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India should conform to UN resolutions on Masood Azhar's issue: China

Releasing him was no doubt a foolish decision - and we have only our own leaders to blame for that - but that does not answer the question as to why a country that wants to be seen as a global superpower and counter to the US would stick its neck out for him time and again.
I don't think China ever want to be "Global superpower", please show me a link stating China is superpower by Chinese official.
I don't think China ever want to be "Global superpower", please show me a link stating China is superpower by Chinese official.

Haha do you think China's government will officially say 'We are / want to be a superpower'?

My conclusion is based on a perception that Chinese leaders of today increasingly feel they have the economic, political and military clout to assert themselves in ways that often put themselves at odds with the US. The responses to US actions in the current manner (e.g. the reaction to the Trump phone call, the bellicose reaction to the US-led effort to induct India into the NSG, etc.) are undertaken in a manner unthinkable 20, maybe even 10 years ago. Many countries who have a bone to pick with the US on various issues (Pakistan on foreign affairs, India on trade / visas) often have to quietly suck it up because the US controls most international bodies, holds the purse strings, has the biggest guns. The recent level of Chinese statements and the tone of such statements seem to signify an aspiration to be a superpower at par with the US. Only the USSR demonstrated such an attitude in modern history.
Haha do you think China's government will officially say 'We are / want to be a superpower'?

My conclusion is based on a perception that Chinese leaders of today increasingly feel they have the economic, political and military clout to assert themselves in ways that often put themselves at odds with the US. The responses to US actions in the current manner (e.g. the reaction to the Trump phone call, the bellicose reaction to the US-led effort to induct India into the NSG, etc.) are undertaken in a manner unthinkable 20, maybe even 10 years ago. Many countries who have a bone to pick with the US on various issues (Pakistan on foreign affairs, India on trade / visas) often have to quietly suck it up because the US controls most international bodies, holds the purse strings, has the biggest guns. The recent level of Chinese statements and the tone of such statements seem to signify an aspiration to be a superpower at par with the US. Only the USSR demonstrated such an attitude in modern history.

It is China's official (and unofficial) policy to never seek global hegemony (superpower).

Let's be honest, nobody actually wants to be the world policeman. They spend their billions/trillions on fighting all over the world and throw away their lives and they end up being hated for it as well. Worst job in the world, I hope they keep it.
what is largest democracy...o_O.....Indian people elected a terrorist person of their country as a PM. click the link

How is Modi a terrorist exactly?

AFAIK he's not convicted, indicted or even facing trial on any charge related to terrorism - in India or any other country. (He may or may not be corrupt depending on the authenticity of some documents submitted to the Supreme Court but if corruption was a deal breaker I suppose the vast majority of heads of state in Pakistan and China would be behind bars as well.)

Quite different from Masood who has a criminal conviction and heads an org designated a terrorist group by the same UNSC of which China is a permanent member.

Again, AFAIK India has not given sanctuary to anyone convicted of such a crime in Pakistan or China and neither does the Indian government espouse their cause with such impunity. [Even the Dalai Lama - whom India gives asylum - and whose every action evokes adverse reactions by the Chinese government - is not officially convicted of anything to do with terrorism]

Like I said before, the Chinese are certainly smart enough to know exactly what Masood is upto so their unstinting support for him is inexplicable and I wonder what they get in return for such an otherwise wasteful stance.
muslims are also the part of the majority who voted in favour of modi during loksabha election.
this shows that his anti muslim image is just nothing to indian muslims.


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