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India successfully test fired Brahmos Missile from Su 30

It is a defence forum,when you came up with such claims,you should produce a technical papers or at least even a news paper link. AFAIK only agm158c is the only missile under development will be having autonomous homing capability.

If you are a current affairs defunct dude, why blame others?
This missile has downed British ships and its on the record.

And read this 20 months old news on Raytheon active seeker that helps missile hit moving targets:


Blame your dearth & deficiency. Not my imperfection or inadequacy.

That 1500 Km is the strike radius of the Su-30 MKI, armed with Brahmos. That means Su-30 will be able to fly 1500 Km , deliver its payload and come back to airbase and that is without mid air refueling.
Considering ferry range on Su 30 is about 3500 Kms , It is not much of trade off.

What is the breadth of Pakistan at its widest point ?
No the NDTV source I quoted did not mention 1500km as strike radius, but how far the MKI can fly with Brahmos.
The significant reduction in range is due to added weight of metal needed to stiffen fuselage , aerodynamic drag of Brahmi's and of course the 2.5 ton missile ain't light either.
Poor fellow he I unable to cope up with queries,mad me in his ignored list.
First of all the link that you have thrown says nothing about the technicality involved of BrahMos being able to destroy a moving target on its own (autonomous)

What sort of idiocy is this.

You are just now changing the language with "BrahMos being able to destroy a moving target on its own (autonomous)" because you were caught with your pants down.

Of course the Brahmos can't home the target on its own through its radar head alone from the start of the flight to its end, almost no AShM can.
Common sense Einstein.

That is why they use systems like INS, satellite navigation, and sometimes supplement it by C4I systems, etc.
The radar head is used in the terminal phase, where the target is close enough to be accurate, have enough resistance to ECMs and the target is within the search angle of the radar hence its movement can be tracked.

In the terminal phase the radar is the most accurate and among fastest guidance units in the missile, if not then why would you even put it there, what's the use for it if not for the final tracking of targets.

The Brahmos just needs to close the gap quick enough so that the mono pulse radar can track the movement.
And being supersonic, it can do that whereas sub sonic missiles have to absolutely be accurate in the tracking for larger periods of time as the targets initiate evasive maneuvers.

You were implying that a mono pulse seeker is not enough for this task when the fact is all guidance systems inside the missile are interdependent for the purpose of killing the target.

The fact that Brahmos has an active homing radar head should prove to any idiot that it can in fact track moving targets but no, special people need to be spoon fed.


So this was deceptive from you.

The situation is akin to imagine that I needed a telephone number from you and you tossed a yellow pages on me. This is not the right way to respond, you could have narrowed down the paragraph and copy pasted. But on this there was nothing you could have done, there is nothing.

Yeah, I'm not deceptive you are just lazy.

Issue at hand:

I said, BrahMos can not hit a moving target in its autonomous flight with RF Monopulse seeker. It has (so far) not.

You never said that.

You said,

I would love to see some demonstration of such mono pulse seeker enabled BrahMos destroying a moving target which does not have a scan seeker to do such a job.

In order for BrahMos to hit a moving target, it has to have an external aid via SatCom or AWACS to guide them to the target.

Here it is:


View attachment 438642

A complex airspace in a battle situation won't always allow for the use of all C4I systems and it has been tested in the absence of them.

Also, prove it.
Where does it say that Brahmos absolutely must use an AWACS aircraft or that it has never hit a moving target?
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13 Subs ...lol!!

LOL.. Simple match. 8+3+3? 14.

Last time a Russian missiles operated by Indians, flew into Pakistani airspace, It laid waste to the Karchi harbour and one third of Pakistan's navy along with it.. And those were the first generation, subsonic, Styx missile with range of 40 Kms.

And before that you were under our heel for a thousand years.

Even today Pakistan navy has as much defense against a 400 Km supersonic ALCM, as Pakistani Navy had against SSN -2 missiles in 1971.

Sure, Paks SAMs,CIWS etcs can never handle a yakhont... not even aliens could...

As it is, Pakistan had no countermeasures to a surface fired Bhramos with a range of 500 Kms.

Loading it on to a Sukhoi, just extended its range to nearly 3500 Kms. That means no ship in Pakistan's surface fleets is safe, as long it is within 3500 Km range of an India airbase.
Yakhont doesnt have a range of 500km to begin with... and 3500 km? are you retarded....? i know you are ...
:omghaha:Join Venture

Everybody knows it was designed and built by the Chinese,,,, even most of the upgrades are still done by the chinese while in pakistan they paint and fix the screws.

thats a mock up..
Because without external assistance the BrahMos is not able to hit a moving target like any ship doing 30 knots.

And if you say this is wrong, moron you become.
BrahMos has completed nearly 48 tests, not a single test involving a moving target.
Why don't they do it if that is that easy?

K here is a thing.. the guy who is in control not moron... they know when to fire... they're defenatly not going to fire at the range of 300km and take chances if the Missile designed for 300KM. don't you think they would calculate the ships direction and speed (whether its escaping the zone or coming towards it?/)

Don't write petty things here man..... No body is fool to waste a Million dollar Baby..
No the NDTV source I quoted, did not mention 1500km as strike radius, but how far the MKI can fly with Brahmos.
The significant reduction in range is due to added weight of metal needed to stiffen fuselage , aerodynamic drag of Brahmi's and of course the 2.5 ton missile ain't light either.

I wont expect Vishnu Som to know the difference between strike radius and ferry range of the aircrafts.
What they are quoting as the 'range of Su30 with Bhramos' is actually the nominal, un-refueled strike radius of Su 30.
Without refueling, Su30 has a typical mission time of 3.5 - 4 hrs...which corresponds to 3500km ferry range. With refueling, the aircraft has a flying time of 8hrs.

Aerodynamic drag has very less to weight of the missile, but very much to do with the exposed surface area of the missile.
Su 30 usually carries a combination 12 BVRAAMs and WVRAAMS. I am sure aerodynamic drag of 12 missile is far greater than aerodynamic drag of single bhramos, regardless of its weight.

As far strengthening of fuselage to carry additional weight on centre pylon is concerned. It necessarily does not add weight. Strengthening is done using incorporating materials which are stronger, for example carbon fiber, which is much stronger than aircraft grade aluminium, yet lighter than it.

No the NDTV source I quoted, did not mention 1500km as strike radius, but how far the MKI can fly with Brahmos.
The significant reduction in range is due to added weight of metal needed to stiffen fuselage , aerodynamic drag of Brahmi's and of course the 2.5 ton missile ain't light either.

I wont expect Vishnu Som to know the difference between strike radius and ferry range of the aircrafts.
What they are quoting as the 'range of Su30 with Bhramos' is actually the nominal, un-refueled strike radius of Su 30.
Without refueling, Su30 has a typical mission time of 3.5 - 4 hrs...which corresponds to 3500km ferry range. With refueling, the aircraft has a flying time of 8hrs.

Aerodynamic drag has very less to weight of the missile, but very much to do with the exposed surface area of the missile.
Su 30 usually carries a combination 12 BVRAAMs and WVRAAMS. I am sure aerodynamic drag of 12 missile is far greater than aerodynamic drag of single bhramos, regardless of its weight.

As far strengthening of fuselage to carry additional weight on centre pylon is concerned. It necessarily does not add weight. Strengthening is done using incorporating materials which are stronger, for example carbon fiber, which is much stronger than aircraft grade aluminium, yet lighter than it.
India playing "Catch up" with Pakistan.
Yesterday India test fired Air launched version of their Brahmos cruise Missile from Indian air force SU-30MKI. This was the first test of its kind where an IAF Sukhoi actually fired a Brahmos.
The air launched version has a range of 400 Km and this test was for a target at sea or anti ship role. We have yet to see a similar test for land based target.
But Indian program for Air launched Brahmos has its problems. The Missile is too heavy at 2.5 Tons for any fighter jet to carry. India's Russian made mainstay fighter jet the SU-30MKI is not designed to carry such heavy single load.
To make it able to carry Brahmos, India had to modify the jet. The fuselage or the body of IAF SU-30MKI had to be specially strengthened. That meant welding more frames and that essentially increased the weight of the jet, permanently.
Even if the IAF SU-30 modified for Brahmos is not carrying Brahmos, the extra strengthening beams welded to it are still there, making it heavy and reducing it's range, changing handling characteristics.
Since IAF does not want the whole fleet of their SU-30 get short legged just for Brahmos, they are planning to modify 42 jets for the role. However so far in many years, only two jets have actually been modifies. So in effect , as things stand right now, only two IAF jets can carry and fire only one Brahmos each.
Also the missile will fly at above 10 Thousand meter altitude most of it's flight path to sustain the Mach 2.8 speed, making it visible from very far away. Only the last few kilometers it will dive down and fly close to the surface.

On the other hand Pakistan has been proactive and already made some changes to existing tried and tested Raad Air launched cruise missile. The changes have increased the range of the missile to 550 Kilometers or 150 Km longer than Indian Brahmos. The modified new Missile is called Raad II.
Raad can fly close to the surface all the way, making it very difficult to detect and track from long distances.
Also PAF jets do not need to be modified to carry Raad, and the whole existing fleet of PAF Mirages and F-16 can carry at least one Raad each and possibly two. Tests being carried out on JF-17 too.

P.S. Unlike Indian claims,their Brahmos cannot carry nuclear weapons the Russian P-800 oniks the Brahmos is based on, was never designed to carry nuclear weapons, but an anti ship missile. Also the missile has a very low warhead weight capacity at just 250 Kilos and India does not have such light weigh Nuclear weapon.
On the other hand Pakistani Raad has warhead capacity of 350 to 400 Kilos and Pakistan does have Nuclear warheads of this weight. Also Raad was designed from the start for dual role as conventional and nuclear strike weapon.
The baiters have been so much triggered by this missile test that I can only ponder when the much hyped brahmos Ng is fired from the Jaguar with their aesa radars , the enemy will feel the heat of cold start

images (67).jpg
Unlike Indian claims,their Brahmos cannot carry nuclear weapons the Russian P-800 oniks the Brahmos is based on, was never designed to carry nuclear weapons, but an anti ship missile. Also the missile has a very low warhead weight capacity at just 250 Kilos and India does not have such light weigh Nuclear weapon.
Source Of this bizarre Claim claim

these Two Proven nuclear design's


Brahmos Was not P800 oniks It Different Missile all together

Though Oniks can carry Nuclear warhead


As Per Missile threat RAAD is un Operational
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