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Maulana Masood Azhar planning to target elections in India?

The news says

"Besides JeM founder Massod Azhar, Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD) chief Md Hafiz Saeed has also issued similar threats to Modi, who is BJP's PM nominee for 2014 polls."

do you want to say MODI influence IB... cool... that too without being PM.. very cooll
Please elaborate.
Before the election the media making a fuss about a certain leader's life being in danger is publicity and the masses tend to see the leader more as a (potential) martyr so the leader gets the sympathy (atleast subconsciously) and some may even vote in his favor....
Before the election the media making a fuss about a certain leader's life being in danger is publicity and the masses tend to see the leader more as a (potential) martyr so the leader gets the sympathy (atleast subconsciously) and some may even vote in his favor....
Ok but why the media will make this fuss??
What are they gaining with this??
I sometimes wonder whether the Pakistani mullahs are canvassing for Modi in this elections :D
if the likely outcome can influence US then why not IB?
that far fetch argument.. may /may not be true...
fact is modi and other VIPs are on hit list .. even SIMI .. bhatkal bro .. vouch the same ..
by putting him in every point giving him more mileage..
Modi is just CM of gujrat.. did some good work.. now wants to work for country... that it..
whats wrong in it..
india stand because of its g8 insitutuion, SC,High courts,election commission, CAG, CVC, RAW, ID, CBI and so on,..
that why indian fight for institution like lokpal not for individuals ..
that why all drama happened in GOVt vs CBI.. some sane people still at top level..
the day individual start dictating terms to institution india will go down... exam .. our parliament... (though not all bad .. but most are.. the gentleman/womens are either very few or very gental there)

I sometimes wonder whether the Pakistani mullahs are canvassing for Modi in this elections :D
Outsourcing in politics too..

Before the election the media making a fuss about a certain leader's life being in danger is publicity and the masses tend to see the leader more as a (potential) martyr so the leader gets the sympathy (atleast subconsciously) and some may even vote in his favor....
that days are gone.. see result of 4 states election just happened..
now people demand..not only roti , kapda, makan but electricy, job, security, non corruption so this item come way below.. if all those above are fulfill
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nothing disgusting.
And not daily but when i am bored
there are three adjacent show rooms
so, you spit when bored....nice pastime you have there....:P
so, do you have some other bore time activity....:D:D
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