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India Still Far, Far Behind China

Funnily enough as far as corruption goes transparency international has India at 85 and China is considerably worse at 100.

2014 Corruption Perceptions Index -- Results

And funnily enough the ginni coefficient for China is 37 and India 33.6. That is China has more income inequality than India.

I think you may be mistaking a free press for bad performance.

In a democracy flaws are endlessly discussed and focused on but where there is censorship flaws may go undetected until the pressure has built up so high a safety lock bursts.

GINI index (World Bank estimate) | Data | Table
India is 30-40 years behind China in terms of social development, industrial capability, infrastructure capability, technological advancement, military capability, governance capability.
10 years my arse :lol:

50% of the Indian population are illiterate with no industry whatsoever and Indians don't even have toilets.

Indians don't have freedom since the caste system prevents Indians from having freedom. Caste system is the most oppressive system in the world as it discriminates Indians purely because of their social status and skin colours.

Indians are free to starve (no food to eat), free to defecate (no infrastructure), Indian men are free to rape and hang women on mango trees. That's Indian freedom for ya.

India is one of the most corrupt countries on this planet as most of the funds are hidden away and in Indian society the more corrupt you are the higher up in society you can go.

India will never get within touching distance of surpassing China.
It will always be the case that India look up at China and Chinese will always be able to laugh at Indians.

Indian regime don't care about improving people's livelihoods. All they care about is how to get rich being inside the Indian regime. The ruling elite in India barely consider Dalits to be humans according to the caste system.

India cannot even feed its own people, protect their women or give them proper sanitation.

Most Indians would rather live in North Korea than in India.

My friend...all you have are rants and perceptions about India.
You also have bought the propaganda of your rulers so much that you seem just like a propaganda bot rather than an individual let alone a thinker.
1) India needs a system like this to better manage its population.
2) India needs to bring in a 1 child policy to stop Indians breeding like rats and overpopulating the world and using all the resources of the world.
3) Indians should never be allowed to vote considering how many illiterate people there are in India.
4) Indians would benefit from massive censorship which will stop the endless bragging and boasting of Indians all over the global internet with their superpower wet dreams and white servants by 2030.

In summary, India needs a healthy dose of permits, population control, less elections & more governance, and helluva a lot more censorship.

I guess you have given away all the secrets. Hope they won't buy it.
Funnily enough as far as corruption goes transparency international has India at 85 and China is considerably worse at 100.

2014 Corruption Perceptions Index -- Results

And funnily enough the ginni coefficient for China is 37 and India 33.6. That is China has more income inequality than India.

I think you may be mistaking a free press for bad performance.

In a democracy flaws are endlessly discussed and focused on but where there is censorship flaws may go undetected until the pressure has built up so high a safety lock bursts.

GINI index (World Bank estimate) | Data | Table

Most of the Indian corruption is disguised as part of the 'democratic process' as 'lobbying' . Anyone with a brain knows India is arguably the most corrupt country on this planet even surpassing the likes of Somalia and Sudan.

If the real corruption numbers of India got published, India will be the number 1 corrupt country. But corrupt Indian officials probably bribe the people making the corrupt indexes and lists to make India better than it is to keep its population happy.

Can you imagine if India was ranked last on the corruption indexes like it should be? People would topple the regime.

India usually gets that sympathy vote among corruption lists which significantly underestimates its corruption. Indian corruption is understated due to the clever concealment of funds by corrupt Indian officials and the blatant lying by the Indian regime to its own people to appear as if India is not as corrupt to keep the legitimacy of the regime.

In China there is corruption but Chinese officials also develop the country.
In India corrupt officials loot India of its wealth while doing little to no development of its country.

Gini index for India is highly inaccurate as we can see the massive disparity among dalits and brahmins. Once again India bribes these people to make India appear 'relatively good' to keep its population happy. Mostly to win votes.
Most of the Indian corruption is disguised as part of the 'democratic process' as 'lobbying' . Anyone with a brain knows India is arguably the most corrupt country on this planet even surpassing the likes of Somalia and Sudan.

If the real corruption numbers of India got published, India will be the number 1 corrupt country. But corrupt Indian officials probably bribe the people making the corrupt indexes and lists to make India better than it is to keep its population happy.

Can you imagine if India was ranked last on the corruption indexes like it should be? People would topple the regime.

India usually gets that sympathy vote among corruption lists which significantly underestimates its corruption. Indian corruption is understated due to the clever concealment of funds by corrupt Indian officials and the blatant lying by the Indian regime to its own people to appear as if India is not as corrupt to keep the legitimacy of the regime.

In China there is corruption but Chinese officials also develop the country.
In India corrupt officials loot India of its wealth while doing little to no development of its country.

Gini index for India is highly inaccurate as we can see the massive disparity among dalits and brahmins. Once again India bribes these people to make India appear 'relatively good' to keep its population happy. Mostly to win votes.
Just out of interest , how come you have so much " insider knowledge" about Indian corruption, even more than transperancy international?

So according to you, world bank and transperancy international have both been hoodwinked by india and only you are genius enough to see through all this!

Enough said my friend, go take a kit kat break .
Just out of interest , how come you have so much " insider knowledge" about Indian corruption, even more than transperancy international?

After visiting and doing business in many parts of the world, I think its obvious to any human with an open mind that India is one of the most anti-business and corrupt countries in the world. Corrupt Indian officials are better at hiding their schemes than corrupt Chinese officials. India has mastered the art of corruption.

How do these indexes know everything happening in India and China? China is certainly not more corrupt than India, that I know for a certainty.

India has mastered the art of concealing their corruption. Indians are corruption grand masters.
Many are mentioning democracy here. What's point of having democracy when there's not enough wealth or opportunity? Do you think someone who survives without a dollar a day has time to care about the right to cast votes? Path to industrialisation is never easy and many hard decisions have to taken and a generation or two will have to sacrifice their comfort for the greater good of the state. China will probably be a developed country by 2050, its citizens would enjoy first world standards of living, people will live a comfortable life and you democracy gang would still be light years behind China.

You are ignoring the pyramid of needs. Only when wealth reaches a certain point, democracy should be implemented.


But maybe democracy is the best form of government for India. If India has an authoritarian style government, it will only end up worse than North Korea. It's the essence of India with its caste system, cave men quality sanitation, any women is treated as street walker mentality and incapable of introspection that make what India is today. The type of gov doesn't really matter.
After visiting and doing business in many parts of the world, I think its obvious to any human with an open mind that India is one of the most anti-business and corrupt countries in the world. Corrupt Indian officials are better at hiding their schemes than corrupt Chinese officials. India has mastered the art of corruption.

How do these indexes know everything happening in India and China? China is certainly not more corrupt than India, that I know for a certainty.

India has mastered the art of concealing their corruption. Indians are corruption grand masters.
Yours is a purely personal opinion colored no doubt by your dislike/fear of india and Indians. it does not make up for valid scientific statistical analysis done by the world bank or transparency international. It is not about " knowing everything in India or China" , it is about widely accepted norms used in statistical sampling. Your personal opinion only makes a difference to yourself and your friends and relatives, no one else is interested or swayed by your opinion on India or on anything else for that matter. Don't make a fool of yourself saying that your personal biased observation based on a few business visits are more accurate than carefully designed questionnaires of statistically significant random samples. Your education is obviously also " made in China " quality.
Yours is a purely personal opinion colored no doubt by your dislike/fear of india and Indians. it does not make up for valid scientific statistical analysis done by the world bank or transparency international. It is not about " knowing everything in India or China" , it is about widely accepted norms used in statistical sampling. Your personal opinion only makes a difference to yourself and your friends and relatives, no one else is interested or swayed by your opinion on India or on anything else for that matter. Don't make a fool of yourself saying that your personal biased observation based on a few business visits are more accurate than carefully designed questionnaires of statistically significant random samples. Your education is obviously also " made in China " quality.

First of all, I am certainly not anti-Indian. Lets get that straight.

What are the questionnaires and samples made up of and who is interviewed?

I don't need an index to know which country is more corrupt.

These index mean nothing. If India in reality (like I said) is more anti-business and more corrupt, then India being ahead in the index means nothing in the real world.

China has corruption but its working on improving it and most of the corruption funds are known.
Indian corruption is getting worse in reality and most of the corrupt money is hidden. This makes the real corruption in India FAR worse than is indexed. As bad as the official corruption stats in India are, the real corruption stats are FAR worse.

China is less corrupt than India. Anyone with an open mind can see that and by visiting and doing business in both countries. Indian corruption is well hidden.
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this sentence alone shows your sheer ignorance about how China functions`

China is a communist country, hope u u know. IT means only one thing, authoritarian govt.:o:
First of all, I am certainly not anti-Indian. Lets get that straight.

What are the questionnaires and samples made up of and who is interviewed?

I don't need an index to know which country is more corrupt.

These index mean nothing. If India in reality (like I said) is more anti-business and more corrupt, then India being ahead in the index means nothing in the real world.

China has corruption but its working on improving it and most of the corruption funds are known.
Indian corruption is getting worse in reality and most of the corrupt money is hidden. This makes the real corruption in India FAR worse than is indexed. As bad as the official corruption stats in India are, the real corruption stats are FAR worse.

China is less corrupt than India. Anyone with an open mind can see that and by visiting and doing business in both countries. Indian corruption is well hidden.
The difference of corruption of India and China is, in China, 10% of investment of a project is corrupted, then the project will come true. In India, 100% of investment of a project is corrupted and becomes part of the Swiss Bank, then nothing is done.
Funnily enough as far as corruption goes transparency international has India at 85 and China is considerably worse at 100.

2014 Corruption Perceptions Index -- Results

You understand what perception means right. I don't know anything about Indian corruption, and I don't really want to know.

China is arresting politicians and CEOs of state enterprises left and right, these are the same people that let the boom in the 2000s, remember at that time, our difference isn't that big.

We had about the same amount of money in those early stages, so my question is where did India's money go? We know some or a lot of it in China has been used as bribes and other uses, but we do see the roads, the cities, the HSR, the health care and other REAL infrastructure and improvements. Not a number on a sheet.

We don't see the same in India, if we started somewhat similar levels, how did we get ahead? Seeing as how we should have the access to the same resources, even if it is slow in India, it shouldn't make resources just disappear.

Also 100 to 85 is considerably worse? On the per capita scale, we are 75, you are 145, what do you call that?

And funnily enough the ginni coefficient for China is 37 and India 33.6. That is China has more income inequality than India.

I think you may be mistaking a free press for bad performance.

In a democracy flaws are endlessly discussed and focused on but where there is censorship flaws may go undetected until the pressure has built up so high a safety lock bursts.

GINI index (World Bank estimate) | Data | Table
So? Japan, America, and Italy and more all have higher, I'm not sure lower is better, but even if it is, you feel better than those countries.

Funny you would only use the few SUBJECTIVE charts to prove your points.

Either way, not that important who's better, as long as the competition isn't America.

China is a communist country, hope u u know. IT means only one thing, authoritarian govt.:o:
How do you feel losing to a authoritarian communist shit hole? If I lose in basketball to a guy with no hands, I don't usually call my mom to tell her about it. America has proven itself with its system, while I'm not a fan, whatever they say is justified.

You on the other hand, do you really want to advertise it.

For every Singapore, we have several cases of North Korea, Soviet, East Germany etc. There are far more successes in democracies than there are in autocracies and countries moving towards democracy suggests something must be working.


Does it matter if democracy is overall better or not? Going to a Victoria Secret after party means overall I have a better chance of waking up to Hiedi Klum, yet she's not beside me.

Unless that success has shown in India or the authoritarian system ruined China, what does it matter what the global average is.

Unless your competition is North Korea, then congratulations, you won.
You understand what perception means right. I don't know anything about Indian corruption, and I don't really want to know.

China is arresting politicians and CEOs of state enterprises left and right, these are the same people that let the boom in the 2000s, remember at that time, our difference isn't that big.

We had about the same amount of money in those early stages, so my question is where did India's money go? We know some or a lot of it in China has been used as bribes and other uses, but we do see the roads, the cities, the HSR, the health care and other REAL infrastructure and improvements. Not a number on a sheet.

We don't see the same in India, if we started somewhat similar levels, how did we get ahead? Seeing as how we should have the access to the same resources, even if it is slow in India, it shouldn't make resources just disappear.

Also 100 to 85 is considerably worse? On the per capita scale, we are 75, you are 145, what do you call that?

So? Japan, America, and Italy and more all have higher, I'm not sure lower is better, but even if it is, you feel better than those countries.

Funny you would only use the few SUBJECTIVE charts to prove your points.

Either way, not that important who's better, as long as the competition isn't America.

How do you feel losing to a authoritarian communist shit hole? If I lose in basketball to a guy with no hands, I don't usually call my mom to tell her about it. America has proven itself with its system, while I'm not a fan, whatever they say is justified.

You on the other hand, do you really want to advertise it.
That's how biggest democracy works.
It seems that Supa Powans haven't inherited enough stuff from British colonial masters. Call back British!
屏幕快照 2015-06-10 12.41.14.png
he Chinese government is doing everything to improve people's living standards from all aspects

With no reference to the people whom its improving ?

How can a nation run by a single party & no opposition assume that all it says or does makes its people happy.

Reminds me of the clapping / adulation shown by North Koreans.

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