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India slams Pakistan as another Terrorist resurfaces and calls for "Jihad"

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keep it civil guys, or else !
Wait, what? Are you suggesting that coming from a mod, it must be right? The sense of gullibility there is astonishing. Some day you will realize that PDF mods are also humans, and a product of the place they live in. Just because a mod supports a terrorist doesn't mean that terrorism is good.

Basic common sense escapes you, mod has clearly demonstrated his thoughts, if anyone doesn't agree to this he or she is free to gtfo. As for supporting terrorism, kindly recall the failed experiment of LTTE (which most Indians use as a threat today against Srilankan members). We consider continued occupation of Kashmir a grave unjustice and will utilize the assets the same way Indians utilized LTTE,

Rest is simply rhetoric, stick to the main argument.

If i were you, i'd worry about The Red Corridor !!!
mehhhhhhhhhhhhhh you also think Modi cant become a PM??

whom are you calling congressiiii........I am a BJP supporter...though not hard core.....
lady you need to drink some coffee.....:partay::partay:
and modi will come to power ..this time.....:agree:
If Modi can have rallies why not Mr Azhar, who is a free man. Its his democratic right to engage in peaceful public engagements.

If Modi becomes PM he may bring good for economy and youth.. if terrorist Azhar becomes PM you and other youth will become terrorist.. the reason being if you are around good you will be good(Note: Not mentioning modi here).. but if you are around Bad you will become bad(Note: yes mentioning terrorist Azhar here)..

Whatcha gonna do about it ??? :lol:

Nothing we will wait for some one to bomb your country thats all ...
Wait, what? Are you suggesting that coming from a mod, it must be right? The sense of gullibility there is astonishing. Some day you will realize that PDF mods are also humans, and a product of the place they live in. Just because a mod supports a terrorist doesn't mean that terrorism is good.

Its not terrorism man... Its a HOLY WAR....understand the difference!
Guys it took me time to understand the way Pakistani think is different then most normal countries. For us associating with someone who is part of plane hijacking could be big deal. It is normal for them, they hardly care for what world thinks of them by openly supporting terrorist and then wonder why they get step motherly treatment.

It is useless to explain to them that one cannot openly support hijackers.

They are programmed to be the same... i am not sure who they are following.. the people around me say they are descendants of Arabs how in 60 yrs they have become so???
Basic common sense escapes you, mod has clearly demonstrated his thoughts, if anyone doesn't agree to this he or she is free to gtfo. As for supporting terrorism, kindly recall the failed experiment of LTTE (which most Indians use as a threat today against Srilankan members). We consider continued occupation of Kashmir a grave unjustice and will utilize the assets the same way Indians utilized LTTE,

Rest is simply rhetoric, stick to the main argument.
You are the one deviating from the main argument, with LTTE and sri lanka. As to your first sentence, that demontrates what I wrote- you think that if a mod supports a terrorist, thats the be all and end all. Unfortunately for you PDF is not the whole world, and mods are not gods. I have every right to disagree with mods, especially when they support a terrorist.


If i were you, i'd worry about The Red Corridor !!!
But you are not me.You are a pakistani, who's very existence as a nation is being threatened by these jihadis. So worry about them.
Then you're going to wait for a very long time !!!

I dont think so... if it is so it is fine but truth along with patience will always wins at the end.. The end always does matter and will be written in golden words in history
You are the one deviating from the main argument, with LTTE and sri lanka. As to your first sentence, that demontrates what I wrote- you think that if a mod supports a terrorist, thats the be all and end all. Unfortunately for you PDF is not the whole world, and mods are not gods. I have every right to disagree with mods, especially when they support a terrorist.

I am not deviating, you were riding the high horse forgetting that such groups have been armed, financed and trained by India to meet specific foreign policy goals. A reality check was in order.

Mods are mods and I much prefer a mod who takes his stance on Pakistani interests. I've seen the Indian defense forums infested with bigotry, racism and hatred of highest order so when an Indian comes telling us about how mods should behave the right answer is to tell him to gtfo and haunt the Indian forums.

(Soon another one will be here telling how financially important is Indian membership to PDF - get a life you freaks)
bwhahahahahahahaha the problem is in India a terrorist can become a PM while in Pakistan a terrorist remains a terrorist and can never become a PM.

Huhahahahaha…………………. I don't have to respond to your quote any further as there are many others in the forum who'll counter u right away. Deal with them now and enjoy PDF'ing!! :enjoy:
I am not deviating, you were riding the high horse forgetting that such groups have been armed, financed and trained by India to meet specific foreign policy goals. A reality check was in order.

Mods are mods and I much prefer a mod who takes his stance on Pakistani interests. I've seen the Indian defense forums infested with bigotry, racism and hatred of highest order so when an Indian comes telling us about how mods should behave the right answer is to tell him to gtfo and haunt the Indian forums.

(Soon another one will be here telling how financially important is Indian membership to PDF - get a life you freaks)

You can name call all you want. Call me a freak or whatever you want. But it is clear that you are name calling because you have been demonstrated siding with a terrorist.

You can talk about this being PDF, not an Indian forum etc. But is that a rebuttal to our points, or just a way of saying you dont want to listen to us? This is a common pakistani tactic when an Indian sides with humanity and a pakistani sides with terrorists - keep repeating 'this is a pakistani forum, shut up, shut up.' As if you did not know it when you joined. As if that's a logical counter argument.

If your only point is that this is a pakistani forum, then don't bother responding to me. Open a thread in the 'suggestions' sub forum to ask the webmaster to only let pakistanis voice their opinion. That way, you can praise terrorists all day, without pesky Indians retorting. But until the management accepts that suggestion, don't use that as a counter argument.
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