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India slams Pakistan as another Terrorist resurfaces and calls for "Jihad"

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If he did have the blood of 14 people on his hands, then yes he is a terrorist. But where did he end up? Is he walking on Indian streets and holding rallies? Is he giving speeches to adoring followers? Is he openly boasting about hundreds of suicide bombers awaiting his command? Is he exorting supporters to do jihad against pakistan? NO, NO, and NO.

Thats the difference between you and us. Terrorists are not roaming freely and holding mass rallies in India, but they are doing so in Pakistan. I understand your feelings, and your psychological need to equate our country with yours, like aeronaut earlier ludicrously compared this fellow to a succesful Indian politician - but the fact is that some things are not equivalent. Jihadis and suicide bombers and terrorists are adored and worshipped in Pakistan, but not in India or the rest of the world. We, like all civilized human beings, detest and despise terrorists, but you worship them.
then who the hell baal thakrey is to speak against Pakistan that bloody terrorist use to say that Pakistan ka 40 tukra karen ga in large gathering of people and use to hold mass rallies against Pakistan and muslim that tell everything about you people how hypocrite u r when it comes to Pakistan so carry on with ur angel like talk thats what u r good at but han n u people worship terrorist but the sad part is because they are hindu terrorist they are not blamed in india or in international media too much of hypocrisy isnt it??
then who the hell baal thakrey is to speak against Pakistan that bloody terrorist use to say that Pakistan ka 40 tukra karen ga in large gathering of people and use to hold mass rallies against Pakistan and muslim that tell everything about you people how hypocrite u r when it comes to Pakistan so carry on with ur angel like talk thats what u r good at but han n u people worship terrorist but the sad part is because they are hindu terrorist they are not blamed in india or in international media too much of hypocrisy isnt it??

Oh he can speak and hold rallies against pakistan or whichever other countries. But has he ever sent people into your country to kill people. Your argument is pure BS.
Ok So Modi becomes Indian PM this year and let's say Masood Azhar becomes Pakistan's PM in the next election, then how will India-Pakistan relation shape ?

bwhahahahahahahaha the problem is in India a terrorist can become a PM while in Pakistan a terrorist remains a terrorist and can never become a PM.
If Modi can have rallies why not Mr Azhar, who is a free man. Its his democratic right to engage in peaceful public engagements.

If you comparing a political a leader with terrorist then same case is true for Zinnah as well cause only because of him millions of hindu and muslim lost their life during partition.
Oh he can speak and hold rallies against pakistan or whichever other countries. But has he ever sent people into your country to kill people. Your argument is pure BS.
yea u was his personal secretary ?? and for us Baal thakrey is a bloody terrorist
bwhahahahahahahaha the problem is in India a terrorist can become a PM while in Pakistan a terrorist remains a terrorist and can never become a PM.
lady you serious....and you,..know what you are saying.....
wake up....enough dreaming........not too good ......:partay::partay:
Janab Masood Azhar can do what ever he please in his country among his people. Bhartis can suck it up.
yea ISI agents personally told u these things haina :undecided:

Why don't you check your own media and intelligence agency statements- they have frequeently alleged that India has sponsorded activities in Balochistan etc. but not once, not even once that non-state actors have attacked you. We keep tough control over these people. There is a helluva lot of a difference between some punk whose political trade is to call rallies and spew venom on anything and everything that walks on the road, and someone who organizes attacks in another country.
then who the hell baal thakrey is to speak against Pakistan that bloody terrorist use to say that Pakistan ka 40 tukra karen ga in large gathering of people and use to hold mass rallies against Pakistan and muslim that tell everything about you people how hypocrite u r when it comes to Pakistan so carry on with ur angel like talk thats what u r good at but han n u people worship terrorist but the sad part is because they are hindu terrorist they are not blamed in india or in international media too much of hypocrisy isnt it??

Yea, I knew that the next comparison would be bal thakerey. And by the way, I have noticed that whenever Pakistanis lose logic and reason and start frothing with emotion, they always lose a sense of punctations, and type long paragraphs with no periods or commas.

The fact is that bal thakerey has not sent suicide bombers or gunmen into pakistan or anywhere else, has not thrown grenades into railway stations, has not shot at civilians in hotels and weddings. He has contested in elections, and thats about it. As I said earlier, I understand your emotional need to draw comaparisons and parallels of your terrorists with Indians - but each time you do that, you only do a disservice to your own country, because the readers, whichever nationality they belong to, understand the hollowness of your comparisons.

Pakistani terrorists are a breed apart - they have no parallels with Indian politicians. Your country is teeming with terrorists - bearded gunmen who shoot and bomb anybody they want. The sooner you accept that fact and stop trying to draw inapplicable comparisons with India, the better for you.

Neither bal thakerey, nor narendra modi has done what pakistani terrorists do every day - killing innocent civilians with kalshnikovs and suicide vests. The day you understand that your country has a unique problem,, will be the day that you will be in a position to address that problem. Until then you can keep drawing stupid comparisons about Osama and bal thakerey, omar sheikh and modi, mazhood azhar and sarabjit singh - but trying to get a one upmanship on this website is one thing, and the reality is a completely different thing.
Free man!! Oh yeah! Free even though he's banned! What a mockery of law!

So you're comparing Modi to that yahoo, Azhar? Modi isn't a terrorist, doesn't carry an AK-47, doesn't call for jihad or holy war against Pakistan, doesn't claim to have an army of suicide bombers to hit targets in Pakistan and not banned, unlike ISI's poster boy Masood Azhar.

Get the difference? Like night and day. I thought you knew? Or is it denial? Or plain ignorance?

If the latter then you need to deny ignorance!

Gujrat may ISI nay Muslims ko katal karwaya tha haina... INDIA will become 1st country in the world where KILLER OF THOUSANDS HUMAN BECOME PM! WHATA DEMOCRAZY!
Whatcha gonna do about it ??? :lol:
Gujrat may ISI nay Muslims ko katal karwaya tha haina... INDIA will become 1st country in the world where KILLER OF THOUSANDS HUMAN BECOME PM! WHATA DEMOCRAZY!

Don't speak about what you don't know. At least in India riots happen in which people from both community died unlike your country where Hindus were systematically cleansed from 22% in 1951 to current less than even 2%.
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