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China, Russia, Cuba win UN rights council seats

Why so angry?

You speak as if you're an American but your just an Asian.
The best thing about the US is that anyone from any racial origin can be an American regardless of what racists like yourself can say. I am an American. It does not matter what you say, only what the US government and other Americans say.

Hey American values are great, I welcome them, but I really want you to stop avoiding the question and answer me about American human rights violations in Iraq and Vietnam, especially the use of depleted uranium and agent orange.

Can you answer me that.
Sure...The US dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan, and look at the US-Japan relationships today. A USAF friend of mine is half Japanese. He joined the USAF a couple yrs after I did. He retired as a Senior Master Sergeant and married an Okinawan woman. His daughter married another half Japanese American who is an Army Ranger. You think Vietnamese and Vietnamese-American in the US are up in arms about what happened back in Vietnam War? Only racists like the Chinese members here would like to make hay out of it, and useless at that.
The best thing about the US is that anyone from any racial origin can be an American regardless of what racists like yourself can say. I am an American. It does not matter what you say, only what the US government and other Americans say.

Sure...The US dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan, and look at the US-Japan relationships today. A USAF friend of mine is half Japanese. He joined the USAF a couple yrs after I did. He retired as a Senior Master Sergeant and married an Okinawan woman. His daughter married another half Japanese American who is an Army Ranger. You think Vietnamese and Vietnamese-American in the US are up in arms about what happened back in Vietnam War? Only racists like the Chinese members here would like to make hay out of it, and useless at that.

So your saying not a single Vietnanamese in Vietnam cares that the Yanks killed over 20 million Viets, raped your women dry and used them as mere sperm dumpsters for their sick pleasure, stole historical treasures of Vietnam, destroyed your infrastructure and dropped agent orange on Vietnam causing grotesque birth defects for an entire generation of Vietnamese children?

You do realise that oriental people are looked on as a subhuman species by the white man right?
The white soldiers even brutally murdered a Chinese-American soldier because he was of Asisn descent.

Now, you might not have experienced this but many other Asians have.

The whites have always been racist towards oriental people. Don't you realise that?

The only way to show the orientals are equal to the whites is by being as strong as the whites in all areas.

The only country that has the capability to match and surpass the number 1 white power (USA) is China. So I think all Asians should get rid of their past grievances and support China.

The thing is, Asians like yourself are easily tamed by the white man. When the white man accepts you, you are so happy that you have become accepted by the white man. You basically fall in love with everything white and do your best to reject that you are Asian. That pat on the head by the white man is all it took to convert you. Where is your pride, honour and dignity of being an Asian man?

Don't worry, many Chinese do this too, so I'm not just blaming non-Chinsse Asians.

What kind of man forgives the white man for all the horrible things they did your race? That's like the Jews forgiving the Nazis for their crimes. Just imagine the suffering your people would have gone through and are going through right now.

Did the white man brainwash you that much to forgive everything they did to your race and worship the white man?

Vietnamese are tough bastards, they have that warrior instinct in them that allowed them to resist the US, French and even the PLA.

Can't believe any self- respecting Vietnamese can just forgive and forget. Maybe there are a few people like you but many Vietnamese I know still hold a grudge and won't forgive until the score is even.

You can say that territorial disputes cause friction between China and Vietnam. But always remember, for all our faults we never did to the Vietnanese people what the white man did to you. We respect the Vietnanese people. Infact Chinese people have more friendships with Vietnamese people than we do with our own kind like people from Taiwan and Hong Kong.
The whites have always been racist towards oriental people. Don't you realise that?
It must sucks to be you, a Chinese living in America, if what you claimed is true.

Interracial relationships have always been on the rise in America. The world sees it, in entertainment, politics, and when they travels here. So how does it feel to know you are so wrong and yet must obey the racial urges inside you to continue to say those wrong things? Do you go into a homicidal rage every time you see a Chinese gal with a white or (gasp) a black man? Is that how you were raised back in China? Must be, because debate any Chinese on this forum on any subject and soon enough and he will make race an issue.
Actually, I asked plenty of Chinese engineers who emigrated here, became US citizens, married local gals, and would eventually get their parents here.

Either nothing worthwhile or sh1t.

Are you living in the US? If yes, then you KNOW that you are living in the most free and most prosperous country on Earth.

Choke on that...:lol:

People emigrate because of economic reasons. Only simple minded people like you would think otherwise.

There are 2 million Taiwaneses and 1 million South Koreans living in China. Thousands of Filipinos, Indians, Bangladeshis live in Singapore. Millions of Indians live and work in the Middle East.
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Major blow for the leeching INGO's and pseudo HR orgs thriving on third world instabilities, Being funded by fringe extremist groups, While doing neo colonial handiwork of the mainly Anglo Saxon West
It must sucks being you, a Chinese living in the US and seeing the great contrasts between the two countries. You KNOW that every time you pick up a newspaper, it is not censored by the government, that if you have any problems there would be an army of lawyers the police fear, that you can speak and even insult the American President and there is nothing the government can do about it, and that it is American values that are being exported to your China -- WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

Choke on that...:lol:

The more you read US Mainstream newspaper about China, the more stupid you will get.
US Mainstream newspaper are the last thing you read if you want to know the truth about China.

On Jan. 26, the 2011 Edelman Trust Barometer, which ranks institutions by the amount of trust people have in them, was released by Edelman, one of the top five global public relations firms. The report shows that China ranked first in the world in terms of trust in government with 88 percent.

Trust in government in China has increased by 14 percentage points, up from 74 percent to 88 percent. In addition, the trust in government in Brazil has risen sharply, up from 39 percent in 2010 to 85 percent this year.

However, trust in government fell in the United States from 46 percent to 40 percent.
U.S. trust in business fell by eight points to 46 percent – placing the world’s largest economic power within five points of last-place Russia, putting the U.S. among the bottom four countries with the least trust in both government and business.


Millions of people, including Chinese, do say so with straight faces.

Try again.

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