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India: the US doormat into Asia?

Haha Indian news related to US but posted in Iranian section by our respectable :rofl: elite member , just to impress his Iranian counterparts:lol:

Of course I wish to expose Indian duplicity to our Iranian brothers. This article is written by an Indian and calls India a door mat for Americans. Do you want to hide this??

Forget of India. American don't know where America is

That's what I mean they no wonder they do not know that India has no border with Afghanistan lol
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Dude I am not referring to any airstrike it was a shooting rampage on sleeping women and kids..US soldier kills 16 Afghan civilians in deadly shooting rampage | Mail Online

It happened just recently but I am surprised to see how you tend to distort truth and I wonder about your actual location yu dunt seem to be an afghan as they are known for their honour and love for honesty..How can one be happy with such merciless killings of his fellow country men and women..

Where did I said that I am happy are you nuts? plus now you are changing your words the soldier who killed 16 civilians in Kandahar was condemned search for the topic and read my reaction there and plus I don't think you are a Pakistani too, Pakistanis have the honor not to lie and here you are supporting a thread which is big lie!
Hmmmm.........So being the doormat in some people's perception

We get the nuclear deal,

we got the NSG waiver

We got choose in the MRCA deal

ISRO and DRDO have access to previously sanction prone technology.

Oil supplies from Iran still continue, and Iran has to take payment in rupees.

We still continue with development of Chabahar port.

Our presence continues in Afghanistan, without much trouble.

We get to join SCO.

We have some future Kashmir terrorists perishing in drone attacks.

Not bad, with virtually limited losses on our side.

So, from an opportunity cost point of view, what did we lose?

IPI pipeline:

Just to clear up some misconceptions, more than US pressure, there were problems of pricing dispute between India and Iran , also the major and most important fact, that the pipeline was to pass through Baluchistan , a place where even Chinese engineers weren't safe, a place where the separatists are known for blowing up pipelines. Nothing much to do here.

Only major loss here is relations with Iran, especially on the Kashmir issue.

But our relations with Iran aren't limited to Kashmir, there are more important things like
cooperation on the Afghan issue,
Oil supplies
and access to Central Asia.

None of the above can be affected much as both India and Iran, have converging interests there.

Not a bad trade-off.

When India could balance its ties with US and Russia, Israel and Middle -East , US and China, then why not Iran and US?
So right my friend. America India are going to sort out Afghanistan without Iran Pakistan Russia China or more importantly with a puppet regime in Afghanistan :rofl:
How come India going to sort out Iran when we are using their port to get access to Afghanistan.. China has already auctioned some mines in Afghanitan and nobody is having any problem with it.. and you always bring Russia, just shows how jealous pakistanis are..:rofl:
Haha Indian news related to US but posted in Iranian section by our respectable :rofl: elite member , just to impress his Iranian counterparts:lol:

A frog in a well thinks that the well is the entire world.
Of course I wish to expose Indian duplicity to our Iranian brothers. This article is written by an Indian and calls India a door mat for Americans. Do you want to hide this??

That's what I mean they no wonder they do not know that India has no border with Afghanistan lol
Dude their are 1.2 billion mouths in India who will talk and post whatever they can :blah: .
Bringing one of them and making a whole new thread for that will not make it a voice of India .

Btw what matters is that we respect Iranians brothers and both of our gov. possess very good relations .
Dude their are 1.2 billion mouths in India who will talk and post whatever they can :blah: .
Bringing one of them and making a whole new thread for that will not make it a voice of India .

Btw what matters is that we respect Iranians brothers and both of our gov. possess very good relations .

The writer is not just any Indian he is:

Vijay Prashad is Professor and Director of International Studies at Trinity College, Hartford, United States. This spring he will publish two books: Arab Spring, Libyan Winter (AK Press) and Uncle Swami: South Asians in America Today (New Press). He is the author of Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World (New Press), which won the 2009 Muzaffar Ahmed Book Prize.

Not only that he is quoting Indian diplomats calling India a doormat for Americans. Now they are more knowledgeable than a few Indian Internet warriors on PDF who do not like the fact their country is looking two faced
Hey isn't Iran too creating problems for Pakistan in Afghanistan. Pakistan want India out of Afghanistan but Iran won't let that happen. :laugh:

Iran wants a stable Afghanistan with no Taliban and USA. Iran supports India in Afghanistan they have accepted to give them the route for exporting mines from Afghanistan.
The writer is not just any Indian he is:

Vijay Prashad is Professor and Director of International Studies at Trinity College, Hartford, United States. This spring he will publish two books: Arab Spring, Libyan Winter (AK Press) and Uncle Swami: South Asians in America Today (New Press). He is the author of Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World (New Press), which won the 2009 Muzaffar Ahmed Book Prize.

Not only that he is quoting Indian diplomats calling India a doormat for Americans. Now they are more knowledgeable than a few Indian Internet warriors on PDF who do not like the fact their country is looking two faced
Still i'll say he is not qualified enough to make such a huge statement for the world to listen.
These kind of people would like to have fame and hence such a statement on his part
As the famous saying goes hardest thing in the world is to accept truth and people will make a thousand excuses to avoid accepting it and the way indians are bubbling on a fact which one of their fellow indian has acepted(author of this article) just proves the point..Go ahead and just accept what yu guys are just a DOORMAT and in the mean while US will keep searching yr stars like SRK and ministers on their airports to keep on making yu guys realize yr actual oqat...all other things are just face savings reality remains at its place and is hard to accept :P.. while iranian approach twds india is changing fast with time after realizing indian unconditional support to israel and US that time is not far when yu guys will be kicked out of chabahar..wait and see as the drama unfolds..
Indians still carry around their slave mentality and can not see themselves as a sovereign state. It is really a shame. They have become a pawn in the designs of Americans in the region with only one purpose to balance China for American interests. The irony is that they are doing it happily. That is what hurts the most. They are proud of it. Doing it for Americans.

What makes you think that? You, the Pakistanis are the slaves not us, see around ...drones are attacking you...they are threatening you...you are no more a sovereign state at all. You are doomed not us...

Well if you get some mental **gasam from saying so, fine.. get your frustration out here and be happy.

One more case, the CIA agent who killed your men is at USA free...

Italian marines who inadvertently killed Indians are behind bars... Just see yourself in a mirror and see what you are..

And there are two 'gems' thanked you for this bullshyt. one think tank another a elite..lol
As the famous saying goes hardest thing in the world is to accept truth and people will make a thousand excuses to avoid accepting it and the way indians are bubbling on a fact which one of their fellow indian has acepted(author of this article) just proves the point..Go ahead and just accept what yu guys are just a DOORMAT and in the mean while US will keep searching yr stars like SRK and ministers on their airports to keep on making yu guys realize yr actual oqat...all other things are just face savings reality remains at its place and is hard to accept :P.. while iranian approach twds india is changing fast with time after realizing indian unconditional support to israel and US that time is not far when yu guys will be kicked out of chabahar..wait and see as the drama unfolds..

Whilst the drama unfolds what is wrong with doormats. There are nice door mats in the world. Indians could be a nice doormat for Americans? I am sure Indian diplomats and Indian author envisage India being a nice incredible shining door mat
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