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India to build high-cost highway in Tajikistan

Cobra Arbok

Aug 5, 2018
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United States
India to build high-cost highway in Tajikistan
8 July 2019 15:33 (UTC+04:00)
1 617

By Abdul Kerimkhanov

Tajikistan is highly interested in bringing to qualitatively new and high level cooperation with India, in particular, attracting investments for infrastructure projects.

The Indian government will build a highway worth $46.5 million in the city of Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan. As the press service of the Dushanbe administration informed, the Indian government will allocate these funds on a grant basis.

Earlier, Dushanbe mayor Rustam Emomali and the Indian Ambassador to Tajikistan Somnath Ghosh launched the road construction.

The project envisages the construction of 9.2 km of eight-lane road in two directions, as well as the construction of an automobile bridge across the Great Gissar Canal, a railway line, two road junctions, sidewalks, road lighting and road signs.

Emomali instructed the responsible persons to implement the project on a high-quality international level and within the prescribed period.

The Indian Government provides financial and technical assistance to Tajikistan for the implementation of various projects. During his visit to Dushanbe in 2018, Indian President Shri Ram Nath Kovind said that his country would provide Tajikistan with $20 million in donations for development projects.

In 2002, India and Tajikistan signed an agreement on the reconstruction of the Ayni military airfield, located 25 km away from Dushanbe. In 2007, India invested money for the reconstruction of the airfield.

India rebuilt the hangars and air traffic control tower and also extended the runway to 3.2 km
@Jackdaws @Soumitra @AyanRay @Nilgiri @Tshering22 @jaiind @Novice09 @Rollno21 @Sheena1980 @Vikki @KapitaanAli @jetray @Vibrio @pahadi @Śakra @Sam. @Chhatrapati @Mirza Jatt @Srinivas @Peshwa @Robinhood Pandey @firestorm77 @GeraltofRivia @Hack-Hook @jamahir @vostok @God Parshuram @pothead @proud_indian @Tejas Spokesman @TEJAS Spokseman @ @koolzberg @Zapper @Halls @Tea addict @nahtanbob
Good news. completing hard infrastructure projects in the CARS will help increase India's influence in the region.
No lessons learnt from Afghanistan ... usual wet dreams and brain farts.
Are you comparing Afghanistan and Tajikistan? Two different countries with different internal situations. And India has made billions from investments in Afghanistan. India also has more bilateral trade with Afghanistan than Pakistan.
Are you comparing Afghanistan and Tajikistan? Two different countries with different internal situations. And India has made billions from investments in Afghanistan. India also has more bilateral trade with Afghanistan than Pakistan.
Keep on your assumptions and be happy - cheers.
I am talking facts, not assumptions. And I still don't know why you brought up Afghanistan in a thread about Tajikistan. Shows how little you know.
I mentioned lessons not learnt in previous class, so India is destined to be failed in next also. Keep on feeling what you feel and enjoy - cheers.
You claimed to be knowledgeable ... so just consider your failures in Afghanistan, if could not comprehend than have a one on one meeting with your NSA - cheers.
I am genuinely curious to hear your perspective, if you don't mind. Since apparently you are an expert on geopolitics and central asia.

And btw, I still haven't seen you explain why India has more trade with Afghanistan and the CARs than Pakistan, despite supposedly failing.

I would appreciate if you shared your expert opinion for the benefit of the forum rather than running away.
I am genuinely curious to hear your perspective, if you don't mind. Since apparently you are an expert on geopolitics and central asia.
So, my claim proved that you always assumes things. Again here what you assumed never claimed by me.

And btw, I still haven't seen you explain why India has more trade with Afghanistan and the CARs than Pakistan, despite supposedly failing.
Had I ever said that Pakistan have more export to mentioned countries?
Export is the weakest link of Pakistan's economy and the impact are all visible in shape/status of it.

I would appreciate if you shared your expert opinion for the benefit of the forum rather than running away.
Again you are always quick to jump to conclusions and assumption. Just posting articles will only help you to increase your posts at PDF but won't enhance your knowledge. Contain yourself.
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