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India sees Pakistani hand in North Korea’s nuclear test

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Why is it so hard for people to beleive that Pakistan traded nuclear technology with misile technology with N Korea? It's just so obvious. That was one of the biggest blunders by Pakistan. North Korea is threatning USA now everyday. Thanks Pakistan!
what moral grounds india has to protest DPRK's nuclear test, when india is the sole culprit to start nuclear race in the sub-continent.............................100 Chuhay kha kay billi chali haj ko...........indians are so ******* irritants.just like an acute case of piles:)
Looks like another nail in the coffin of Pakistani ambitions of getting Nuclear tech and fuel from any responsible countries apart from China.

China must be proud of its nuke proliferation network.

All these rogue states should form an axis openly and appoint China as its leader.
That is all in the past, we currently have excellent relations with SK, especially in the defense field.

Looks like another nail in the coffin of Pakistani ambitions of getting Nuclear tech and fuel from any responsible countries apart from China.

China must be proud of its nuke proliferation network.

All these rogue states should form an axis openly and appoint China as its leader.

Another crying indian, keep on crying little indian friend, no body is gonna take any notice ;)
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what moral grounds india has to protest DPRK's nuclear test, when india is the sole culprit to start nuclear race in the sub-continent.............................100 Chuhay kha kay billi chali haj ko...........indians are so ******* irritants.just like an acute case of piles:)

it was the same case of piles which prompted Pakistan to wage war on India consecutive times. This eventually lead to the arms race in the first place we had to go nuclear before you guys did.

if you had the nerve to wage war against us using conventional arms, just think what blunder it would have been, had India not gone nuclear in the first place.

do the maths, you will have the answer to your question and stop pretending to be angles.
India keep protesting ----------------

Since I have been to Lucknow many times it would be more appropriate to say that India sees a Pakistani hand in each and everything that takes place in not just India but in the world as well.
Well Pakistan is famous for Tourism and Leisure Activities (Afghan Taliban and OBL), Exclusive Product Range for Purchase (Nukes on discount), Chemical Industry (Explosives made from fertilizers) etc. :enjoy:
Well Pakistan is famous for Tourism and Leisure Activities (Afghan Taliban and OBL), Exclusive Product Range for Purchase (Nukes on discount), Chemical Industry (Explosives made from fertilizers) etc. :enjoy:

So you want to get me started for what India is famous for? :)
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