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India Should Keep Pakistan Embroiled and Draw it Into An Arm's Race

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Obviously everything in IAF inventory has to be out of this world, , in fact such terms as Invincible, untouchable. Rapptor of the East can only be created by Indians for something which doesn't even a single name sake kill to it's name. Have you thought of some fancy terminologies for your next generation Tejas, you can post fancy videos but like PAF, do you have the confidence to fly your single engine aircraft to the other side of the world, let alone over the parade venue.
I know it's hard for your kind to digest but see if you can comprehend the write ups by International observers on JF-17's recent performance in Paris. And for the so called limited load nonsense, rub these on your wounds.



your self boasting claims are Don't Match reality that it is a Light weight category fighter with Limited EW and Load Capacity and have doubt on its Multi-role capabilities.
Rassi toot gyi par bal nhi gya. Tum log kabhi nhi sudhroge lol.

Please don't attack us we will be financialy hurt :( . Listen Indian posters don't post something silly or Pakistan will retaliate. I heard Pak army officers visit this website often, you won't want to make them feel bad.
This is not 1999 Pak army is now 10x yes 10x and the strength of Indian baniya army is still same.

India will have to do a massive purchase to be able to take out Pakistan which is technicaly, geographicaly, strategicaly, historicaly, chemicaly, mechanicaly not possible. Remember this is the same Pakistan which defeated Soviet in arms race.
and now they have alien tech DSI and"atim bumb" :haha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

your self boasting claims are Don't Match reality that it is a Light weight category fighter with Limited EW and Load Capacity and have doubt on its Multi-role capabilities.
let them boast brother owr MKIs, M2Ks, Mig29s & 21s , Jags & LCAs will have a great duck.....errrr i mean viper and thunder free shooting season :sniper:
There is already an arms race. That should have been obvious.

Everything India did, the Pakistanis did the same. Pakistan tested ballistic missiles after India did and even named them after foreign invaders. Pakistan tested nuclear bombs after India did. Pakistan went crazy and purchased Chinese anti-aircraft missiles after India got its hands on PHALCON AWACs. Pakistan got the JF-17 after India flight-tested the LCA (unfortunately both aircraft are obsolete junk). India tests Brahmos so Pakistan comes up with Babur.

There is already an arms race and it has affected Pakistan economy. The difference in GDP between the two countries is simply too great. Pakistan cannot afford an arms race with India. Everything depends on Gwadar port now, if Gwadar becomes the economic miracle that every Pakistani is expecting it to be then things migh change slightly. But India will still have overwhelming superiority.
There is already an arms race. That should have been obvious.

Everything India did, the Pakistanis did the same. Pakistan tested ballistic missiles after India did and even named them after foreign invaders. Pakistan tested nuclear bombs after India did. Pakistan went crazy and purchased Chinese anti-aircraft missiles after India got its hands on PHALCON AWACs. Pakistan got the JF-17 after India flight-tested the LCA (unfortunately both aircraft are obsolete junk). India tests Brahmos so Pakistan comes up with Babur.

There is already an arms race and it has affected Pakistan economy. The difference in GDP between the two countries is simply too great. Pakistan cannot afford an arms race with India. Everything depends on Gwadar port now, if Gwadar becomes the economic miracle that every Pakistani is expecting it to be then things migh change slightly. But India will still have overwhelming superiority.
i sometime think your a false flagger but sometimes you amaze me :)

your right india always trolls and pakistanies deu to there "martialrace superiorty complex" go for TIT FOR TAT which again drains them and diprives them of international sympathy they so desparatelli need :haha:

so its easy to say who is smarter ;)
Typical Indian mindset.Seems like they are obsessed with Pakistan
There is already an arms race. That should have been obvious.

Everything India did, the Pakistanis did the same. Pakistan tested ballistic missiles after India did and even named them after foreign invaders. Pakistan tested nuclear bombs after India did. Pakistan went crazy and purchased Chinese anti-aircraft missiles after India got its hands on PHALCON AWACs. Pakistan got the JF-17 after India flight-tested the LCA (unfortunately both aircraft are obsolete junk). India tests Brahmos so Pakistan comes up with Babur.

There is already an arms race and it has affected Pakistan economy. The difference in GDP between the two countries is simply too great. Pakistan cannot afford an arms race with India. Everything depends on Gwadar port now, if Gwadar becomes the economic miracle that every Pakistani is expecting it to be then things migh change slightly. But India will still have overwhelming superiority.
I think Babur came before Brahmos.
Operation zarb-be-azz has sown very deep rift between the official Pakistani army and the jihadi units. The aggressive action by Indians has added to the misery an element of fear. There is now serious fear, distrust and suspicion within Pakistani covert leadership. Their scenario play now involves 'damage control' which is something these brash pretenders never used to do.

In other simpler terms: the bluff has been called exposed and rendered inert. If you don't understand what that means read the recent statements of your own genera Sharieff! Poor chap!
I think Babur came before Brahmos.

Babur came later. Brahmos is a "short range" supersonic cruise missile with an official range of 290 km and speed of Mach 3.

Babur is a long-range cruise missile with an official range of 700 km and subsonic speed. The Babur is a different category. The Indian answer to Babur is the Nirbhay cruise missile which is subsonic and has an official range of 1200-1500 km.

India’s current strategy should be to keep Pakistan embroiled in such a way that its economy is adversely affected and it is unable to sustain the strategic parity that has existed over the years. It should draw Pakistan into an arms race at a time when its economy is entering a stabilisation phase and is poised to move into the growth paradigm. It should force Pakistan to spend more on defence and making waging war against India uneconomic and counter-productive.
I agree with this analysis.
Pakistan must be drawn into an arms race. The strategic parity is already decreasing year on year and has decreased massively over the last decade as India's economy grows faster than Pakistan's each year.

But then this is the hawk line of thinking.

The 'dove' line of thinking in the MMS Government was that if Pakistan prospers economically, it will have less incentive to be jihadist oriented.

The dove line of thinking has failed to yield results.
Nukes are still deterent no matter every weapon u get fromm all over world u still fear from pak nuke we have medicine for u why now we invest more like u as crazy u are we are sensible in choosing
Operation zarb-be-azz has sown very deep rift between the official Pakistani army and the jihadi units. The aggressive action by Indians has added to the misery an element of fear. There is now serious fear, distrust and suspicion within Pakistani covert leadership. Their scenario play now involves 'damage control' which is something these brash pretenders never used to do.

In other simpler terms: the bluff has been called exposed and rendered inert. If you don't understand what that means read the recent statements of your own genera Sharieff! Poor chap!

You would know of all people.

Hindu-stani have been complaining of butt rape and moaning in Afghanistan for some time now.
LOL even a kid from India & Pakistan knows that Pakistan doesn't rely on conventional deterrence, as it's ace in a hole is the nuclear deterrence. Now the indian pseudo intellectuals can churn out as many strategies as they desire but Pakistans 'Nuclear stance' is quite robust & seems to be working well. Period!
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