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India successfully blasts off supersonic missile assisted torpedo


@Zarvan @PanzerKiel @Rashid Mahmood
Lol everything is successful in indian military, but the truth is all three military branches are relying upon Brahmous ( an imported mijjile) rest every thing is junk
They are playing bluff with China, which is very dangerous. See, when their bluff is called.
So it's a ballistic missile that then drops a torpedo? That's interesting... I wonder how it fairs on impact with water.
I think the negative commentators as usual are trying to 'funny' the consequences of this missile. It means India has long range ASW capabilities available that it is now showcasing it to the Navy. This missile is useless if we don't have the capability.

Mostly it would be coastal based I would think.
Such type of missiles are polluting the already very polluted atmosphere of India.
As Christine Fair said in India that........when one adds fancy terminologies and complicated figures to a subject....it means they are actually trying to hide something....this is probably nothing more than a coastal defence weapon ....much like Pakistan's Zarb Missile.

As Christine Fair said in India that........when one adds fancy terminologies and complicated figures to a subject....it means they are actually trying to hide something....this is probably nothing more than a coastal defence weapon ....much like Pakistan's Zarb Missile.

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It deploys torpedo withing 650 km which means it can even hit submarines.
Why not any drone footage of targeted area where it was supposed to drop the torpedo ? ..
Anyways, how it is supposed to detect submarines ?.. Coordinated by P-8 or what assets ?
Looks rather a lot like a land based version of the Klub N,not identical of course,but possibly reverse/ reengineered from the missiles they bought from russia for the indian navy Talwar class frigates?
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