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India tells Asean it believes in ‘open’ South China Sea

Nothing to hand back, we are going to drill at SCS anyway. :coffee:

Our oil rig can drill at 99% of the water in the world.


You can't do that. If you do price should higher than import fom Middle East.
One suicidal attack or missile could destroy your drilling complex, very easy.
We talking about right of all peoples in the world to protect themselves against aggressors, evils, enemy of humankind.

No body really respect the Chinese. Vietnam doesn't need anyone's respect, Vietnam needs to conquer the big boy like USA. China is our little brother, and our little brother finally got money to spend on military weapons. When our little brother, China, is misbehaving. Us, Vietnamese, are responsible to guide our little brother to the right direction. Like every grown up, when they are spoil, they become arrogant and messed up in the end. LOL@little mouth
Just curious: who among the ASEAN really buy this kinda Indian crap? what can India offer on the table except lip services?
Just curious: who among the ASEAN really buy this kinda Indian crap? what can India offer on the table except lip services?

it's the kind of lip services China can't afford
I wait for Vietnam to make the first military move, then we can finally unleash the PLA's firepower on Hanoi and then ethnic cleanse the whole northern Vietnam so we can settle more Chinese and Hoa. The pretty Vietnamese girls can stay but the ugly dirty men must go live in the jungles.

The USA used napalm and agent orange on Vietnamese, and we should use those too.

Agent Orange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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