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India Still Far, Far Behind China

That's how biggest democracy works.
It seems that Supa Powans haven't inherited enough stuff from British colonial masters. Call back British!
View attachment 228663
well, the Brits are hiring us for HSR, nuclear plants and other projects. Why use a middle man, should call us directly.

With no reference to the people whom its improving ?

How can a nation run by a single party & no opposition assume that all it says or does makes its people happy.

Reminds me of the clapping / adulation shown by North Koreans.
It doesn't, nobody is trying to make anyone happy, I would say I want to make the world a better place, but I just want enough for my next vacation or car payment.

It doesn't matter what their intentions are, what matters is what actually happened. I'm sure my waiter isn't my biggest fan, but he still checks up on me every few minutes to see how everything is.

In the end, he gets a tip and the Chinese government gets to stay in power.

Their intentions can't feed the poor nor send them to school, actually doing those things does.
With no reference to the people whom its improving ?

How can a nation run by a single party & no opposition assume that all it says or does makes its people happy.

Reminds me of the clapping / adulation shown by North Koreans.

lol, more of your stupidity and ignorance```only one party in China :D? no opposition? kid, a quick search will do much better than your 'visit' in the country
List of political parties in the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CCP as a governing party, its own has many fractions with very different ideologies, and every providential, city, town and village has their own fractions and bodies to carry out decentralized plans and policies ```did your propaganda told you this?

why wouldnt we be happen to the current party, who can bring the country to the top league and improving lives of ordinary citizens?

and unfortunate indians have to live cheer for their multiple party 'democracy' where they actually live in a feudal society, as there is no security for human being's basic needs
lol, more of your stupidity and ignorance```only one party in China :D? no opposition? kid, a quick search will do much better than your 'visit' in the country
List of political parties in the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CCP as a governing party, its own has many fractions with very different ideologies, and every providential, city, town and village has their own fractions and bodies to carry out decentralized plans and policies ```did your propaganda told you this?

why wouldnt we be happen to the current party, who can bring the country to the top league and improving lives of ordinary citizens?

and unfortunate indians have to live cheer for their multiple party 'democracy' where they actually live in a feudal society, as there is no security for human being's basic needs

You have only one party hold all the power and every other entity is subservient to that. You cannot change that.
Factions exist everywhere, that does not mean that it is being open to all opinions nor that that mean freedom of expression or choice.
Your elections are limited to electing the lowest level functionaries. You do not have a say in choosing your leader.
Heck you do not have a choice in choosing to move within your own country or to even procreate freely.
lol, more of your stupidity and ignorance```only one party in China :D? no opposition? kid, a quick search will do much better than your 'visit' in the country
List of political parties in the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CCP as a governing party, its own has many fractions with very different ideologies, and every providential, city, town and village has their own fractions and bodies to carry out decentralized plans and policies ```did your propaganda told you this?

why wouldnt we be happen to the current party, who can bring the country to the top league and improving lives of ordinary citizens?

and unfortunate indians have to live cheer for their multiple party 'democracy' where they actually live in a feudal society, as there is no security for human being's basic needs

Come back when your people can elect their own national leader by adult franchise not through nominated CCP officials in a free & fair election.

Till then.. tada

well, the Brits are hiring us for HSR, nuclear plants and other projects. Why use a middle man, should call us directly.

It doesn't, nobody is trying to make anyone happy, I would say I want to make the world a better place, but I just want enough for my next vacation or car payment.

It doesn't matter what their intentions are, what matters is what actually happened. I'm sure my waiter isn't my biggest fan, but he still checks up on me every few minutes to see how everything is.

In the end, he gets a tip and the Chinese government gets to stay in power.

Their intentions can't feed the poor nor send them to school, actually doing those things does.
I Like your reply
There is another way of looking at the race, by checking out how many years ago China was at the same level as India is today on a variety of parameters. This approach offers us some useful clues about how far behind India is right now. I have used data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Some of the conclusions are surprising.
China was a $2 trillion economy in 2002. So India is 11 years behind China in the grand sweepstakes. Or, consider average incomes using purchasing power parity. Chinese average incomes in 2004 were at around the level that Indian average incomes are at now ($3,620). That is a nine-year gap.
The gap is narrower if we consider output per worker. The average Indian worker produces $8,401 of output a year, measured in 1990 dollars. China was at that level in 2006, not too long ago. The reason why the gap in terms of output per worker is less than that of average incomes is because China has a greater proportion of its population (especially women) in the labour force. The Indian labour participation rate is 56% versus 74% in the case of China.
Take a look at the consumption data. There is almost no difference between the two countries as far as mobile subscribers per 1,000 people is considered, but the gap is around eight years when one considers passenger cars. India currently has 12 cars per 1,000 people, a level that China crossed in 2004.
Poverty rates? The poverty headcount ratio—or the proportion of people living on less than $1.25 a day—in China in 2002 was around what it is in India today (32.7%).
So, one can broadly say that India is a decade behind China as far as the basic indicators of income are considered.
2013 comparison.

Indian population is illiterate, India has little to no infrastructure, no basic sanitation, India has absolutely poverty.

10 years behind China? :lol:
Dream on.

Here is an accurate list:
India is 20 years behind China in economics.
India is 25 years behind China in technology.
India is 30 years behind China in military.
India is 40 years behind China in social development.
Lets wait in 10 yrs time (2025) to see if india reaches/catches up to where china is today, shall we?
can we take mumbai vs shanghai as an example in term of infrastructure?
Indian population is illiterate, India has little to no infrastructure, no basic sanitation, India has absolutely poverty.

10 years behind China? :lol:
Dream on.

Here is an accurate list:
India is 20 years behind China in economics.
India is 25 years behind China in technology.
India is 30 years behind China in military.
India is 40 years behind China in social development.
Dear Mr. Genius with an open mind, where are you getting this list from? Is it another one of your "open minded observations" during your implausible visits to india?

Moderation is always good, don't keep your mind so open your brains fall out,
Lets wait in 10 yrs time (2025) to see if india reaches/catches up to where china is today, shall we?
can we take mumbai vs shanghai as an example in term of infrastructure?
It may happen...There is no strong reason not to believe that!!!
ok guys let us start destroying the myths:

CARSON BLOCK: China's Fake GDP Is Over-Inflated By 25% | Business Insider India

Is China faking its economic growth? Chanos thinks so - Feb. 16, 2012

China Fake Data to Skew More Export Numbers - Bloomberg Business

Biggest Fib Of The Year: China GDP Grows 7.5% In Q2

If Chanos is right and the Chinese government is under-reporting its inflation data, its measure of economic growth would also be off-kilter. The latest government data shows the Chinese economy grew at an8.9% annual pacein the fourth quarter, only slightly weaker than the typical 9% to 10% growth rates it has seen over the last few years.

While economists are often skeptical of China's government figures, Chanos estimates those numbers are way off

China foreign exchange reserves

Bingo! Premier Li Keqiang Punctures The Excess Savings Myth | David Stockman's Contra Corner

Indian population is illiterate, India has little to no infrastructure, no basic sanitation, India has absolutely poverty.

10 years behind China? :lol:
Dream on.

Here is an accurate list:
India is 20 years behind China in economics.
India is 25 years behind China in technology.
India is 30 years behind China in military.
India is 40 years behind China in social development.

Compared to the Indian Army, which is arguably the world’s most battle hardened military, the PLA is relatively inexperienced, with limited exposure to wars over the last 50 years, save for the one with Vietnam in 1979, from where it retreated in ignominy, besides some border skirmishes with India. Indian Army’ professionalism and mastery of the entire spectrum of conflicts, ranging from decades of counter-insurgency and guerrilla style operations to four wars with Pakistan, including Kargil, in a diversity of terrains and climatic conditions, remains unsurpassed.

China also invaded Vietnam in February 1979, provoked by the latter’s intervention in Cambodia to end Pol Pot’s reign of brutality and genocide. Employing massive “human wave” tactics, backed by artillery support and armoured columns, the PLA advanced some 20 km into its territory. Far from diverting its Cambodia-based army regulars, Vietnam rallied its second rung yet battle-tested border guards and local militias.

2014 Is Not 1962: India Much Better Prepared For Chinese Challenge - Analysis - Eurasia Review

Many of China's "new" weapons are actually foreign designs that Beijing's state companies have licensed, stolen, or painstakingly reverse-engineered. The Changhe Z-8 helicopter was originally the French Super Frelon. The Harbin Z-9 scout helicopter started life as the Eurocopter Dauphin. The Type 99 tank is an updated Soviet T-72. Specifically, we don't know if any of itreallyworks.

Why the Chinese military is only a paper dragon

While recent years have witnessed atremendous Chinese propaganda effortaimed at convincing the world that the PRC is a serious military player that is owed respect, outsiders often forget that China does not even have a professional military.The PLA, unlike the armed forces of the United States, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other regional heavyweights, is by definition not a professional fighting force. Rather, it is a “party army,” the armed wing of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Indeed, all career officers in the PLA are members of the CCP and all units at the company level and above have political officers assigned to enforce party control. Likewise, all important decisions in the PLA are made by Communist Party committees that are dominated by political officers, not by operators. This system ensures that the interests of the party’s civilian and military leaders are merged, and for this reason new Chinese soldiers entering into the PLA swear their allegiance to the CCP, not to the PRC constitution or the people of China.

China’s Deceptively Weak (and Dangerous) Military | The Diplomat
You understand what perception means right. I don't know anything about Indian corruption, and I don't really want to know.

China is arresting politicians and CEOs of state enterprises left and right, these are the same people that let the boom in the 2000s, remember at that time, our difference isn't that big.

We had about the same amount of money in those early stages, so my question is where did India's money go? We know some or a lot of it in China has been used as bribes and other uses, but we do see the roads, the cities, the HSR, the health care and other REAL infrastructure and improvements. Not a number on a sheet.

We don't see the same in India, if we started somewhat similar levels, how did we get ahead? Seeing as how we should have the access to the same resources, even if it is slow in India, it shouldn't make resources just disappear.

Also 100 to 85 is considerably worse? On the per capita scale, we are 75, you are 145, what do you call that?

Dear mr Genesis, I was replying to one of your dimwit india hating compatriots not to you or anyone else, so excuse me if I have not been at my politest. Like you I have no interest in chinese corruption or otherwise. However a neutral agency points out that corruption is higher in China than India. I think most wise folk would ruminate on the findings before shooting the messenger. Personal biased viewpoint cannot be a substitute for scientific analyses.

Your argument is that chinese infrastructure is better than indian so this must be due to reduced corruption? Not at all, china started investing in infrastructure way before india did, we were following the soviet/Nehruvian model of socialism. The difference is due to china embracing market style capitalism a decade earlier than india.

As for coming down on corrupt officials, this is a huge public issue in India too and it is one of the reasons the congress party lost the last election. India does not shoot corrupt officials, it uses different methods, maybe softer but also pretty effective. We have the " right to information act"' there is also a lot of work being done in computerizing land records, we have a free press that is known for sting operations, recently some major corporate corruption was discovered in one of the ministries and the perpetrators are being tried.

India has a softer and subtler approach, but do not mistake that for ineffectiveness. The clean up has only just begun, let us see in 10'years.

Personally I wish China and the rest of the world all success in reducing corruption. The world is increasingly interlinked and corruption is a fast traveling contagious disease.

ok guys let us start destroying the myths:

CARSON BLOCK: China's Fake GDP Is Over-Inflated By 25% | Business Insider India

Is China faking its economic growth? Chanos thinks so - Feb. 16, 2012

China Fake Data to Skew More Export Numbers - Bloomberg Business

Biggest Fib Of The Year: China GDP Grows 7.5% In Q2

If Chanos is right and the Chinese government is under-reporting its inflation data, its measure of economic growth would also be off-kilter. The latest government data shows the Chinese economy grew at an8.9% annual pacein the fourth quarter, only slightly weaker than the typical 9% to 10% growth rates it has seen over the last few years.

While economists are often skeptical of China's government figures, Chanos estimates those numbers are way off

China foreign exchange reserves

Bingo! Premier Li Keqiang Punctures The Excess Savings Myth | David Stockman's Contra Corner

Compared to the Indian Army, which is arguably the world’s most battle hardened military, the PLA is relatively inexperienced, with limited exposure to wars over the last 50 years, save for the one with Vietnam in 1979, from where it retreated in ignominy, besides some border skirmishes with India. Indian Army’ professionalism and mastery of the entire spectrum of conflicts, ranging from decades of counter-insurgency and guerrilla style operations to four wars with Pakistan, including Kargil, in a diversity of terrains and climatic conditions, remains unsurpassed.

China also invaded Vietnam in February 1979, provoked by the latter’s intervention in Cambodia to end Pol Pot’s reign of brutality and genocide. Employing massive “human wave” tactics, backed by artillery support and armoured columns, the PLA advanced some 20 km into its territory. Far from diverting its Cambodia-based army regulars, Vietnam rallied its second rung yet battle-tested border guards and local militias.

2014 Is Not 1962: India Much Better Prepared For Chinese Challenge - Analysis - Eurasia Review

Many of China's "new" weapons are actually foreign designs that Beijing's state companies have licensed, stolen, or painstakingly reverse-engineered. The Changhe Z-8 helicopter was originally the French Super Frelon. The Harbin Z-9 scout helicopter started life as the Eurocopter Dauphin. The Type 99 tank is an updated Soviet T-72. Specifically, we don't know if any of itreallyworks.

Why the Chinese military is only a paper dragon

While recent years have witnessed atremendous Chinese propaganda effortaimed at convincing the world that the PRC is a serious military player that is owed respect, outsiders often forget that China does not even have a professional military.The PLA, unlike the armed forces of the United States, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other regional heavyweights, is by definition not a professional fighting force. Rather, it is a “party army,” the armed wing of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Indeed, all career officers in the PLA are members of the CCP and all units at the company level and above have political officers assigned to enforce party control. Likewise, all important decisions in the PLA are made by Communist Party committees that are dominated by political officers, not by operators. This system ensures that the interests of the party’s civilian and military leaders are merged, and for this reason new Chinese soldiers entering into the PLA swear their allegiance to the CCP, not to the PRC constitution or the people of China.

China’s Deceptively Weak (and Dangerous) Military | The Diplomat
So you are letting the cat out among the pigeons LOL... Let's wait for the fireworks.
For every Singapore, we have several cases of North Korea, Soviet, East Germany etc. There are far more successes in democracies than there are in autocracies and countries moving towards democracy suggests something must be working.

Funny thing is all of those "democracies" weren't really democracies until their industrialised. Countries like UK industrialised under monarchy and democracy was implemented as a result of demands of people to have a greater say on the fate of the country. It's not like they prospered because of democracy, democracy was a result of prosperity. But now the same states are promoting democracy as the universal system onto the developing world and there are enough idiots to blindly follow it.
Chear leaders ki kami nahi hai...................... we already knew China is in better position than India...

But, Indian is also far better than your country my dear
I guess you have given away all the secrets. Hope they won't buy it.

good lord, at least he hasn't given out the indoor-plumbing part of the secrets. :lol:

Indian population is illiterate, India has little to no infrastructure, no basic sanitation, India has absolutely poverty.

10 years behind China? :lol:
Dream on.

Here is an accurate list:
India is 20 years behind China in economics.
India is 25 years behind China in technology.
India is 30 years behind China in military.
India is 40 years behind China in social development.

I'd say

India is 50 years behind China in economics, at least. (this is even way too optimistic, because it seems no way that make-in-India 50 years from now can be any way comparable to the wide spread success of made-in-China is today in the world market)

India is 50 years behind China in technology. (see below)

India is 50 years behind China in military. (can the current India match the degree of mil tech independence of 1970's China?)

India is easily >1,800 years behind China in social development. (e.g. caste system, slaves, can today's Indian "citizens" including every castes and women match the degree of freedom enjoyed by the average Chinese in Han Dynasty?)
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