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India to be a $2 Trillion $ economy in 13 months

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We all know local government fudges numbers but the National government stomps it out in the end.

He was implying that China fakes national numbers and that Indian growth is actually higher than Chinas which is completely unsubstantiated.

True. If you think the numbers are unreliable, then the most you can say is "I don't know", rather than making the completely opposite conclusion.
Why cant India's growth be higher than China's? In fact countries with lower economic base will have higher growth, because of low denominator. When you become bigger the growth will not be as much because of a high base. No inference from a growth rate at all. Small companies grow at 30% year on year revenues while large companies grow at less than 5% in the US. What has growth rate to do with anything? India definitely can grow at the same level as China's. There is nothing magical about China's growth. It is the same old story about access to capital, resources and availability of labor. India has all of that as well. So, not sure about your self dictated lofty position about China's growth rate.

I said its not right now, not that it was't possible. Read the post again.
Even if it happened today, its no big deal. Even Bhutan can grow faster than China due to the lower base. I find it amusing that Chinese and Indian members go to such great lengths defending the growth rate. what should be discussed is the targeted growth rate for each country - the growth rate that brings x number of people out of poverty through employment. That could be different for every country. And the country should measure the achieved growth rate against the targeted growth rate. Comparing growth rates between two different economic systems is utter BS.
He is a noted philanthropist.
Lol and he is also a high school drop out, apparently.

Do u know how many Highschool and College drop outs become Billionaires ,
actually nearly Half the Billionaires on the planet donot have a fancy degree , those that do inherited there wealth from there parents

I am sure u have heard of Bill Gates founder of Microsoft , Steve jobs , CEO and co founder of Apple Computers , Larry Page and Sergei Binge creator of Google.com , Carlos Slim owner of largest South American Telecom Company or even Mark Zukerburg Creator of Facebook

All of them had one thing in common They were all Highschool or College Drop outs:hitwall:
what's the PPP GDP?
what's the PPP GDP?

PPP means Purchasing Power Parity
That is Purchasing Power of Different currencies and cost of living in different countries is different

What it PPP basically does it is that it compares price of all goods and services produced in any country with value of the same goods and service in USA

For Instance GDP PPP of India is 4.01 Trillion USD while nominal GDP of India is 1.43 Trillion USD
what it simply means that cost of living in USA is 2.67 times that of INDIA

Now how i got that figure
well devide 4.01 Trillion by 1.43 Trillion and u will get the above figure
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