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India slams Israeli attack on Gaza aid flotilla

^^ look! I dont want to bring anything off topic, but there was hardly a voice from Pakistan when the Chinese had Muslim Uighur Issue. India atleast has the guts to open her mouth about this, inspite of military co-operation with Israel. I wonder if i have to expand more on this.
In the absence of data illustrating the viewpoints of this 'silent majority' you claim exists (such as credible polling date from credible organizations etc.) one can only draw conclusions based on data and evidence that exists (such as the opinions and views presented on Indian blogs, fora, newspapers etc.) and those views suggest an overwhelming majority of Indians support certain positions and 'attitudes', as mentioned by Meengla.

Well since no polls were conducted, you can only speculate. You already know our official position, so that's all there is to it really. You can't draw any meaningful conclusions off of blogs.

For example, while organizations like LeT/JuD are 'banned' plenty of Pakistanis openly support them. Many Pakistanis are against American presence in Afghanistan yet Pakistan claims it is firmly on America's side.

As for Let, india should keep dreaming, as they are going to be used in future again against the indians, for the time being let us handle the american & its allied thugs operating in afghanistan.

Like I said, you can't draw conclusions from blogs/random comments.
^^ look! I dont want to bring anything off topic, but there was hardly a voice from Pakistan when the Chinese had Muslim Uighur Issue. India atleast has the guts to open her mouth about this, inspite of military co-operation with Israel. I wonder if i have to expand more on this.
What are the UNSC resolutions on Uighur Statehood or Status, as in the case of Palestine and J&K?

Domestic issues and inter-ethnic/communal tensions are internal issues wouldn't you say?
Like I said, you can't draw conclusions from blogs/random comments.
When thousands of comments consistently (over several years now) on the most popular Indian news sites, blogs, forums, and even international news sites (WaPo, WSJ, NYT) blogs and fora, consistently display the same bizarre, bigoted and hateful views on certain issues, then conclusions about Indian opinion can be drawn in the absence of any evidence indicating what the views of this alleged 'silent majority' are.

Heck, on another thread (why Pakistan produces Jihadists) clear and credible polling data gathered consistently over a period of a few years, by international organizations of repute - illustrating the views of Pakistanis on terrorism, attacks on civilians etc. - was summarily dismissed by many Indian posters who performed mental contortions of all kinds to try and suggest the opposite of the polling data was true.

And with your compatriots going to such lengths to malign Pakistanis despite evidence debunking their mental contortions, how can you expect me to not require, at the least, some tangible evidence indicating Indian attitudes and opinions are not those represented in the sources above?
we either argue from a legal stand point, or a moral stand point. you cant have both, just because it suits you..
Actually they both fit in the case of Palestine and J&K - they don't both fit in the case of the Uighurs.
I went to protest against Gaza Blockade by the State of Israel. Even though the crowd was huge but I could see very few Pakistanis/Indians.
Oh please. you think Uighur problem in China has no moral stand point? I think its time you reflected on what you type before you press the "post reply" button. Its an insult to the people who have died for their cause. and they supposedly are your brothers in religion!
I don't view the GoI's condemnation of this incident as any different than their new found interest in the IPI, undersea pipeline from Iran, and opposition to sanctions on Iran (which India has no influence over) - its just PR diplomacy to try and win influence and support for the Indian position in Afghanistan in the aftermath of a perceived US withdrawal.

The same government voted against Iran when it did have influence through a vote, and the same government wanted nothing to do with buying gas from Iran when the GoI saw India as ascendant in Afghanistan with Bush in charge and it was obtaining an NSG waiver.

This 'condemnation' plays into that PR, of appealing to the Iranian right wing as well as the Arabs who might get involved in Afghanistan and may still retain influence and be working behind the scenes to facilitate the 'Taliban reintegration/reconciliation' plan by Karzai.

In terms of actual effect - India will continue buying weapons from Israel and continuing to collaborate on the military, intelligence and diplomatic fronts.

Few years back or more specifically until Erdogan came into power Turkey had something like same kind of relationship with Israel but what let them to change their stand?!!!

India as always a supporter of independent Palestine. We are always contributing aid for Palestinian people. Above all Yasir Arafat was very friendly with India. how much closer we come to Israel doesn't matter but we will never change our stand on Palestine issue.
Actually they both fit in the case of Palestine and J&K - they don't both fit in the case of the Uighurs.

actually both of it does not fit in case of Uighur,because as desiman explained earlier international relation works on benefits not on morality
and in case of china why choose morality when u have so many benefits
Oh please. you think Uighur problem in China has no moral stand point? I think its time you reflected on what you type before you press the "post reply" button. Its an insult to the people who have died for their cause. and they supposedly are your brothers in religion!

You can read can't you? I said 'both don't apply' not 'neither applies'. Take it from there and read my post again and 'Thank you, try again'.
China chose not to comment on the matter at the summit

Maybe, now some Pakistanis will support breaking of ties with China as they seem to be tacitly supporting Israel? :D

China's voice toward this incident is loud and clear from 31th May till now, and it is good that some country finially join the civilized world almost 10 days after the attack although some of it's citizens are still supporting the killers.

by the way, what are you expecting China to do? repeating their condemnation again or criticing on some country's slow action?
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In terms of actual effect - India will continue buying weapons from Israel and continuing to collaborate on the military, intelligence and diplomatic fronts.

and in other news, Pakistan continues to collaborate on military matters with China, a nation that refused to condemn the latest Israeli atrocity.
When thousands of comments consistently (over several years now) on the most popular Indian news sites, blogs, forums, and even international news sites (WaPo, WSJ, NYT) blogs and fora, consistently display the same bizarre, bigoted and hateful views on certain issues, then conclusions about Indian opinion can be drawn in the absence of any evidence indicating what the views of this alleged 'silent majority' are.

By that measure wouldn't Pakistan be considered a state sponsor of terror, since the LeT/JuD is banned yet most (even folks here) Pakistanis openly support using proxies against India in Kashmir and otherwise?

You're entitled to your opinion AM but you can't draw any statistically significant conclusions off of blogs/websites. period.

Heck, on another thread (why Pakistan produces Jihadists) clear and credible polling data gathered consistently over a period of a few years, by international organizations of repute - illustrating the views of Pakistanis on terrorism, attacks on civilians etc. - was summarily dismissed by many Indian posters who performed mental contortions of all kinds to try and suggest the opposite of the polling data was true.

Haven't spent too much time on that thread, can you point me to this data you speak of?

And with your compatriots going to such lengths to malign Pakistanis despite evidence debunking their mental contortions, how can you expect me to not require, at the least, some tangible evidence indicating Indian attitudes and opinions are not those represented in the sources above?

Since you're the one making assumptions the onus of gathering the 'evidence' is on you.
You can read can't you? I said 'both don't apply' not 'neither applies'. Take it from there and read my post again and 'Thank you, try again'.

you know? You can make a good lawyer! or at the least write scripts for a movie steeped in Legal and court scenes. But thats not the point here... :argh:
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