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It is not a surprise that your people are now deprived of your history, thus history illiterate as you give up the Chinese language which your history is based on.

But do you know a few hundred years ago, Vietnam was a Chinese province called Annam? Why would a china dispute with itself?

A few hundred years later in 1950s, your premier Mr. Fan said Vietnam government support China's claim of all those islands, why would China again claim the thing that are all ready its?

Get your history and logic right, my Vietnamese buddy. If you don;t have your history, you are prone to lies and false information.

You are liar about history of relation between Vietnam - China.
Around 1k years China invaded in Vietnam, Chinese was sitting in stronghold to received borbey only and Vietnamese ruled country by itself by Vietnamese warlords. After victory of our warlord NGO QUYEN year 938, pushed Chinese out from country, Vietnamese regained independence from China and later Emperor DINH TIEN HOANG declared our Kingdom with name of DAI CO VIET (Great Viet) after defeated all other warlords (in our history called as civil war of 12 warlords).
Around 1000 year Vietnamese have been defeated Yoan, Ming and Quing Kingdom chinese invaders sucessfully protected our independence. In the past Vietnamese used Chinese Characters to writing like Japanese do until now, no more.

China Kingdom acepted and called Annam Guo, and our Emperor Annam Guo Yang 安 南 国 王 in Englis : King of Annam state.

After 1954, Vietnam was divided in two states: North Vietnam and South Vietnam. HoangSa and TruongSa belong to South Vietnam. Letter of Mr. Fan dated 1958, he was North Vietnam PM, he respected the 12 miles coastline of China only. We are South Vietnmaese and Gov condemned China's statement.

You have stop lying about such true evident.
our PM is servant to Viet people, in China you have to knee down and beg for Mercy from Dictactor, bcz your leader control your poor life, but VN is diffrent, if our PM doesn't serve people well, then we can shoot him, overthorwn him and replace with new PM :coffee:

We love to cheat your Evil dictator, so our PM did that to make Viet people happy , that's it :lol:

LOL poor chap stop lying and making a fool of youurself ,your PM serve your people so well? your inflation is 100%+one month wage to buy a bowl of soup noodle , your gdp is $1500 worse than many african country :rofl: and fx reserves is $3billion another LOL. wow congrats to your PM he is doing a very fine job for your country indeed hahahhaha
LOL poor chap stop lying and making a fool of youurself ,your PM serve your people so well? your inflation is 100%+one month wage to buy a bowl of soup noodle , your gdp is $1500 worse than many african country :rofl: and fx reserves is $3billion another LOL. wow congrats to your PM he is doing a very fine job for your country indeed hahahhaha
Hehe, we have high inflation bcz we've bought lots of mordern weapons recently, and now, we use those weapon to rob money from China to reduce our inflation , that's wise strategy, dude, we've just got 200 $ from you after ramming your ship :P
LOL poor chap stop lying and making a fool of youurself ,your PM serve your people so well? your inflation is 100%+one month wage to buy a bowl of soup noodle , your gdp is $1500 worse than many african country :rofl: and fx reserves is $3billion another LOL. wow congrats to your PM he is doing a very fine job for your country indeed hahahhaha

China keep mange of papers printed by USA FED, in fact funded to USA.:enjoy:
You are liar about history of relation between Vietnam - China.
Around 1k years China invaded in Vietnam, Chinese was sitting in stronghold to received borbey only and Vietnamese ruled country by itself by Vietnamese warlords. After victory of our warlord NGO QUYEN year 938, pushed Chinese out from country, Vietnamese regained independence from China and later Emperor DINH TIEN HOANG declared our Kingdom with name of DAI CO VIET (Great Viet) after defeated all other warlords (in our history called as civil war of 12 warlords).
Around 1000 year Vietnamese have been defeated Yoan, Ming and Quing Kingdom chinese invaders sucessfully protected our independence. In the past Vietnamese used Chinese Characters to writing like Japanese do until now, no more.

China Kingdom acepted and called Annam Guo, and our Emperor Annam Guo Yang 安 南 国 王 in Englis : King of Annam state.

After 1954, Vietnam was divided in two states: North Vietnam and South Vietnam. HoangSa and TruongSa belong to South Vietnam. Letter of Mr. Fan dated 1958, he was North Vietnam PM, he respected the 12 miles coastline of China only. We are South Vietnmaese and Gov condemned China's statement.

You have stop lying about such true evident.

hahaha another funny excuse so you have two governments in vietnam? does that mean everytime we sign any agreedment we have to get two one from the north and one from the south LOL
Hehe, we have high inflation bcz we've bought lots of mordern weapons recently, and now, we use those weapon to rob money from China to reduce our inflation , that's wise strategy, dude, we've just got 200 $ from you after ramming your ship :P

yes very well said i dont blame you , i rob people too if i dont have anything to eat, good for u and good for vietnam too LOL
What are your working hours ? You are always here on PDF
We can work and online simultaneously, brother :partay:
ChinaToday said:
yes very well said i dont blame you , i rob people too if i dont have anything to eat, good for u and good for vietnam too LOL
Hehe, so back off SCS(east sea) now, bcz we're poor and have Nothing to lose :D
hahaha another funny excuse so you have two governments in vietnam? does that mean everytime we sign any agreedment we have to get two one from the north and one from the south LOL

1954 Geneva agreement signed by China and North Vietnam: Vietnam was divided in two States North and South Vietnam. Islands belong to us South Vietnamese. We South Vietnamese, Vietcong has been reunited our country. Today President of Vietnam Mr. Truong Tan Sang, PM of Vietnam Mr. Nguyen Tan Dzung, they are South Vietnamese. To day China can discuss with them to hand back Hoang Sa to Vietnam.:meeting:
1954 Geneva agreement signed by China and North Vietnam: Vietnam was divided in two States North and South Vietnam. Islands belong to us South Vietnamese. We South Vietnamese, Vietcong has been reunited our country. Today President of Vietnam Mr. Truong Tan Sang, PM of Vietnam Mr. Nguyen Tan Dzung, they are South Vietnamese. To day China can discuss with them to hand back Hoang Sa to Vietnam.:meeting:

Discuss with Vietnam to hand the island back to China? no need to waste our time, just keep guarding the islands for us, what we need is the sea area not the useless islands without fresh water, if we want, we can take back the island anytime.:lol:
Discuss with Vietnam to hand the island back to China? no need to waste our time, just keep guarding the islands for us, what we need is the sea area not the useless islands without fresh water, if we want, we can take back the island anytime.:lol:

Wet dream. We will take back Hoang SA, soon or late.
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