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India to acquire 200 fighter jets for Indian Air Force: Defence secretary

He was probably bored by you and was trying to be polite and shut you up by agreeing with you.

Next time you are in a meeting speak less.

Kindly provide dimensions of the Indian Aircraft carrier elevators to justify your claims.
listen.... you all indians have the 'yes yes' and shaking heads. My question is are you saying YES because you understand or just saying yes yes like 'ok ok'.

This is a known problem.
listen.... you all indians have the 'yes yes' and shaking heads. My question is are you saying YES because you understand or just saying yes yes like 'ok ok'.

This is a known problem.

I was not aware that you had met 1.3 billion Indians.

If not, I am telling you that he was telling you "yes" just to shut you up politely.

This is now a known problem too. So next time, just STFU.
I was not aware that you had met 1.3 billion Indians.

If not, I am telling you that he was telling you "yes" just to shut you up politely.

This is now a known problem too. So next time, just STFU.

Pal... watch your language. I can put you the same way back. Seems you are same gutter mentality.
Different type of missions require different types of aircraft....
F-15 interceptor
F-15E attack bombing mission
F-16 reduce the cost of F-15 programme
F-14 air superiority
F-18 carrier based interceptor
F-22 to kick Chinese and Russian ****
F-31 stealth version of F-16.
pure air superiority f15 was older version mostly replaced by f15 strike eagle
f14 retired
f18 super hornet made to replace both it and older f18 and growler version to replace the older ew planes

so f22 in small number
USAF will have just 4 types of fighters jets f16 15 and 35 with prior
the biggest airforce in world

and usnavy just f18 and f35 the second biggest airforce in world
So do you think Indian Navy who operates AC from past 60 years is a fool who doesn’t understand these things F-18 is being considered so as F-35 and Rafale...
If its required INS Vikrant will be modified also saying INS Vishal is 15 Years away is again your opinion...
Sweden is itself a minnow in world affairs and Gripen itself dependent on foreign systems ... ORCA will outmatch Gripen by end of this decade

It will not be the first time an Indian fighter tender ended in nothing.

ORCA is not planned to be ready at the end of the decade, and Indians will probably be boasting of the new 3 engined LCA coming in 2040 at that time.
It must be depressing, being outdone by a minnow.
And who gives a F*** about them, I mean the outsiders?
Its about them making fun of our plane, But those jokers mostly indians and some westerners who blow smoke up india's arse time to time used to say all sorts! it was short lived.
And once again another mix of more types - why not including some MiG-29M2/-35 ?? - to continue the maintenance nightmare the IAf already has with its mixed fleet of MiG-21, MiG-27 (ok, no longer), MiG-29, Mirage 2000, Jaguar, Su-30??

I really don't understand this Air Force. :crazy:
They might end up buying 64 gripen and 64 typhoons
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