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India successfully tests Nirbhay cruise missile

why is that after spending years harping about Hype-Ultra-Bazunga sonic Brahmos Missile.
India "Lowers" her standards and make s measly Subsonic Cruise missile?
Because Nirbhay is cheaper than Brahmos and has more range.
Bw-Devlopment of Supersonic cruise missile of range similar to Nirbhay and Hypersonic missile Brahmos is also going on.So we are actually not lowering our standards.

Nirbhay X Band Seeker
THe new Indian logic making rounds is. Due to economical reasons. Supersonic wala cost 5 million per piece and this sub sonic wala cause 1-1.5 million per piece
Range, cost, payload weight and variety, diversity of armament...
Yeah brother i do know that.Believe me,i'll be the happiest person in the world if DRDO manages to develop something on the lines of the AGM-158 but we also have to face the reality here and the reality is that the Amercians are much more advanced in the field of Cruise missile tech at present.Maybe somewhere down the line we'll surely catch up to them but it'll take some time.In the mean time the best thing for us is to significantly increase the R&D budget of the DRDO and try to recruit the best technical minds from IITs.

I didn't dispute that part brother,indeed the Americans are far far ahead of us in virtually each and every field,they are pinnacle of human civilization.My point is that,we are behind in the field of sub sonic cruise missile field because we started at a much later date.But that doesn't mean our system,the Nirbhay LACM in this is too far behind in capabilities compared to their AGM 109.

I mean for example,only the latest Blk IV of AGM 109 Tomahawk has a SAR seeker which potentially enables it to engage moving targets where as the Nirbhay will have this capability from the start.Besides,many nations relied upon turbojet engines to power their first subsonic missiles (some like Pakistanis are in fact still is using it) where as our system has a turbofan from the very start.We should not forget these facts too,don't you think bro??
why is that after spending years harping about Hype-Ultra-Bazunga sonic Brahmos Missile.
India "Lowers" her standards and make s measly Subsonic Cruise missile?

You seem to be some-what "Defense Illiterate" inspite of being a member of a Defence Forum.
Both Missiles have different tasks hence have different capabilities; therefore fit different segments of the Arsenal.

Like the F-16 and JF-17s co-exist in the PAF.
There was no mention of TERCOM and DSMAC being used in Nirbhay? Did I miss it or the test was with basic LRG based INS this time with support from IRNSS ?
There was no mention of TERCOM and DSMAC being used in Nirbhay? Did I miss it or the test was with basic LRG based INS this time with support from IRNSS ?
the test was conducted on sea surface for a reason. Right now the missile only has an altimeter to maintain a fixed altitude above the flat surface of the sea.
Last time they did try to fly it over some "complicated" land features and software malfunctioned and we all know where it ended? in a cashew nut plantation.
On the other hand all Babur tests were conducted on land,negotiating complex environment of flat terrain and mountains.
the test was conducted on sea surface for a reason. Right now the missile only has an altimeter to maintain a fixed altitude above the flat surface of the sea.
Last time they did try to fly it over some "complicated" land features and software malfunctioned and we all know where it ended? in a cashew nut plantation.
On the other hand all Babur tests were conducted on land,negotiating complex environment of flat terrain and mountains.

That is correct.

Pakistan always conducts all its missile tests over its cities. They are sure of the test's success on all parameters.

Wonder why? ;)
THe new Indian logic making rounds is. Due to economical reasons. Supersonic wala cost 5 million per piece and this sub sonic wala cause 1-1.5 million per piece
This is the world logic, not Indian logic. Even US and dear China has both subsonic and supersonic cruise missiles. Since you cannot comprehend that you should keep your mouth shut.
2nd Test-Flight Of Nirbhay Strategic Cruise Missile A Total Success

The nuclear-capable LACM yesterday had a flight-time lasting 80 minutes and cruised over a distance of 1,157km at a speed of Mach 0.7. Eight more test-flights now remain to be conducted prior to its entry-into-service with India’s Strategic Forces Command in ground-launched, submarine-launched and air-launched versions.



Nirbhay X Band Seeker

That is impossible to put this seeker in to Nirbhay as it is


To give you an idea, the seeker that is in Tomahwak, it consists of a Microprocessor and an Antenna.

That's the level of miniaturization you are looking for if you want to put seeker in to Nirbhay.

And I would put 2-3 years, it would take miniaturize the 50 KG seeker

Plus Also the enigne I'm hearing they used is Russian and Indian turbofan is not yet ready ?
This is the world logic, not Indian logic. Even US and dear China has both subsonic and supersonic cruise missiles. Since you cannot comprehend that you should keep your mouth shut.
Most of the Pakistanis have accepted that we are far ahead of them in missile technologoy just like most of the other fields but still few butthurts remain but nothing to worry they will also get in the line pretty soon.lol
That is correct.

Pakistan always conducts all its missile tests over its cities. They are sure of the test's success on all parameters.

Wonder why? ;)
Repeated cold testing of every individual component.
Not trying to be a hero by overly complicating the development and an ability to integrate and accept "off the shelf" products where available.
Most of the Pakistanis have accepted that we are far ahead of them in missile technologoy just like most of the other fields but still few butthurts remain but nothing to worry they will also get in the line pretty soon.lol


That is correct.

Pakistan always conducts all its missile tests over its cities. They are sure of the test's success on all parameters.

Wonder why? ;)

Another way to look at it, because we are smarter than you ?
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