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India to be a $2 Trillion $ economy in 13 months

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I dnt think 2 trillion possible before 2013 ....

I think we should start living in real world not in dream

The predictions are quite modest. From another article

Two-trillion India

According to recently released data, India’s nominal GDP is expected to grow at 14 per cent in 2011-12, to reach Rs 90 lakh crores. At a dollar exchange rate of Rs 45, this works out to $2 trillion. However, if inflation is assumed to be 7 per cent and the real growth rate is 9 per cent as projected, the growth rate of 14 per cent may actually understate nominal growth rate by 2 percentage points, which means India’s nominal GDP in dollar terms will actually exceed $2 trillion this fiscal!
I dnt think 2 trillion possible before 2013 ....

I think we should start living in real world not in dream

It is purely a number game and predictions, projections. There are several things which needs to be done in order to get to these numbers... Frankly these numbers are being presented to keep the investors upbeat into investing in the economy and attracting new investments into the country... although I have little doubt in the direction in which our economy is going.
I'm not saying it is the right way to think about wealth, it's just how I see people around me think about wealth.

That is how alot of people think about everything. More wealth, more beauty, more power.
But no relative thing can make you at peace with yourself, if you neglect to look inside.
That is how alot of people think about everything. More wealth, more beauty, more power.
But no relative thing can make you at peace with yourself, if you neglect to look inside.

Like they say 'what are millionaires? people who want to be billionaires" a lot of people think that way but it's sort of dangerous because there is always someone with more.
And suppose one day you do become the first then what? Are you gonna keep it that way forever? Are you sure you can keep it that way forever? Would that worry cost you sleep and sanity? Is this goal of becomming more and more worth it?
And suppose one day you do become the first then what? Are you gonna keep it that way forever? Are you sure you can keep it that way forever? Would that worry cost you sleep and sanity? Is this goal of becomming more and more worth it?

I think the joy for them comes from the anticipation and that moment when they get there. To make that kind of money, to put in that kind of effort, your quality of life is not going to be as good as it can be, but then living of a life of comfort and no ambition is not that great either.

I suppose we all have to find our own goals in life.
You can live a life of ambition, there are plenty of things to be ambitious about other than me, me, me.
But yeah not about to tell others how to live their lives.
I think the joy for them comes from the anticipation and that moment when they get there. To make that kind of money, to put in that kind of effort, your quality of life is not going to be as good as it can be, but then living of a life of comfort and no ambition is not that great either.

I suppose we all have to find our own goals in life.

I would argue that true success is not about making money, but about self-actualization. Fulfilling your potential.

Look at Li Ka-shing. A few decades ago, he already had more money than he could ever spend, yet he still worked day and night.

He never spends anything either, he is well-known for being stingy with his money. So it is definitely not about the money. It is about the success itself, i.e. fighting for and achieving great goals.
What is wrong in hoping India can get higher GDP per capita then Congo?

Everyone else here took it as it was.
this thread was fine until one chinese troll came and had a brain fart
for your information congo per cap $171
india $1045
Very good and sane prediction. I hope India becomes better than the Congo within the next 10 years. A prosperous India would have less motivation to go to war to relieve internal problems.

It is all with purchasing power. 10 yrs ago, I was able live comfortably with 10$ per month with my collage studies. I was studying degree in small town in Orissa.

I think India should curb the run away inflation.
The rest of the world does not share your opinion. Please stop trying to represent everyone with your puny opinion. Its insulting.

Could some Indian members here give an opinion? Not JayAtl.

That China fudges economic numbers and currency etc...please, most of us know its a fact. But we also know exactly what data to use from China and that data is encouraging as well. But local Chinese CPS members fudge data to show growth. But I believe the central party is taking some measures to validate data.
I seriously Don't beleive that India will touch $2 trillion mark before 2014-2015.....!

May be i am wrong just my guess..:)
That China fudges economic numbers and currency etc...please, most of us know its a fact. But we also know exactly what data to use from China and that data is encouraging as well. But local Chinese CPS members fudge data to show growth. But I believe the central party is taking some measures to validate data.

We all know local government fudges numbers but the National government stomps it out in the end.

He was implying that China fakes national numbers and that Indian growth is actually higher than Chinas which is completely unsubstantiated.
Why cant India's growth be higher than China's? In fact countries with lower economic base will have higher growth, because of low denominator. When you become bigger the growth will not be as much because of a high base. No inference from a growth rate at all. Small companies grow at 30% year on year revenues while large companies grow at less than 5% in the US. What has growth rate to do with anything? India definitely can grow at the same level as China's. There is nothing magical about China's growth. It is the same old story about access to capital, resources and availability of labor. India has all of that as well. So, not sure about your self dictated lofty position about China's growth rate.
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