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'India supports for EU waiver on trade preferences to Pakistan'

If the idea is that of a fair competition on the quality of garments, then what is the need for these concessions in the first place for Pakistan ;)
Well, if we could roll back the tens of billions of dollars in losses from the US led WoT in Afghanistan, as well as the immense damage caused by last years floods, then yes, we could argue for 'fair competition'.

But since every country in the world does not exist in some state of perfect equilibrium, and events out of the control of nations, such as Foreign led wars and natural disaster, can skew 'fair competition'.
Well, if we could roll back the tens of billions of dollars in losses from the US led WoT in Afghanistan, as well as the immense damage caused by last years floods, then yes, we could argue for 'fair competition'.

But since every country in the world does not exist in some state of perfect equilibrium, and events out of the control of nations, such as Foreign led wars and natural disaster, can skew 'fair competition'.

That's plain rhetoric and emotional hoo-haa which doesn't make sense in the world of business.

If you have a good product, you do not need concessions.

If you need concessions, you do not believe in having a level playing field for everyone.

Why do you guys always like to play the victim card?

Your traders should be ready to compete or perish.

There's no such thing as a free lunch.
That's plain rhetoric and emotional hoo-haa which doesn't make sense in the world of business.
If you want to talk about 'fairness', then it makes perfect sense, since to have 'completely fair competition', one would need to hold various variables equal.

If you have a good product, you do not need concessions.
We do have a good product, but we have also lost tens of billions due to externally imposed war and natural disasters.
If you need concessions, you do not believe in having a level playing field for everyone.
So I take that you are in favor of India 'returning the NSG Deal concession', since it was blatantly unfair to other NPT non-signatories.

Or are you one of those who believes that concessions are fine so long as it is India that is getting them, and throws a big stinky 'hoo-haa' when Pakistan is perceived to get them?
Okay, so from next year , if we have any floods in India , I think we should go for trade concessions @ WTO.

WoT was Pakistan's own debacle , its own fault that it couldn't say "NO" to USA , and now wants concessions arising from its own decisions / natural calamities.
We do have a good product, but we have also lost tens of billions due to externally imposed war and natural disasters.

So you want Indians and Bangladeshis to pay for a war that you believe (and incidentally we do not believe) was brought to your country by a third country?

What kind of a skewed logic is that?

It's like asking me to pay for the treatment of a street-begger who got hit by a mercedes when he was in the act of begging in the middle of the road.

...and this when I myself can barely make ends meet.

So we should pay up for a war which you believe was not even your own in the first place?

This is laughable at best.
What clever biatches the EU are !

They want to helpo the people of Pakistan, Dont have the goddamn money to do that, now what to do ? Rob Peter (India) to pay Paul (Pak) and if Peter objects to it and rightfully so he is labelled using all possible names.

We do have a good product, but we have also lost tens of billions due to externally imposed war and natural disasters.

Fine, but do explain how is it India's headache and why should India sacrifice her market to help the Pakistanis ?

So I take that you are in favor of India 'returning the NSG Deal concession', since it was blatantly unfair to other NPT non-signatories.

How is it unfair ?

Do they take your country's nuclear stockpile to supply us ?

Because that is what exactly is gonna happen in this EU deal. They are simply shutting off our market and awarding that same market to you.

Got the difference ?
MMS is on ride to do something better in his last tenure so alike other prime minister he is giving too much to paksitan and we get terror in return.
There was news that during visit of khar in india,throat of 1-2 india soldiers were cut by pakistani freedom fighters near border but this M--F MMS supressed the whole issue due to her visit.....

just get out from here and live in afghanistan.....a big blot on the image of sikh people...
Or are you one of those who believes that concessions are fine so long as it is India that is getting them, and throws a big stinky 'hoo-haa' when Pakistan is perceived to get them?

If India gets benefit AT THE COST OF Pakistani traders, you'd have all the right to raise a hue and cry.

Did India win the NSG waiver AT THE COST OF Pakistan?


Pakistan had nothing to do with the India NSG waiver.

Same is not the case with Pakistan getting EU trade concessions.

...and BTW Pakistanis should be the last ones in the world to harp about 'reciprocity' considering how long they have taken just to grant MFN status to a country which granted the same to Pakistan years ago.
So you want Indians and Bangladeshis to pay for a war that you believe (and incidentally we do not believe) was brought to your country by a third country?
Indian's and Bangladeshis will not be 'paying' for anything, the market share both countries enjoy currently is because of events such as war and natural disasters that affected Pakistan's competitiveness.

Secondly, I believe Bangladesh already enjoys lower tariffs on its exports to the EU because of its lower development status, so you need to first have the EU fix that. And while I am not aware of the current tariff structure on Indian and Pakistani exports to the EU, in the past India enjoyed lower tariffs than Pakistan as well.
What kind of a skewed logic is that?
Not skewed at all - US warmongering and natural disasters are not Pakistan's fault, and Indians and Bangladeshis have earned quite a bit at Pakistan's expense because of those events.

It's like asking me to pay for the treatment of a street-begger who got hit by a mercedes when he was in the act of begging in the middle of the road.
Nothing like that at all.

...and this when I myself can barely make ends meet.
Return the NSG deal before arguing against 'unfair concessions to Pakistan'.

So we should pay up for a war which you believe was not even your own in the first place?
No, look at it as 'losing out on the extra money India and Bangladesh earned while Pakistan was embroiled in a war imposed by the US'.
This is laughable at best.
Only as laughable as your hypocrisy at gleefully accepting the 'unfair concession of the NSG deal' while pouting and whining about any potential tariff concessions for Pakistan.
Did India win the NSG waiver AT THE COST OF Pakistan?
Yes - the waiver allows India to potentially utlize domestic fuel reserves for weapons production while legally importing fuel for her NPP's.

The technological cooperation with nations that have advanced NPP designs will benefit Indian Science and Technology, and potentially have other impacts downstream of the NPP's, and perhaps from technological spin-offs and alternate applications.

The construction of NPP's allows India to tap another resource for power generation, which Pakistan is restrained from doing, and therefore gives Indian industry an 'unfair advantage' over Pakistan in terms of having additional power resources to tap for production.
Indian's and Bangladeshis will not be 'paying' for anything, the market share both countries enjoy currently is because of events such as war and natural disasters that affected Pakistan's competitiveness.

Not skewed at all - US warmongering and natural disasters are not Pakistan's fault, and Indians and Bangladeshis have earned quite a bit at Pakistan's expense because of those events.

Again how is it India's fault except when the floods in Pakistan were engineered by India through HAARP or some other similar program ? And why should India voluntarily sacrifice the market share it has earned for whatever reason ?
Fine, but do explain how is it India's headache and why should India sacrifice her market to help the Pakistanis ?
India is not 'sacrificing her market' since India would not have this market share to begin with had it not been for the damages suffered by Pakistan from the WoT and natural disasters.

---------- Post added at 02:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 AM ----------

Again how is it India's fault except when the floods in Pakistan were engineered by India through HAARP or some other similar program ? And why should India voluntarily sacrifice the market share it has earned for whatever reason ?
And how was it Pakistan's fault that it lost the market share it would have otherwise kept or increased, had there been no US imposed war and natural disasters?
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