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India slams Israeli attack on Gaza aid flotilla


Dec 5, 2009
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India slams Israeli attack on Gaza aid flotilla

Dhiraj Nayyar

Posted: Wed Jun 09 2010, 00:06 hrs

India today made a strong intervention on Israel and Gaza, issues that completely dominated the third summit meeting of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA).

Speaking at the summit, Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma, deputed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as special envoy to the summit, said, “The continued blockade of Gaza and denial of essential supplies of food and medicines has created a humanitarian crisis of immense proportion. The civilian population, especially women and children, are the victims of the deadlock.”

On the issue of Israel’s attack on a Turkish aid flotilla on May 31, Sharma said, “There can be no justification for such indiscriminate use of force, which we condemn.” He said India believed that only peaceful dialogue could find a solution to the problems of the region.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin also condemned the attack on the aid flotilla and called for an independent inquiry. China chose not to comment on the matter at the summit. Iran President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad’s speech in a closed-door session prompted a walkout by the Israeli delegation, led by the Israeli ambassador to Turkey.

Apart from Israel and Gaza, terrorism was also in the focus at the summit meet. Sharma laid down India’s concerns on terror: “Terrorism continues to be the most serious security threat confronting the international community.”

He reminded CICA members of the adoption of the ‘Declaration on Eliminating Terrorism and Promoting Dialogue among Civilizations’ at the first heads of state summit in Almaty in 2002 and added that much work still needed to be done. Urging members to act decisively, Sharma underlined the need to adopt a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.

‘China will never seek to be a superpower’

ISTANBUL: China made a strong pitch for greater democracy in international relations at the third summit meeting of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia. State councillor Dai Bingguo, who is also responsible for border talks with India, said, “Where we live today is a world witnessing growing trends towards pluralism, diversity and multipolarity, a world adapting to globalised allocation of resources and movement of capital, goods and people. Such a world can no longer tolerate hegemony of any form or a single value system."

Binggou also sought to allay fears about the rise of China, in particular its own role as a potential hegemon. “China will never seek to be a superpower. This is not our tradition and still less, our policy,” he said.

India slams Israeli attack on Gaza aid flotilla
Speaking at the summit, Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma, deputed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as special envoy to the summit, said, “The continued blockade of Gaza and denial of essential supplies of food and medicines has created a humanitarian crisis of immense proportion. The civilian population, especially women and children, are the victims of the deadlock.”

The Great humanitarian crisis of immense proportion in Gaza & those Mass-Starving, sick human beings of Gaza due to blockade by Evil Joos.




For more pictures of humanitarian crisis of immense proportion in Gaza
humanitarian crisis of immense proportion in Gaza

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Apparently an Indian Muslim starts this topic to do some damage control to redeem Indian image in front of the world--Indian bloggers are almost uniquely supportive of Israeli criminality of supporting the Israeli raid of the Gaza Flotilla.

But we can count on @Sraja to keep damaging India's interests! Good job, dude. Firstly, these videos may have been pre-2007 era. Secondly, even if there are isolated cases of shops being filled with goods, neutral UN and Red Cross sources say that Gaza is getting only about 1/4th of their required amount of supplies. Even in today's Zimbabwe or Afghanistan you will find some pockets of 'prosperity'; but that does not make the larger picture.

@Sraja, keep doing the great work for India!

As to Indian support for the Palestinians, well, historically Indian govt. may have been but that all changed starting sometime early 90s. These statements of solidarity with the Palestinians are hollow words echoing some 'routine' foreign policy statements while deep down, as Indian bloggers here say, Indians are firmly with Israel.

There are about 1.5 MILLION people in Gaza--of course some of them will, as it is in the human nature, try to find a way out of the suffocation. Come up with hard neutral (Red Cross/UN) sources. Otherwise, before too long, someone will pay you in kind and show the dying people in Gaza and the decaying structures, the running sewers, the electricity shortages.

But, hey, every Pakistani will be happy with you: You are hurting India's interests in the long run. So may be keep going with this?
Meengla, Keep living in denial. Despite the propaganda of Peace terrorists, There does not seem to be shortage for food and other basic necessities as you can see from the above pictures. Gaza people look healthy and happy.

Btw, It is india's interest to remain silent in this matter and find out basic facts first instead of falling into the propaganda of peace terrorists.
China chose not to comment on the matter at the summit

Maybe, now some Pakistanis will support breaking of ties with China as they seem to be tacitly supporting Israel? :D

The "Indian bloggers" here are as influential to GoI policy as your are to GoP so look at what GoI does instead. India was among the first to condemn the attacks so this is not "salvage of Indian image". Its a reiteration of the Indian position.

The facts are there for all to see. And its not a jew vs muslim thing unless you want to go down to the intellectual level of HAMAS that is. Its a humanitarian issue and there are plenty of jews and Israelis of have protested these actions other than citizens of 30 different nations many European as well as nobel laureates. There was an Jewish holocaust survivor on board the ship. It is an insult on the intellect to say that people like these that they didn't what they were doing.
I HOPE these pictures are correct! But, as I said above, in a population of 1.5 MILLION there will always be some who will have bearable life. By the way, these images may well be taken before 2007 or taken off the coast of Beirut...nothing beyond the mighty 'Hasbara' and 'Megaphone' brigade.
Please quote some Red Cross or UN sources, will ya?

So the Indian govt. is acting against its own interest or at least acting rather maliciously by 'condemning' the Flotilla attack before all the facts are out? Intesting: Looks like the Indian bloggers here and the Indian govt. are not 'on the same page'. Actually, they probably are except the Indian govt.--in typical 'Banya' fashion,--is hypocritcal.

I give you thumbs-up for honesty. Please keep on your honest path!
Meengla, Keep living in denial. Despite the propaganda of Peace terrorists, There does not seem to be shortage for food and other basic necessities as you can see from the above pictures. Gaza people look healthy and happy.

Btw, It is india's interest to remain silent in this matter and find out basic facts first instead of falling into the propaganda of peace terrorists.

I think you are telling the truth and all UNO reports are wrong just because your stupid mind does not accept what is going on in Gaza.

Before you call anyone a terrorist think 100 times before that because this forum is aware of who is doing what.

You are calling international aid workers and nobel peace prize winners as terrorists , are you in your senses !!

And its not your business to tell what one should do what is one's interests.

Posting some stupid photographs does not hide the barbaric acts of state terrorism done by Zionist state of Israel.
Respectfully, what you say is not much more than your very personal opinion. The bloggers all-too-often reflect what the 'real' official policy is. The bloggers, especially from the 3rd world countries, if not the world-over, are the one with time, resources and dedication to write something about issues not directly related to their own bread-n-butter. The bloggers often project the 'educated' AND ruling classes of a country--even often from autocratic systems.

And so I cannot discount the views of bloggers like @Sraja and dozens of other Indian bloggers here who are almost standing-out in this Forum by supporting Israel after the Flotilla Raid.

Indian govt. is taking a stand out of expediency. A verbal condemnation of Israel is a small price to pay for keeping the jobs of tens of thousands of lucrative Indian works in the Arab world. Israel will understand that. I, too, understand the reasons for the double-talk by Indians.

@SRaja is at least honest. You--certainly more polished and well-meaning, are not in this case.
Apparently an Indian Muslim starts this topic to do some damage control to redeem Indian image in front of the world--Indian bloggers are almost uniquely supportive of Israeli criminality of supporting the Israeli raid of the Gaza Flotilla.

Firstly, why drag the poster's religion into this? Secondly, Indian bloggers are not India, nor do they collectively represent the outlook of India. Remember that most members u find here are highly patriotic and hence will have support for Israel, since Israel is a good supplier and advisor to Indian military.

But that doesn't mean they represent the view of every indian or even a majority. I have seen indian members here condemn israel's actions, but of course, thats ignored. Most indian civilians and indian govt are shocked and angered by Israel's actions, and thus, the condemnation. we didn't gain anything by this condemnation. in fact, we risk damaging ties with Israel. still we did it because it was the right thing to do.

But we can count on @Sraja to keep damaging India's interests! Good job, dude. Firstly, these videos may have been pre-2007 era. Secondly, even if there are isolated cases of shops being filled with goods, neutral UN and Red Cross sources say that Gaza is getting only about 1/4th of their required amount of supplies. Even in today's Zimbabwe or Afghanistan you will find some pockets of 'prosperity'; but that does not make the larger picture.

@Sraja, keep doing the great work for India!

Sraja is posting some pics from gaza. whether they are pre-2007 or not, i don't know. but either way, u can counter his arguments, but dont keep dragging India into it.

As to Indian support for the Palestinians, well, historically Indian govt. may have been but that all changed starting sometime early 90s. These statements of solidarity with the Palestinians are hollow words echoing some 'routine' foreign policy statements while deep down, as Indian bloggers here say, Indians are firmly with Israel.


And if India's words are hollow, what are Pakistan's words? I haven't seen any record of Pakistan sending aid to Gaza. India has aided the people of Gaza for years now. we have backed our word with action. I don't want to demean your country, but i would say in the case of Palestine we have done more than u have. so please keep that in mind before you make baseless claims!
Respectfully, what you say is not much more than your very personal opinion. The bloggers all-too-often reflect what the 'real' official policy is. The bloggers, especially from the 3rd world countries, if not the world-over, are the one with time, resources and dedication to write something about issues not directly related to their own bread-n-butter. The bloggers often project the 'educated' AND ruling classes of a country--even often from autocratic systems.

And so I cannot discount the views of bloggers like @Sraja and dozens of other Indian bloggers here who are almost standing-out in this Forum by supporting Israel after the Flotilla Raid.

Indian govt. is taking a stand out of expediency. A verbal condemnation of Israel is a small price to pay for keeping the jobs of tens of thousands of lucrative Indian works in the Arab world. Israel will understand that. I, too, understand the reasons for the double-talk by Indians.

@SRaja is at least honest. You--certainly more polished and well-meaning, are not in this case.

I don't view the GoI's condemnation of this incident as any different than their new found interest in the IPI, undersea pipeline from Iran, and opposition to sanctions on Iran (which India has no influence over) - its just PR diplomacy to try and win influence and support for the Indian position in Afghanistan in the aftermath of a perceived US withdrawal.

The same government voted against Iran when it did have influence through a vote, and the same government wanted nothing to do with buying gas from Iran when the GoI saw India as ascendant in Afghanistan with Bush in charge and it was obtaining an NSG waiver.

This 'condemnation' plays into that PR, of appealing to the Iranian right wing as well as the Arabs who might get involved in Afghanistan and may still retain influence and be working behind the scenes to facilitate the 'Taliban reintegration/reconciliation' plan by Karzai.

In terms of actual effect - India will continue buying weapons from Israel and continuing to collaborate on the military, intelligence and diplomatic fronts.
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