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India Still A British Colony

5% is rather a modest number. believe me its more than that. I will know how racist Chinese are only if i can read Mandarin and start reading Chinese forums.

After you master mandarin, you'll find much to your surprise a lot of India fans who travel across India and post a lot of things about India. Majority are positive.

Frankly, hostility of some internet Chinese against India is nothing, absolutely nothing when compared with the hostilities to China from Internet Indians. Here are the internet sites I recommend you to read: ?, WWW.SINA.COM.

Some Internet Indians bellicoseness against China is amazing. A little bit pessimistic about the relationship between the two countries. :(
After you master mandarin, you'll find much to your surprise a lot of India fans who travel across India and post a lot of things about India. Majority are positive.

Frankly, hostility of some internet Chinese against India is nothing, absolutely nothing when compared with the hostilities to China from Internet Indians. Here are the internet sites I recommend you to read: ?, WWW.SINA.COM.

Some Internet Indians bellicoseness against China is amazing. A little bit pessimistic about the relationship between the two countries. :(

I think its a shame that there is one sided hatred towards Chinese from Indians.C
china is not potrayed positively in Indian media, but we should not hate chinease.
Before I join the forum, I already knew Indian officers were hostile against the people of their neighbor countries like a second hand imperialist. Indian military called China India potential enemy...

After joining the forum, I found many ordinary internet Indians are even more hostile to China. Some of them even regretted that they hadn’t had the chance to join the Japanese in the raping of Nanking. Pretty much similar to this ill-educated but gleeful Indian:

Amazing internet, amazing idiots… had never expected...

We know that the Americans gain by making sure that any country in the world should have a enemy in its near visinity, so that you can sell weapons to both the nations and get the profit. India and China might have had its diference but we have a long common history to cherish on. Our relationship dated back to the pre-historic time. and who ever says that Indians are hostile to China, duck your tail between your legs are don't troll arround.
We admire the Chines for its efforts to grow and outweigh the west. We admire their interest to develop technology, etc.
After you master mandarin, you'll find much to your surprise a lot of India fans who travel across India and post a lot of things about India. Majority are positive.

Frankly, hostility of some internet Chinese against India is nothing, absolutely nothing when compared with the hostilities to China from Internet Indians. Here are the internet sites I recommend you to read: ?, WWW.SINA.COM.

Some Internet Indians bellicoseness against China is amazing. A little bit pessimistic about the relationship between the two countries. :(

I agree. That is because Indians are not a threat to Chinese. The sole reason for Indian mistrust of Chinese is because of Chinese support of Pakistan against the interest of India. China has threatned India by arming Pak with dangerous weapons including nuclear weapons/carriers etc. China opposed the banning of Pakistani terrorist groups acting against India in the UN.
It is rather naive of you to just compare the sentiments of citizens while ignoring the actions of governments.
Before I join the forum, I already knew Indian officers were hostile against the people of their neighbor countries like a second hand imperialist. Indian military called China India potential enemy...

After joining the forum, I found many ordinary internet Indians are even more hostile to China. Some of them even regretted that they hadn’t had the chance to join the Japanese in the raping of Nanking. Pretty much similar to this ill-educated but gleeful Indian:

Amazing internet, amazing idiots… had never expected...

I do not agree with the imperialist army remark which is exaggerated. Yes they are hostile to other armies but not to the people. WE have had four official wars and thousands of unofficial daily wars for last 60+ years. With you we had one war too. I hope u don't expect them to stand at the border with flowers??

Your second comment shows that you were not of the opinion about Indian public till u joined here, which is the same with me. Till i joined here i hadn't even read much about 1962 events. However all the toilets , poverty less than africa comments daily spewed here by all the Chinese posters hasn't changed my perception towards Chinese public at large because i know everybody isn't as moronic as the ones we see here. In addition false flags make it even more difficult.

Your point of showing the educated gleeful Indian was unnecessary because this happens on all sides. For example i remember you yourself once posting the picture of a dead person for showing the statistics of people dying out of hunger in my country. I don't mind these little things as they serve only to satisfy the ego. One thing i am sure of , the people who are stopping the relations from developing on both sides are visible here.
After you master mandarin, you'll find much to your surprise a lot of India fans who travel across India and post a lot of things about India. Majority are positive.

Frankly, hostility of some internet Chinese against India is nothing, absolutely nothing when compared with the hostilities to China from Internet Indians. Here are the internet sites I recommend you to read: ?, WWW.SINA.COM.

Some Internet Indians bellicoseness against China is amazing. A little bit pessimistic about the relationship between the two countries. :(

Word unfortunate comes to mind.

We have democracy, you bad, we have bigger di**, you bad china, we have democracy...you bad...that's sums it up.

And an unbelievable urge to compare everything with China and this tendency to proof that we are doing better than them..
Just by reading a few of the initial posts here by Indian and Chinese posters, I can now see that the colonial mentality of some (and hopefully not most) Asians has not been shaken off. Typical colonial mentality dictates that you engage in hostility amongst yourselves whilst your colonial masters laugh and point this out as being a reason why you should be ruled and not be allowed to rule yourselves.

The only significant and logical post in this whole thread.I'm happy i read this
Word unfortunate comes to mind.

We have democracy, you bad, we have bigger di**, you bad china, we have democracy...you bad...that's sums it up.

And an unbelievable urge to compare everything with China and this tendency to proof that we are doing better than them..

Today, at ÌÚѶÊ×Ò³, second largest website in China, the headline topic is Indian movie.

Apparently, it is very positive.

If you search key word "India (in Chinese)", just one bad news about India in the first page, and that's traffic accident. Most of them are positive or neutral.

But look at your media! (I am talking majority)

I cannot verify news like "China Invasion", but there are absolutely lots of faked news, as long as it is bad to China, like China banned Avatar, China banned time travel movie. And brainwashed idiots do believe this.

BTW, according to an Economist report, India censored more topics than China.

And you think it is because of your democracy.:coffee:
The thread started out bad between Indians and Chinese ..now this has to be the best thread ever in PDF has long has Indians and Chinese are concerned.
You should have done more research into the prgramme.

Paul Merton goes to see the weird and old stuff, he doesn't concentrate on the new image because the old stuff is weird and fascinating. He wants to create some sort of comedy show also by doing this. He did the same thing in Europe, so India wasn't exactly going to have it's 'new' image protrayed.
@threadstarter OH YES!! Your time machine does work!! You're still in 20th century!!

India a British colony??!! lool You've got to be kidding me. There are 2 million Indians Britain. Britain's most popular dish is Indian curry!! There are 4 British Indians in parliament and 40% of ALL highest paid jobs in the UK would be occupied by Indians by 2012. If you go to some certain parts of UK you'd actually wonder if you're in India.
India is not literally a colony. India is officially an independent nation-state in the UN.

See how independent Indians are: Indian fury over Australia swimwear images of Laxmi

BBC News - Indian fury over Australia swimwear images of Laxmi

Lakshmi design prompts protests | Lisa Blue hindu goddess swimsuit

Some one is hurting religious sentiments of people and you make fun of it.

You must also be cheering for "draw mohammed day", "burn koran day" etc.

It goes to show that religious people are way better than godless bas***ds.
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