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India Still Far, Far Behind China

this sentence alone shows your sheer ignorance about how China functions`

Indians get their information from anti-China media in the West and in their own country.

Let them believe what they want, India won't surpass China in this century or the next. India is run by a bunch of ultra-nationalist religious wackos that care more about show and bragging.
China is run by people that understand how to govern a country. The difference can be seen with anyone with an open mind.

China needed stability to make money and with that money China will become technologically advanced.
China values stability more than anything and rightly so considering the results of countries with instability like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria.

Please clarify the following for me, because there is a lack of clarity about it.
1) Can a person in a village in China freely relocate to cities like Hong Kong, Shanghai without requiring any permits?
2) Can every family choose to have more than 1 child?
3) Can you set up a new party and contest your national elections?
4) Is your internet access free of censorship?

1) India needs a system like this to better manage its population.
2) India needs to bring in a 1 child policy to stop Indians breeding like rats and overpopulating the world and using all the resources of the world.
3) Indians should never be allowed to vote considering how many illiterate people there are in India.
4) Indians would benefit from massive censorship which will stop the endless bragging and boasting of Indians all over the global internet with their superpower wet dreams and white servants by 2030.

In summary, India needs a healthy dose of permits, population control, less elections & more governance, and helluva a lot more censorship.
1) India needs a system like this to better manage its population.
2) India needs to bring in a 1 child policy to stop Indians breeding like rats and overpopulating the world and using all the resources of the world.
3) Indians should never be allowed to vote considering how many illiterate people there are in India.
4) Indians would benefit from massive censorship which will stop the endless bragging and boasting of Indians all over the global internet with their superpower wet dreams and white servants by 2030.

In summary, India needs a healthy dose of permits, population control, less elections & more governance, and helluva a lot more censorship.

Thanks for answering the question.
I am actually pleased now.
Indians get their information from anti-China media in the West and in their own country.

Let them believe what they want, India won't surpass China in this century or the next. India is run by a bunch of ultra-nationalist religious wackos that care more about show and bragging.
China is run by people that understand how to govern a country. The difference can be seen with anyone with an open mind.

China needed stability to make money and with that money China will become technologically advanced.
China values stability more than anything and rightly so considering the results of countries with instability like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria.

1) India needs a system like this to better manage its population.
2) India needs to bring in a 1 child policy to stop Indians breeding like rats and overpopulating the world and using all the resources of the world.
3) Indians should never be allowed to vote considering how many illiterate people there are in India.
4) Indians would benefit from massive censorship which will stop the endless bragging and boasting of Indians all over the global internet with their superpower wet dreams and white servants by 2030.

In summary, India needs a healthy dose of permits, population control, less elections & more governance, and helluva a lot more censorship.

Very insightful. I always admire how you stick to the facts without getting muddled with propaganda. I guess it is the gifted Chinese way of thinking, which we poor Indians lack. O master, will you please teach us your way?
Thanks for answering the question.
I am actually pleased now.

Since India has none of those systems, India is much weaker than China. China follows the Singapore style of East Asian governance. Governance is the most important aspect of a ruling government, not elections, not making people happy. It's about doing whats in the best interest of the country.

Indians cannot govern their own country properly which is why I have said in the past that India would perform best if Indian governance was 'offshored' to the British and Americans. India should allow the British or Americans to run India for 50-75 years which would make Indians richer and prosperous.

India needs strong Singapore style governance, not the incompetent idiots running India now that wouldn't know the first thing about governance.

Britain put a curse on 'India' by uniting you into a single country. Your whole country is made up of different people that shares no identity with each other. It's worse than if the European Union became a single country.

India will go down as the worst political union in world history. Indian political union won't end well.

The design of the Indian system prevents India from ever surpassing China. Chinese system is designed to make China a powerful and independent country.

When Indians say India will surpass China because of similar population, I just laugh. They don't realise the Indian system is designed to slow things down and make people happy to keep the fragile political union together. India is a nation of chaos. China values stability which has proven to be the way to go. Chinese leaders got it right and Indian leaders got it wrong. Just like Indian leaders thought they could skip the manufacturing development and skip to the services development while Indians laughed at China that they were a services economy while China was a manufacturing economy. Everyone knows you need manufacturing economy before becoming more service oriented.

India are run by bunch of fools. None of them have any idea what the hell they are doing. What kind of fool would say Mumbai will overtake Shanghai in 5 years....Indian Prime Minister did. Former Indian president even wrote a book about India becoming a superpower by 2020. WHAT A TOOL.

India and Indians are highly immature people.
Indians get their information from anti-China media in the West and in their own country.

Let them believe what they want, India won't surpass China in this century or the next. India is run by a bunch of ultra-nationalist religious wackos that care more about show and bragging.
China is run by people that understand how to govern a country. The difference can be seen with anyone with an open mind.

China needed stability to make money and with that money China will become technologically advanced.
China values stability more than anything and rightly so considering the results of countries with instability like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria.

1) India needs a system like this to better manage its population.
2) India needs to bring in a 1 child policy to stop Indians breeding like rats and overpopulating the world and using all the resources of the world.
3) Indians should never be allowed to vote considering how many illiterate people there are in India.
4) Indians would benefit from massive censorship which will stop the endless bragging and boasting of Indians all over the global internet with their superpower wet dreams and white servants by 2030.

In summary, India needs a healthy dose of permits, population control, less elections & more governance, and helluva a lot more censorship.

I agreed, Chinese system of governance might be more helpful in India and would help India develop faster. But one thing India is not a single entity it is a mixture of multiple entities, an authoritarian kind of govt might damage the country. And many people in India give a big deal about religion while in China religion is not a big deal. So right now democracy works best for a country like India, the development is slow sure, but we are improving crazy. One thing India should copy from China is population control. But saying India wont surpass China is like saying China wont surpass USA. And our country is not run by religious people[that is what Pakistanis think], it is run by people who know to run a country otherwise India would not have survived and developed this far.

Since India has none of those systems, India is much weaker than China. China follows the Singapore style of East Asian governance. Governance is the most important aspect of a ruling government, not elections, not making people happy. It's about doing whats in the best interest of the country.

Indians cannot govern their own country properly which is why I have said in the past that India would perform best if Indian governance was 'offshored' to the British and Americans. India should allow the British or Americans to run India for 50-75 years which would make Indians richer and prosperous.

India needs strong Singapore style governance, not the incompetent idiots running India now that wouldn't know the first thing about governance.

Britain put a curse on 'India' by uniting you into a single country. Your whole country is made up of different people that shares no identity with each other. It's worse than if the European Union became a single country.

India will go down as the worst political union in world history. Indian political union won't end well.

The design of the Indian system prevents India from ever surpassing China. Chinese system is designed to make China a powerful and independent country.

When Indians say India will surpass China because of similar population, I just laugh. They don't realise the Indian system is designed to slow things down and make people happy to keep the fragile political union together. India is a nation of chaos. China values stability which has proven to be the way to go. Chinese leaders got it right and Indian leaders got it wrong. Just like Indian leaders thought they could skip the manufacturing development and skip to the services development while Indians laughed at China that they were a services economy while China was a manufacturing economy. Everyone knows you need manufacturing economy before becoming more service oriented.

India are run by bunch of fools. None of them have any idea what the hell they are doing. What kind of fool would say Mumbai will overtake Shanghai in 5 years....Indian Prime Minister did. Former Indian president even wrote a book about India becoming a superpower by 2020. WHAT A TOOL.

India and Indians are highly immature people.

That is for internal consumption, to keep the morale high, that is how we work, might be different from China but that is how we are, Even though we are a poor nation we are developing at a pretty good rate. For your info that president has contributed a lot to science and tech. As for the other part of your post, get your facts right. People in India are united by the idea called India and Thousands yrs of culture. Get your facts straight and don't let hate take over your reasoning ability.
this sentence alone shows your sheer ignorance about how China functions`

Having spent a considerable time there & making trips often I can say with conviction that I stand by my views.
Since India has none of those systems, India is much weaker than China. China follows the Singapore style of East Asian governance. Governance is the most important aspect of a ruling government, not elections, not making people happy. It's about doing whats in the best interest of the country.
I don't even know what to say about this. A country is its people and not the land and boundaries. If you don't keep them happy, you might as well dump the government.

Indians cannot govern their own country properly which is why I have said in the past that India would perform best if Indian governance was 'offshored' to the British and Americans. India should allow the British or Americans to run India for 50-75 years which would make Indians richer and prosperous.
We have done ok. We will do better. We have the freedom.
I'd like to add... you don't have the freedom. You must adjust with the governance blessed to you by your lords.

India needs strong Singapore style governance, not the incompetent idiots running India now that wouldn't know the first thing about governance.
Disagree. Hey btw we can change our incompetent idiots. Can you even call your lords incompetent idiots? Nah.. I guess you have already said they are prefect beings.

Britain put a curse on 'India' by uniting you into a single country. Your whole country is made up of different people that shares no identity with each other. It's worse than if the European Union became a single country.
Your statement is half true and half false.
We are made up of different people. Thats an amazing thing.
But we do share amazing amounts of history with each other.

India will go down as the worst political union in world history. Indian political union won't end well.
We will see somewhere down the line won't we.

The design of the Indian system prevents India from ever surpassing China. Chinese system is designed to make China a powerful and independent country.

When Indians say India will surpass China because of similar population, I just laugh. They don't realise the Indian system is designed to slow things down and make people happy to keep the fragile political union together. India is a nation of chaos. China values stability which has proven to be the way to go. Chinese leaders got it right and Indian leaders got it wrong. Just like Indian leaders thought they could skip the manufacturing development and skip to the services development while Indians laughed at China that they were a services economy while China was a manufacturing economy. Everyone knows you need manufacturing economy before becoming more service oriented.

India are run by bunch of fools. None of them have any idea what the hell they are doing. What kind of fool would say Mumbai will overtake Shanghai in 5 years....Indian Prime Minister did. Former Indian president even wrote a book about India becoming a superpower by 2020. WHAT A TOOL.

India and Indians are highly immature people.
Even after you had the best of government, 10 years back your GDP was nearly what we have now. So, we are basically 10 years behind you, not bad for a country run by bunch of fools. Strangely people are free too!

Let me tell you the advantage about freedom. You can always find a bunch of people who are dissatisfied and will take to arms to get what they want. But the vast majority will be against those idiots and will not let them succeed.
Without freedom, the small bunch of people who know what is best for the country can manage it based on fear and control for a while. But there will be tipping points that will blow away the control and government.
Events as recent as the Arab Revolutions should open your eyes to that.
Going by these numbers, even if India achieved a 10 per cent growth rate, it would be growing by $20 billion in a year in absolute terms. But China, at even 6.5 per cent growth, would be growing by around $70 billion a year in absolute terms. So India’s growth rate may be marginally higher, but it has a lot of catching up to do to grow faster than China in absolute terms, which tells the real growth story.

India Still Far, Far Behind China | Swarajya

where did that comes from 10% of 1.87 trillion is 187 billion, similarly 6.5% of 9.24 trillion is 600 billion, the author needs math classes for sure.
Having spent a considerable time there & making trips often I can say with conviction that I stand by my views.
same excuse I got from those ignorant people who apparently 'know' China at once when they set food in the country```still you are clueless about us

China is way more fair and 'democratic' than India in many ways```I draw my conclusion from my half dozen business trips to India, and had dealt with local politicians and factory owners (they have no regards to ordinary Indian whatsoever, and its a fact)

so Indian's government is more likely to do anything without considering the majority whereas the Chinese government is doing everything to improve people's living standards from all aspects
Many are mentioning democracy here. What's point of having democracy when there's not enough wealth or opportunity? Do you think someone who survives without a dollar a day has time to care about the right to cast votes? Path to industrialisation is never easy and many hard decisions have to taken and a generation or two will have to sacrifice their comfort for the greater good of the state. China will probably be a developed country by 2050, its citizens would enjoy first world standards of living, people will live a comfortable life and you democracy gang would still be light years behind China.

You are ignoring the pyramid of needs. Only when wealth reaches a certain point, democracy should be implemented.

Many are mentioning democracy here. What's point of having democracy when there's not enough wealth or opportunity? Do you think someone who survives without a dollar a day has time to care about the right to cast votes? Path to industrialisation is never easy and many hard decisions have to taken and a generation or two will have to sacrifice their comfort for the greater good of the state. China will probably be a developed country by 2050, its citizens would enjoy first world standards of living, people will live a comfortable life and you democracy gang would still be light years behind China.

You are ignoring the pyramid of needs. Only when wealth reaches a certain point, democracy should be implemented.

Leaving the trolls like Beidou aside, China has done well with its model, and so has Singapore - I'm not denying that. The path of autocracy however could easily swing a country in its stage of development into a North Korea like system while democracy is a system that has inherently less risker, albeit lesser return. Each country needs to find its balance in this aspect.

India is culturally, religiously, ethnically, linguistically diverse. We cannot have one solution that works for all which is where democracy and interplay of power between center and state plays a role. Look at what happened in Pakistan when they tried to impose Urdu over Bengal or in Sri Lanka when they tried to impose Sinhalese over Tamil or even in India with Hindi vs Tamil. That simply does not work for the republic.

India has been really on the growth track only in the last 24 years after liberalization and income per capita in that period has quadrupled averaging 6% a year. Is this super fast to the levels of China? no - but is this acceptable? Absolutely. People forget where India was in 1991 - very close to bankruptcy and defaulting on debt - we've come a long way since. We would be happy if we can maintain this 6-7% a year over the next 25 years while strengthening the foundational institutions of our democracy.
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Leaving the trolls like Beidou aside, China has done well with its model, and so has Singapore - I'm not denying that. The path of autocracy however could easily swing a country in its stage of development into a North Korea like system while democracy is a system that has inherently less risker, albeit lesser return. Each country needs to find its balance in this aspect.

India is culturally, religiously, ethnically, linguistically diverse. We cannot have one solution that works for all which is where democracy and interplay of power between center and state plays a role. Look at what happened in Pakistan when they tried to impose Urdu over Bengal or in Sri Lanka when they tried to impose Sinhalese over Tamil or even in India with Hindi vs Tamil. That simply does not work for the republic.

India has been really on the growth track only in the last 24 years after liberalization and income per capita in that period has quadrupled averaging 6% a year. Is this super fast to the levels of China? no - but is this acceptable? Absolutely - we would be happy if we can maintain this 6-7% a year over the next 25 years while strengthening the foundational institutions of our democracy.
Democracy is also the reason why many talented politicians lose their ground. In a developing country, it's not possible to expect people to make an intelligent judgement on who should be ruling the state. So the outcome is, having the most popular crooks being elected solely for the reason that they managed to influence the minds of working class. This is where it eliminates the potential of the country to address its problems properly. You can't expect many people to willingly sacrifice their comfort for the sake of greater good. So the chances are, any politician who's willing to drag the country forward gets rooted out from the system just because his actions inevitably causes discomfort for a short period of time.

Another issue is that, in any democratic nation -whether rich or poor, the leader doesn't have the ability to think beyond then next election. So many tend to take actions that could harm the country in return for securing the vote base. For instance, increasing salaries that otherwise, cannot be sustained. So again, long-term planning can't be expected in such an environment.

To avoid a country being turned into a heavily authoritarian state like North Korea, it is vital to straighten the institutions that does checks and balances in a professional manner, most importantly an independent judiciary. In many democratic developing countries, media is expected to replace the role of professional institutions which turns the entire political atmosphere into a meaningless competition. It is again, play an important role in combating corruption. Instead of expecting journalists, whose claims could be true or false, to provide complete coverage over corruption, a country should have institutions that deal with facts rather than opinions.

China is also a diverse country under the surface but they are more capable of settling their differences without igniting conflicts. Since you brought Singapore, it is also a diverse country that had to face many challenges. At the time of its independence it was full of racial tensions but it has managed to implement unique solutions that fit their requirement. In a fully democratic system, this would have never been possible. Simply for the reason that in such a system, its leaders may have to appeal to the majority to secure their vote base but in Singapore, leaders have taken some decisions that were, at the time, against the wishes of the majority. What's the result? A stable prosperous country. Therefore, just like Singapore, India should find its own solutions for its own problems rather than taking a foreign system and fully implementing it without considering how it will be played in the country.

IMO politics should be a professional area of work. At the same time. tt should be open to everyone given that a person has necessary skills and qualifications. Who should governs the country shouldn't depend on the opinion of the citizens. Just like how every random person in the country don't decide which doctor should treat a certain patient, politics should also be there for the professionals.
Democracy is also the reason why many talented politicians lose their ground. In a developing country, it's not possible to expect people to make an intelligent judgement on who should be ruling the state. So the outcome is, having the most popular crooks being elected solely for the reason that they managed to influence the minds of working class. This is where it eliminates the potential of the country to address its problems properly. You can't expect many people to willingly sacrifice their comfort for the sake of greater good. So the chances are, any politician who's willing to drag the country forward gets rooted out from the system just because his actions inevitably causes discomfort for a short period of time.

This is where several institutions need to be strengthened at the same time. Do you think there is no corruption in China and that Chinese autocrats have never benefited themselves? Every system is subject to being gamed.

Another issue is that, in any democratic nation -whether rich or poor, the leader doesn't have the ability to think beyond then next election. So many tend to take actions that could harm the country in return for securing the vote base. For instance, increasing salaries that otherwise, cannot be sustained. So again, long-term planning can't be expected in such an environment.

That's where the concept of checks and balances come into play - the upper house and the lower house of the democratic parliament. There are other natural market checks that will take care of this too - for example, an independent central bank can refuse to take on Govt loan unless it modifies certain conditions - and this has happened in India before.

Simply for the reason that in such a system, its leaders may have to appeal to the majority to secure their vote base but in Singapore, leaders have taken some decisions that were, at the time, against the wishes of the majority. What's the result? A stable prosperous country. Therefore, just like Singapore, India should find its own solutions for its own problems rather than taking a foreign system and fully implementing it without considering how it will be played in the country.

For every Singapore, we have several cases of North Korea, Soviet, East Germany etc. There are far more successes in democracies than there are in autocracies and countries moving towards democracy suggests something must be working.


Therefore, just like Singapore, India should find its own solutions for its own problems rather than taking a foreign system and fully implementing it without considering how it will be played in the country.

Considering where we were in 1991 and where India, what led you to believe India is doing horribly that it must change its way of working? We've finally hit a nice balance, and are strengthening our governance. There's a long way to go, but I don't see the need to change our fundamental structure.
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