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India to acquire six more C-130J aircraft

@the emboldened bit-Are you hinting at an EW conversion or is it a possible FTB for any other CABS' tech toys???:azn::yahoo:

More to do with ELINT equipment. We are using them extensively in ELINT operations nowadays in addition to communication role also. Plus the avionics suite is upgraded and much better than what the original configuration sported. They underwent upgradation of the suite in phases along with the Dorniers.
Yes and this is where C-17/MRTA come in, possibly assisted by C-130s. But this is not the C-130s role in the IAF- it is a dedicated SOFs transport for low level, deep penetration, behind enemy lines insertion of SOFs (PARA SF, MARCOs, Gurad, SFF etc) whilst the C-17 amd MRTA will be great for the IA's airborne forces such as 50/51 Independent Parachute brigade and for regular PARA (5,6,7). Not to mention humanitarian relief

Yes I agree.With the recognition in IA of greater roles of specialised forces in future warfare/conflicts due to the greater shift of conflicts to urban and built up areas, the overall number of special forces has gone up significantly. C-130s, while purchased for Specialised ops, are not solely marked for it. The aircraft is spared other communication sorties that other aircraft have to undertake. That is the only difference. However, 50 Para Brigade at any given time has a minimum of 02-03 special forces batallions, and additionally we have around 09 special forces units and 04 Parachute units ... so we have about a division plus strength of airborne troops with the associated equipment. The rationale for positoning the C-130s at Hindon was due to proximity to Agra, as Agra already houses the IL-78s and AWACS, to decongest and disperse assets, this need was felt. So in actuality, they are meant for use by 50 (I) Para Brigade only as thats the nodal formation for all Special Forces Unit. Now the insertion of these troops is not totally fixed wing dependant. May be undertaken in rotary wings also. This is where the ALH/Mi-17s come in. In addition, the present fleet of An-32s will serve well into the next decade. And they are doing a tremendous job undertaking both operational and communication sorties. The ILs shall slowly be phased out (?) and C-17s inducted. The number of C-130s is likely to go up. The status of C-27s is not yet clear. It has same capacity as an An-32 so rationale of inducting it beats me. SFF relies on ARC for its platforms, so whatever the airforce is getting, may not be in tandem with what the ARC may induct.

---------- Post added at 08:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 AM ----------

We will send more jihadis to blow these crap planes into pieces :pakistan:

Stop the trolling and flaming session. If you have nothing to add, then stay off it. And most welcome to send them. Will send their remains back to you, send us your address!!!!
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