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India to acquire 200 fighter jets for Indian Air Force: Defence secretary

Then it will be a maintenance/logistic nightmare for India/IAF, because most of world major Air forces replacing multiple old jets with single jet to reduce maintenance/logistic costs like (f35 replacing F-16/A-10,USN F/A18)
Russia is replacing its Su-27/Mig-29 to Su-57
Similar China is replacing Russian flankers series of jets with J-20 and in future they are replacing their all J-7/J-8/ and old J-10 with FC-31
SO India making a wrong turn to too many different jets from different sources it will become maintenance/logistic nightmare to IAF
Different type of missions require different types of aircraft....
F-15 interceptor
F-15E attack bombing mission
F-16 reduce the cost of F-15 programme
F-14 air superiority
F-18 carrier based interceptor
F-22 to kick Chinese and Russian ****
F-31 stealth version of F-16.
I've always admired the Pakistan process for acquiring defense equipment. Much more streamlined than what we see in Inda.

India should seek SAAB Gripen fighters and insist they be manufactured in India with ToT. India needs to energize its defense industry to be more productive.
It would be good for India to get a production line of Gripens going + navalized Gripens for the navy, but the problem is the mix matching jumping back & forth for Russian & NATO aircrafts. you guys should stick with one Jet for instance Rafale for air force and Rafale-M for navy instead of Rafale for air force and MiG-29K for Navy if you understand my point.

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India to acquire 200 fighter jets for Indian Air Force: Defence secretary

PTI | Updated: Jan 13, 2020, 04.15 PM IST

Ajay Kumar said that the contract for the LCAs will be signed "definitely this year".

KOLKATA: The government is in the process of acquiring around 200 aircraft to cope with the depleting aerial inventories of the Indian Air Force, defence secretary Ajay Kumar said here on Sunday.

The contract for Hindustan AeronauticsLimited-manufactured 83 LCA Tejas Mark 1 A advanced fighter jets are in the final stages, he said.

Apart from these, Expression of Interest (EOI) has been floated for another 110 aircraft, based on which Request for Proposal (RFP) will be floated, Ajay Kumar said.

"Roughly (for) 200 aircrafts, the acquisition is in process," he said.

"We are in the process of finalising the contract for 83 Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Mark 1 A, which are advanced fighters to meet the urgent needs of India," the defence secretary told reporters on the sidelines of commissioning Indian Coast Guard vessels here.

Kumar said that the contract for the LCAs will be signed "definitely this year".

"We want to do it as soon as possible," the defence secretary said when asked whether a time frame has been finalised by which the new aircraft are to be acquired.

Kumar said that with the design having been finalised, state-run aerospace behemoth Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) will be ramping up production of the LCA Mark 1 A jets from 8 to 16 per year.

"If required, through outsourcing, we can further enhance it," he said.

The Air Force has Sukhoi 30 MKIs, Mirage 2000s, Mig 29s and the ageing Jaguars and Mig 21 Bisons in its inventory of fighter jets at present.

The last fleet of seven swing-wing MiG-27 fighters, which played an important role during the 1999 Kargil war, was decommissioned on December 27, 2019.
Let me ask ... was he saying 'yes yes yes' and shaking his head.

I learnt this long back - when indians say yes yes ... it means nothing - it does not mean they understood what you said. So, in some conference, found the same thing.. i had to pause them to say did you even understand what i said before you say yes yes. Of course not.
Different type of missions require different types of aircraft....
F-15 interceptor
F-15E attack bombing mission
F-16 reduce the cost of F-15 programme
F-14 air superiority
F-18 carrier based interceptor
F-22 to kick Chinese and Russian ****
F-31 stealth version of F-16.
what do you trying to say, these jets replace by single unified fighter jets like F-35 replacing all these jets that you above mention, and don't troll, if you don't know nothing stay silent or do research before you post, and all your terms about teen series fighter jets are wrong

F-15 is Air superiority fighter jet not an interceptor, interceptor have limited maneuverability/agility like Mig-31/Mig-25/ US F-106 Delta Dart
F-16 project is not to reduce F-15 program cost, but whole separate project and complementary with F-15 just like F-22+F-35 combo
F-14 Carrier based air superiority jet
F-18 Carrier based multi-role jet (strike/close air support/anti ship/air superiority missions)
what do you trying to say, these jets replace by single unified fighter jets like F-35 replacing all these jets that you above mention, and don't troll, if you don't know nothing stay silent or do research before you post, and all your terms about teen series fighter jets are wrong

F-15 is Air superiority fighter jet not an interceptor, interceptor have limited maneuverability/agility like Mig-31/Mig-25/ US F-106 Delta Dart
F-16 project is not to reduce F-15 program cost, but whole separate project and complementary with F-15 just like F-22+F-35 combo
F-14 Carrier based air superiority jet
F-18 Carrier based multi-role jet (strike/close air support/anti ship/air superiority missions)
F-15 is an air superiority fighter mainly used as interceptor build to Compliment Mig-25
F-16 basically developed to compensate
F-15 cast
There is no combo bs as these fighter jets have separate sqds.
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And once again another mix of more types - why not including some MiG-29M2/-35 ?? - to continue the maintenance nightmare the IAf already has with its mixed fleet of MiG-21, MiG-27 (ok, no longer), MiG-29, Mirage 2000, Jaguar, Su-30??

I really don't understand this Air Force. :crazy:
Try Egyptians then. You are going to love them. :D
F-15 is an air superiority fighter mainly used as interceptor build to Compliment Mig-25
F-16 basically developed to compensate
F-15 cast
There is no combo bs as these fighter jets have separate sqds.
don't be stupid, i already explain it what is the difference between air superiority fighter and interceptor read the history of F-15 development project, when Soviet build and tested Mig-25 their (USA) spy satellite pictures shows that big wingspan and 2 massive engine, they assume MIG-25 will be maneuverable/agile air superiority jet so as a counter they develop their own agile and maneuverable jet F-15 but after Soviet pilot defected and landed in Japan then they know Mig-25 was not a agile/maneuverable jet but an interceptor with minimal agility/maneuverability

F-16 project is not compensating for F-15, F-16 always consider
complementary for F-15, both design based on energy–maneuverability theory presented by Fighter Mafia but first implemented on F-15 but Fighter Mafia wants a lighter/smaller jets to increase its capabilities/performance and their was/are always combos of Fighter jets i can prove you like F-15/F-16, Su-27/Mig-29, J-11/J-10 and in future will be F-22/F-35, Su-57/LFMS, J-20/J-35 this combos called high-low Combo/doctrine, get out your falsehood kid or do research before you post
It would be good for India to get a production line of Gripens going + navalized Gripens for the navy, but the problem is the mix matching jumping back & forth for Russian & NATO aircrafts. you guys should stick with one Jet for instance Rafale for air force and Rafale-M for navy instead of Rafale for air force and MiG-29K for Navy if you understand my point.

The Rafale-M wingspan is too large for India’s current and forthcoming carrier.
The elevators were not designed for such a broad wingspan.
While it has been proposed to have removable wingtips it is estimated that it would take 15 minutes to reattach the wingtips after the aircraft has been raised to the flight deck, which hardly seems to be acceptable.
The F-18 is too large as well, but by parking at an angle it will barely fit.
It might be timeconsuming to ensure that the aircraft is not damaged in the elevators.
Let me ask ... was he saying 'yes yes yes' and shaking his head.

I learnt this long back - when indians say yes yes ... it means nothing - it does not mean they understood what you said. So, in some conference, found the same thing.. i had to pause them to say did you even understand what i said before you say yes yes. Of course not.

He was probably bored by you and was trying to be polite and shut you up by agreeing with you.

Next time you are in a meeting speak less.

The Rafale-M wingspan is too large for India’s current and forthcoming carrier.
The elevators were not designed for such a broad wingspan.
While it has been proposed to have removable wingtips it is estimated that it would take 15 minutes to reattach the wingtips after the aircraft has been raised to the flight deck, which hardly seems to be acceptable.
The F-18 is too large as well, but by parking at an angle it will barely fit.
It might be timeconsuming to ensure that the aircraft is not damaged in the elevators.

Kindly provide dimensions of the Indian Aircraft carrier elevators to justify your claims.
Yep PAF is in a good position with JF-17 Block 3 and FC-31(if required) rolling out this decade.
Lol good position? Pakistan air force is behind Indian air force in every sense. Pakistan air force lacks sufficient funds, majority of its combat aircrafts are second and third generation obsolete J7, Mirage 5 and Mirage 3. F16 is a good fighter though and JF17 is an average category fighter jet.

Indian air force has a strong inventory of 4th generation fighter jet with Mirage 2000, Dassault Rafale, Mig29 and SU 30. The only obsolete jet in their inventory is the Mig21 bison which can also be called "the flying coffins" of Indian air force.
don't be stupid, i already explain it what is the difference between air superiority fighter and interceptor read the history of F-15 development project, when Soviet build and tested Mig-25 their (USA) spy satellite pictures shows that big wingspan and 2 massive engine, they assume MIG-25 will be maneuverable/agile air superiority jet so as a counter they develop their own agile and maneuverable jet F-15 but after Soviet pilot defected and landed in Japan then they know Mig-25 was not a agile/maneuverable jet but an interceptor with minimal agility/maneuverability

F-16 project is not compensating for F-15, F-16 always consider
complementary for F-15, both design based on energy–maneuverability theory presented by Fighter Mafia but first implemented on F-15 but Fighter Mafia wants a lighter/smaller jets to increase its capabilities/performance and their was/are always combos of Fighter jets i can prove you like F-15/F-16, Su-27/Mig-29, J-11/J-10 and in future will be F-22/F-35, Su-57/LFMS, J-20/J-35 this combos called high-low Combo/doctrine, get out your falsehood kid or do research before you post
F-15 is basically used to intercept/Shot down enemy fighter jets.
First americans were working for a multirole aircraft but after their defeat in Vietnam war and advent of mig-21 mig-25 like planes they divert their intentions and start making a Soul interceptor/counter part(whatever you can called it) to country these planes as a result after studying 500 models of fighter jets current F-15 model is selected....
F-15 is tailor made for shot down/destroy
Enemy aircrafts as It did in operations
Dessert storm and Iraqi Freedom.
F-15 Strike Eagle is a attack derivative of
Original F-15 which have a strike capability with having the Capability of Air combat role of the original F-15.

What is in this you can't agree or understand?
F-16 was solely made to compensate the overprice F-15.....
If not than why should develop F-16 which already have a more capable jet in the form of F-15????
F-15 is basically used to intercept/Shot down enemy fighter jets.
First americans were working for a multirole aircraft but after their defeat in Vietnam war and advent of mig-21 mig-25 like planes they divert their intentions and start making a Soul interceptor/counter part(whatever you can called it) to country these planes as a result after studying 500 models of fighter jets current F-15 model is selected....
F-15 is tailor made for shot down/destroy
Enemy aircrafts as It did in operations
Dessert storm and Iraqi Freedom.
F-15 Strike Eagle is a attack derivative of
Original F-15 which have a strike capability with having the Capability of Air combat role of the original F-15.

What is in this you can't agree or understand?
F-16 was solely made to compensate the overprice F-15.....
If not than why should develop F-16 which already have a more capable jet in the form of F-15????
You're the most stubborn poster here you're not trying to understand, Interceptors has limited maneuverability/agility and intended to shot down bombers type targets, main purpose of developing Mig-25/Mig-31 was fast bombers targets like then up coming XB-70 and B-58 not opponent fighter jets they have for intercepting enemy fighter jets in that era like Su-9/Su11/Mig-21/Mig-19/Su-15
And tell me did Mig-25/Mig-31 have maneuverability/agility like F-15 has 9Gs did Mig-25 had Whitcomb area rule fuselage, did Mig-25 had negative stability or unstable plate form like F-15 has, did Mig-25 had fly by wire system to compensate unstable plate-form, That's the main difference between Air superiority jets and Interceptor jets

And F-15 project started well before that Vietnam war because they consider Mig-25 was the agile jets (Air superiority) through their spy satellite images of Mig-25 prototype And did Mig-25 participate Vietnam war the answer is BIG NO only Mig-21 and Mig-17 provided by Soviets to North Vietnamese Air Force
And as for F-16 Fighter Mafia wants more smaller and balance multi-role jet to complement
ONE MISSION SPECIFIC (AIR SUPERIORITY) F-15, F-16 is not Compensating project for F-15 but
Complementary project for F-15
buddy i do lots of research on Fighter jets evolutionary process, i know far far better then you
India need to work hard for a decade in this area so that we may not have to buy any plane from outside. We can top class planes in a decade as well as we can have all building blocks of these technology.
He was probably bored by you and was trying to be polite and shut you up by agreeing with you.

Next time you are in a meeting speak less.

Kindly provide dimensions of the Indian Aircraft carrier elevators to justify your claims.

This is really old news, but as far as I know, nothing has changed.
Both the F/A-18 and Rafale are unfit for India’s carriers.

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