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India Still A British Colony

Being fluent in English means that you are not local or that you have lived abroad. That alone makes them think and see you differently.

I have also experienced many times during my visits to China that people look at me differently and treats me better than their local counterparts. Hence I said they will view you on a different league. They only act this way because they believe and consider the west to be more desirable and superior. So by demonstrating that you have the ability to communicate in English fluenty means that you have been abroad and that alone commands a higher status to their eyes.

In places like Shanghai, you will not get on the good side if you are not local.
They will view you as being in the lower class category. However, if you are a westerner or a Chinese who communicates in perfect English, they see you differently and treats you with more respect.

Ah this phenomenon has existed and does exist still in India too!!!!!!!

However the recession has changed lot of things lol. Previously only those guys working overseas were considered to be worthy of giving one's daughter in marriage. NRI's are treated on a separate level because they are foreign returned!!!!

Once the recession kicked in and the talk of attacks on Indians in foreign countries etc came in now people give the last preference to foreign matches.

The admiration for people living overseas hasn't died down but not so important anymore as it was at the time of tech boom.
You are very right. If British can keep Hongkong as its colony for after 50 years after World War 2 and China couldn't do a jacksh!t about them except having to kiss Prince Charles feet to get it back and even have to wait for more 50 years till 2047 serving British interests, Britian is really a Great Power:lol: .

The only reason China let Britain keep HK after WW2 is because China lived up to her promise - Leasing HK for 100 years ! The lease was not expired until 1997.
Didn't you say you were an Indian Sikh? I guess you are speaking as a British citizen?

I agree though, in my experience, British people do not seem to be proud/boastful of their past British empire.

Well I was born in the UK to Sikh parents who were both born in India but emigratted at a very young age so are British citizens.

I consider myself Britsh ,but just like my parents, still harbour great affection for India and consider it my "true" home.
^ Same thing with me. Both my parents born in India, although I and my siblings were born in the U.S. and even though I may carry an American passport, I still consider India my home just as any Indian citizen.... if not more.
The only reason China let Britain keep HK after WW2 is because China lived up to her promise - Leasing HK for 100 years ! The lease was not expired until 1997.

Thanks. It's been discussed to death on this useless thread. And if you haven't noticed, you're responding to someone who's been banned.
The mentality of Indians play the biggest role in this. After being colonized for hundreds of years the minds of Indians have changed dramatically -- our women eagerly and voluntarily offer their bodies to them, our men obediently cooks and serve them. India has become a country of servants and slaves for the Britons. I can ask myself why this trend still occurs after our suppose "independence". But the truth is very clear -- We are still a colony of Briton in every sense; society, government, and mind.

Do NOT portray your personal practices and experiences as the representative of a billion rich country.

You may be like that, not others.
So the conclusion is?

I am highly doubtful if this person was really trying to make a point with this thread. If one wants to tell the ills of Western society then one can just talk about them and warn the young to stay away. However the demeaning language towards Indians and the portrayal of women in particular shows that the author has anything but a good advise towards his countrymen.
I am highly doubtful if this person was really trying to make a point with this thread. If one wants to tell the ills of Western society then one can just talk about them and warn the young to stay away. However the demeaning language towards Indians and the portrayal of women in particular shows that the author has anything but a good advise towards his countrymen.

Pretty sure this "certain" person brought this up to flame. He only has what... 10 something posts?
I couldn't find the PCI of Mumbai but Delhi's PCI in 2010 stands at 2600 USD.
there are people like that in china that 100% think they are genetically inferior to white, and chinese should die, and they should be the ones that help that happen.

i envy india because it has no self hating traitors.

oh man we are also not short of pink spike haired with a loony tatoo with mosquito beard and pierced lip guys with a accent of "I am kool man....."

jokes apart there are ample amount of people in India who love to sip a coffee and say "India sucks US rocks" and then would complain and would go out there pissing on the side of the road and then complain about country being dirty.....
Before joining this forum, I thought Pakistanis as warm , honest people and Indians are the cunning ones. That opinion has totally changed now. Pakistanis are a lot more cunning and deceitful, making the Indians look innocent. There are of course some really nice Pakistanis but my earlier opinion of them has been shattered many times now.

And before joining this forum, I used to see Chinese as nice and friendly people but after going through the same garbage from them on PDF, my opinion has changed completely and I am certain that they simply hate India/Indians. They just keep looking for an opportunity to bash us. We now need to accept the fact and return them the same favor and in same tone.

Before I join the forum, I already knew Indian officers were hostile against the people of their neighbor countries like a second hand imperialist. Indian military called China India potential enemy...

After joining the forum, I found many ordinary internet Indians are even more hostile to China. Some of them even regretted that they hadn’t had the chance to join the Japanese in the raping of Nanking. Pretty much similar to this ill-educated but gleeful Indian:
what about the fact that from 1937 to 1942 , in just 5 years, japan won 3/4 of china.

Amazing internet, amazing idiots… had never expected...
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