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India steps into Philippines-China spat over South China Sea


Look at the map, be realistic. India just barking.

Barking of Dog is louder than grunt of Pigs...........................
Good! india needs to deploy warships in the South China Sea and start a border conflict with China. Finally, our 3000+ nuclear weapons will find their destiny in indian population centers. 90% of indians will be liquidated in the opening hours of the conflict.
you are a war monger who wants civilians to die on a large scale ,,,,,,,,,,if at all there is conflict it must be between the armed forces and the fight must not be taken to civilians,,,,,,,,,,its no use talkin to people like you who dont know how it is to lose a loved one........your hate for indians or for the matter any other country will eventually destroy you.......
china do export better products to developed world. And ship cheap products to those that can only afford cheap things. The old adage is true, you get what you pay for.
yeah i heard u have sold some gud chinese rail engines to pakistan
Good! india needs to deploy warships in the South China Sea and start a border conflict with China. Finally, our 3000+ nuclear weapons will find their destiny in indian population centers. 90% of indians will be liquidated in the opening hours of the conflict.

Damn Pakistani identity revealed.
ya coz they are armed by china and the tibetans are not..........

the naxalites are armed by Myanmar. Get your facts right before you blow hot air.

Dissenting folks in Xizang are misled by dalai and his clans. indians are fanning the fume.

Barking of Dog is louder than grunt of Pigs...........................

india alternates these role-play well!

yeah i heard u have sold some gud chinese rail engines to pakistan

at favourable rates!
the maoist problem is not that a big problem
the problem is with the govt.
the airforce refused to use fighters against them
the state govt. are not killing them for their vote bank
if they want to clear the mess it will take a few months only
the maoist problem is not that a big problem
the problem is with the govt.
the airforce refused to use fighters against them
the state govt. are not killing them for their vote bank
if they want to clear the mess it will take a few months only

you guys are experts in grand scale massacres!
Good! india needs to deploy warships in the South China Sea and start a border conflict with China. Finally, our 3000+ nuclear weapons will find their destiny in indian population centers. 90% of indians will be liquidated in the opening hours of the conflict.

Disgusting. India proposes peace between China and the Philippines and here you are talking about killing innocent Indian civilians?

Take note of the Chinese mentality everyone.
The Wall Street Journal: India Takes Middle Road in Manila-Beijing Dispute
India’s Ministry of External Affairs urged China and the Philippines to “exercise restraint” and resolve their brewing row over ownership of a set of islands in the South China Sea through diplomacy.

New Delhi’s position is notable because it shows the country will not always side with China’s opponents in territorial disputes, as many might assume.

But by raising its voice, India also is signaling it’s ready to assume a larger diplomatic role in the region, part of a “Look East” policy that since its inception in the 1990s has come to little but in recent months appears to be taking shape.

The longstanding ownership row over the small islands – known as Scarborough Shoal in the Philippines and Huangyan in China – has erupted again in the past month after Manila intercepted Chinese fishing vessels in the area.

A large anti-Chinese demonstration is planned for today in Manila and Beijing has warned its citizens over travel to the Philippines.

One might have imagined that India would either not respond to the kerfuffle or come down on the side of the Philippines, given its historic antagonism with China.

India and China fought a 1962 border war that Beijing won. The frontier between the two countries remains unsettled. Tensions have risen further in recent months over India’s growing role in the South China Sea, which Beijing claims almost in its entirety.

New Delhi’s goal in the region is two-fold. It wants to secure oil and gas assets in the South China Sea to meet growing demand at home for energy. And it wants to act as a counterweight to China in the area, whose islands are also claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam and other Asian countries.

Beijing’s decision to build its own naval presence in the Indian Ocean, New Delhi’s backyard, has added to frictions.

To develop its approach, India has been stepping up diplomatic and security cooperation with countries in East Asia that share New Delhi’s concerns about what they see as China’s growing assertiveness.

Some recent incidents have unnerved Indian policymakers. China last year warned ONGC, India’s state-owned oil and gas company, that its joint exploration plans with Vietnam in the South China Sea amounted to a violation of Chinese sovereignty.

So why isn’t India stepping in to back up Manila?

One reason could be that India realizes that a conflict with China probably isn’t winnable.

Indians were ecstatic last month when the country test fired a nuclear-capable missile with a range covering much of China, a move which pundits here said would deter Beijing from belligerence.

But China’s spending on conventional arms is far outstripping India’s military, which continues to rely on outdated equipment.

In the future, India likely sees a path of wary accommodation of China as the most fruitful policy.

What’s more, India is hoping to broaden the foundations of its economic growth by tapping into China’s expansion. The two countries’ bilateral trade jumped to over $60 billion in the year ended March 31, 2011, more than double the figure four years earlier.

Still, India’s decision to speak up at all on the issue of a dispute between China and the Philippines perhaps shows the “Look East” policy is here to stay. And that likely means more diplomatic spats to come in the years ahead in the South China Sea and elsewhere in East Asia.
I thought and hoped that the IN was on its way to South China Sea to rescue Philippines ... :rofl:
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