the entire situation here its your fault if you are still living in the dark

If you supported MR in 2005 please tell me what cons you saw in RW and the UNP rule?

Moreover if you supported MR in 2010 why didn't you neglect the allegation of corruption of MR made by UNP and it's allies?

War was unwinnable in 2001? LTTE was forced to a cease fire because LTTE couldn't fight the war. We were at a brink of a victory back then despite all those shortfalls. LLRP was wreaking havoc deep behind LTTE lines and LTTE was running out of cadres back then. But RW took the LTTE bait and let LTTE heal their wounds once again.

There were no recovery of the economy to be much praised. What MR got was a ruined country on a verge of a split. He led the war through a severe economic conditions. If it wasn't for the China we wouldn't have won the war.
My reasons for supporting MR in 2005 was the fact that LTTE was trying to break away from the Peace talks and they had no real intention of continung it they were only forced for it.

I had no other choice in 2010, do you think I will support someone who just left the military and has no experiance in politics? A military leader cannot suddenly be a political leader

And also you can't rewrite history, MR didn't get a destroyed economy thats total BS by the time MR came the GDP was growing well and the debt crisis was ended. SL even entered recession on 2001 and continuing teh war would have been disasterous. But ofcourse RW did beleive it would be impossible to fight even after 2005 that part is a miscalculation

Anyway I explained everything, I don;t see any reason to reply any further
Any hoo.. Back to the topic.. :coffee:

@Nilgiri @nair Etc..

No troubled water over bridge ::: Dailymirror.lk ::: Breaking News

The plan to construct a bridge connecting Sri Lanka and India will suffer the same fate as the Sethu Samurdram project due to environmental issues, a Sri Lankan minister said yesterday.

Highways and Higher Education Minister Lakshman Kiriella said the proposed bridge would never materialise as it would adversely affect the marine environment.

The minister made this comment with regard to a recent allegation by the joint opposition that the Sri Lankan government had given the go-ahead for the project.

He said the government had no interest in such a bridge as there was no need for it. “A bridge between Sri Lanka and India is not needed at all,” he said; adding that Sri Lanka should rather concentrate on constructing roads within the country. “Preparation of the ground for the Colombo -- Kandy Highway has already begun and construction work is due begin early next year. Work on the Northern Highway will begin before the end of 2016,” he said.

In response to a journalist who asked him what the government would do if the India insisted on constructing the highway, he said the Indian government had not insisted so far and was not likely to in the future because of environmental concerns.

He asked why the opposition believed the Indian minister’s version though Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe had stated in Parliament that there was no move to build such a bridge. Indian media had earlier quoted Indian Transport Minister Nitin Gadikari as saying his country was planning to construct an Indo -- Lanka bridge at a cost of US$ 5 billion. -
Tamils are more familiar with ITAK and TNA as well as UPFA allied EPDP than the SLFP
UNP has only started to reenter the North and Eastern provinces. The population will only vote someone they are familiar with and both UPFA and UNP have only a few of them like Douglas and Vijayakala, there are several UNPers in the East though but they are mostly muslim.
SLFP will not be able to regain their position in the North and they have to rely on the EPDP thats the current political situation. I don't need to "see the light" the only thing you can say is some nonsense like 'showing the light" or "teaching patriotism". I pretty much explained the entire situation here its your fault if you are still living in the dark

The problem is Tamils being too familiar with ITAK and TNA. Both UNP and SLFP are fielding Tamil candidates for the elections but the majority do not vote for them. They vote for the party which is openly demanding a federal state, removal of SL military from the North and East. It shows a problem with the Tamil society. Which is that they don't want to integrate with the Sinhala society.

My reasons for supporting MR in 2005 was the fact that LTTE was trying to break away from the Peace talks and they had no real intention of continung it they were only forced for it.

So you are suggesting that cease fire had no meaning after all? And what is your opinion on RW and his outlook on the war effort?

I had no other choice in 2010, do you think I will support someone who just left the military and has no experiance in politics? A military leader cannot suddenly be a political leader

So what you think of the UNP and JVP which has brought Fonseka to the presidential race?

And also you can't rewrite history, MR didn't get a destroyed economy thats total BS by the time MR came the GDP was growing well and the debt crisis was ended. SL even entered recession on 2001 and continuing teh war would have been disasterous. But ofcourse RW did beleive it would be impossible to fight even after 2005 that part is a miscalculation

Anyway I explained everything, I don;t see any reason to reply any further

The economy has not change dramatically from 2000 to 2005 except for last 2 quaters of 2001 due Katunayake attack. That setback was only temporary. Anyhow Ranil's peace initiative has fasten the recovery of the economy. However if SL gov. continued the war for just another year they could've brought Prabha to he's knees.

So can you rest assure that Ranil won't to any miscalculations again?
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