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India steps into Philippines-China spat over South China Sea

Look at the excitement level of Indians just because their Govt has issued a mere statement ! :P
Lol so many ****-hurt Chinese here. Damn funny.

I see more Indians gloating gleefully , jumping in the air , celebrating and chest thumping just because their Govt has finally found the guts to issue a mere statement which would be more than likely not even read at the CCP HQ :rofl:
Look at the excitement level of Indians just because their Govt has issued a mere statement ! :P

The "Mere Statements" are a forte for GOP(Drone,sovreignity,self reliance etc),which even the Pakistanis do not believe.GOI is jst asking for restraint.And you will see no war(statement or no statement),trust me.So, you see the statement will deliver.:smokin:

But then, Pakistanis curse the chankya.Cant expect better.
Khaleej Times: Filipinos protest at China embassy

Hundreds of Filipinos demonstrated outside the Chinese embassy in the Philippines on Friday over an escalating territorial row, with the protesters denouncing China’s rulers as arrogant bullies.
Waving national flags, the protesters called for Chinese ships to pull away from a disputed shoal in the South China Sea where both nations have had ships stationed for more than a month in an effort to assert their sovereignty.

“Our protest is directed at the overbearing actions and stance of the government in Beijing, which behaves like an arrogant overlord, even in the homes of its neighbours,” said rally organiser Loida Nicholas Lewis.

The protesters carried placards that read: “China stop bullying the Philippines”, “Make Peace Not War”, and “China, Stop Poaching in Philippine Waters”.

The territorial row centres on Scarborough Shoal, a tiny rocky outcrop in the South China Sea about 230 kilometres (140 miles) from the Philippines’ main island of Luzon.

The Philippines says the shoal is part of its territory because it falls within its exclusive economic zone.

But China claims virtually all of the South China Sea, which is believed to sit atop huge oil and gas reserves, as its historical territory, even waters close to the coasts of other Asian countries.

The nearest major Chinese landmass to Scarborough Shoal is 1,200 kilometres northwest of the shoal, according to Filipino navy maps.

Protesters at Friday’s rally said China’s actions over Scarborough Shoal should send a signal to other Asian countries about their giant neighbour.

“We just want the international community to understand that if, today, they can do it to the Philippines, they can also bully the other claimants too,” said one of the co-organisers of the rally, Jackson Gan.

Taiwan, Brunei, Vietnam and Malaysia also claim parts of the South China Sea.

The stand-off began on April 8 when Philippine authorities detected eight Chinese fishing boats at the shoal. Philippine efforts to arrest the fishermen were thwarted when two Chinese surveillance vessels arrived at the scene.

Both sides have continued to maintain ships at the shoal, and Chinese authorities have reacted with increasing fury as the Philippines has refused to back down against its much stronger neighbour.

Editorials in newspapers controlled by the ruling Communist Party have repeatedly warned that China is prepared to go to war against the Philippines to win the stand-off.

The rival claims have for decades made the waters one of Asia’s potential military flashpoints.

More than 70 Vietnamese sailors were killed in 1988 when China and Vietnam battled for control of the Spratly Islands, an archipelago south of Scarborough Shoal.

Organisers of the protest in Manila said similar rallies were planned at other Chinese embassies around the world on Friday.

Chinese authorities this week ordered tour operators to suspend trips to the Philippines, in what Filipinos have widely interpreted as a form of economic blackmail.

Ahead of the demonstration China’s embassy in Manila advised Chinese citizens in the Philippines to stay indoors, warning their safety was at risk particularly during Friday’s protest.

But organisers had insisted the protest would be peaceful. Nearly an hour into the protest, at which about 300 people had gathered, there were no signs of violence.
India in a few years is going to be the second largest blue water navy after the USA and the USA actually wants the Indian navy to be a strong force, no matter what the Chinese like to believe India is rising fast and is making massive strides, in science and research.

Just look at how a lot of the Western countries are helping India in the field of space, science and health as well, India is on the brink of a golden era and has friends allover the world, about time India rises again.
China should prove it is a responsible country by withdrawing its warships from the Scarborough Shoal of the Philippines;
and China should learn to respect the EEZs of her neighbors such as the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Viet Nam...
I think its time to ensure the human rights of Dalits and tribals in India.

I think first the human rights of Hans need to be restored.

The right not to be scraped in the womb by the CCP goons and 400 million of them to be killed before even being born!
china do export better products to developed world. And ship cheap products to those that can only afford cheap things. The old adage is true, you get what you pay for.

Okay, so either way you agree that chinese products are fake and useless :lol:
The "Mere Statements" are a forte for GOP(Drone,sovreignity,self reliance etc),which even the Pakistanis do not believe.GOI is jst asking for restraint.And you will see no war(statement or no statement),trust me.So, you see the statement will deliver.:smokin:

But then, Pakistanis curse the chankya.Cant expect better.

Where does " Pakistan " come in between ? Sorry the " ungovernable impulse to troll " and show your obsession is at work once again ...

GOI can only ask for restraint and issue statements which the CCP wouldn't even care to read ... The shoal is firmly under Beijing's control so they didn't even need to fire a bullet :lol: Yes , there was no war and the statement delivered :rofl: ( no pun intended ) ...

Chankya is long dead ... Come to the present :P

The world does take notice India Takes Middle Road in Manila-Beijing Dispute - India Real Time - WSJ unlike Chinese warning department which people have dismissed and/or ignored!

Really ? Is just reporting a " statement " considered as taking notice by Indians now ? :azn:

The Chinese warning department is taken very seriously in the ASEAN countries and even India which has cancelled the Vietnam Oil Deal ! :rofl:
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