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'India supports for EU waiver on trade preferences to Pakistan'

Indians are concerned with serving their self interests,while Pakistanis are concerned with serving Humanity, Equality and Justice. Why can't we compete on the quality of our garments internationally? Why should India have a monopoly of a good, just because of her influence? Low mentality thinking at best.

If the idea is that of a fair competition on the quality of garments, then what is the need for these concessions in the first place for Pakistan ;)
As in how? What are you rofl-ing about? I don't understand. Our government represents less than 5% of our people. Indians have become more nationalistic because of their economy and influence on the world. Therefore Indians take pride that their government has a say in international politics, while some of their country is in poverty. It's like my cousin who is half way through completing his MBBS. Why does he brag before he has become a doctor? Pakistanis become nationalistic when people's rights are opposed, whether it be Palestine or when if it's Kashmir. What a condescending joke you are.
As in how? What are you rofl-ing about? I don't understand. Our government represents less than 5% of our people. Indians have become more nationalistic because of their economy and influence on the world. Therefore Indians take pride that their government has a say in international politics, while some of their country is in poverty. It's like my cousin who is half way through completing his MBBS. Why does he brag before he has become a doctor? Pakistanis become nationalistic when people's rights are opposed, whether it be Palestine or when if it's Kashmir. What a condescending joke you are.

The talk is not on nationalism. Every country has his own priorities.

I ROFLd because u brought serving humanity, equality and justice, which is not much associated there.
Concessions? India is opposing EU trades with Pakistan. First ask yourself why they are taking this step. Then you will get your answer.If India is only opposed to "terrorist" activity within Pakistan then why is it threatened by the sale of garments?
First ask yourself why they are taking this step.

Because our garment traders will be hurt as will be Bangladesh's.

Is it really that hard to understand?

****-pakai roti sako acchi lagti hai.

Why shy away from competing?
Indians are concerned with serving their self interests,while Pakistanis are concerned with serving Humanity, Equality and Justice. Why can't we compete on the quality of our garments internationally? Why should India have a monopoly of a good, just because of her influence? Low mentality thinking at best.

Is it India's fault that Pakistanis have close to zero influence internationally ? And how is it India's fault that people in EU prefer Indian garments ?

Its a mind blowing experience scrutinizing the Pakistani mind and seeing how it tends to blame everyone of its ills on others, I admit.
Is it India's fault that Pakistanis have close to zero influence internationally ? And how is it India's fault that people in EU prefer Indian garments ?

Its almost amazing to scrutinize the Pakistani mind and how it tends to blame every one of its ills on others, I admit.

It's just another way of accepting their incompetence in competing with Indian goods.

Can't compete...ask for concessions!
LOL our incompetence!?!? Why does India have to dissuade EU to do business with us if we can't compete. Indian insecuirty perhaps?
Concessions? India is opposing EU trades with Pakistan. First ask yourself why they are taking this step. Then you will get your answer.If India is only opposed to "terrorist" activity within Pakistan then why is it threatened by the sale of garments?

It is so,because the concession is perceived to be imbalanced and biased.If indeed relief has to be provided to the flood victims then it should be done directly,absolutely no objection with that.A fund should be set up and the cash should flow directly to the people deep inside the affected regions where there is actual necessity.
By providing trade concessions it is quite possible that the money will end up in the hands of the elite families who mainly control the largescale trade.
A great portion of the poor farmers,who have been affected by flood are unable to grow cotton let alone sell it,simply because either their lands are ruined or they lack the capital.So,the concession does not do any good to them.
But then again,this concession is good for those elite-class people who own large farm houses,have the capital and thus can invest even after the floods.They also buy the cotton from smaller farmers and then sell it at higher price just because they have more reach and exposure.

This is just yet another carefully orchestrated plan by some of the ruling elite class people of Pakistan.Not many can see through it and the actual poor and the needy dont have anything to gain with this.
Why don't the Pakistanis simply bring to the market products which are cheaper and/or of better quality than Indian and Bangladeshi products?

Because they can't!

Hence the cry for 'concessions'.

It's like Nokia asking for concessions because Apple sells more.

Utter rubbish!

Talk of level playing field.
Its not possible to manufacture superior products due to lack of infrastructure and/or incentives.

Pakistan also has a crippled manufacturing arm due to the states failure to provide consistent and dedicated power supply.

I am not against giving the Pakistani state concessions. Our battle is not with the innocent citizens of Pakistan. Its with their army and intelligence agencies.
Elaborate? Or is this a 'typo'?

Not a typo.

Any trade concessions to Pakistanis will come from the pockets of Indian traders and affecting their livelihood.

Imagine Telecom ministry giving trade concessions to Nokia.

Who will lose?

Apple and Samsung etc., of course.

Replace Nokia with Pakistan; Telecom Ministry with EU and Apple/Samsung with India/Bangladesh and everything will become crystal clear to you.
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