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India sees Pakistani hand in North Korea’s nuclear test

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^^^^"Indians are born with the idea to show
Pakistan in bad light whenever possible"

look who is vomiting...i know pakistani can digest happy going india :D

You obviously cant ever use logic in your posts, when finally you take your head out of the nasty guff give me logical answers to your high and mighty military hardware mainly kept around for decoration and fanboy excitement.
So you want to get me started for what India is famous for? :)
For Rapes, yeah. But now India is getting famous for Nationwide Protest by people all over India. World saw how swiftly India rose against this crime and South Africa which has more Rapes per capita than India is inspired by Indian Protest.

Entire western media is discussing it.

US media is saying that for Rape case, Indian protest resulted in various changes within few months but the Shooting in US school hasn't resulted in any change in Policies even after Protest.

Pakistan can't do such protest and push Govt. to take immediate actions.

So yeah, we were bashed over Rape incident but we learned from it and rose against it. As a Nation.
You obviously cant ever use logic in your posts, when finally you take your head out of the nasty guff give me logical answers to your high and mighty military hardware mainly kept around for decoration and fanboy excitement.

Of course they are, why o why does not your able military leadership attack and wrest kashmir out of our hands?

If they could set in motion the brilliant plan in Kargil why not do it now, toys obviously will only make sounds :)
All know that India is strategic ally with USA and Israel in South Asia. They have just STORED their nuclear weapons in India to implement their hegemony though India. Never ever say that India's nuclear technology is indigenous. It would have been indigenous only if it was made for states that ALREADY have this technology. But this technology is build in friendship with those nuclear powers. There is clear logic that these nuclear stated took confidence in India and India became "Responsible Nuclear Power". Rather, Pakistan's nuclear technology is more likely to be indigenous because it is build for the countries which are already nuclear powers.
Of course they are, why o why does not your able military leadership attack and wrest kashmir out of our hands?

If they could set in motion the brilliant plan in Kargil why not do it now, toys obviously will only make sounds :)

Indians toys will indeed make bigger sound which obviously aint going to scare us thats why India never had the balllss to get AJK through same way
Of course they are, why o why does not your able military leadership attack and wrest kashmir out of our hands?

If they could set in motion the brilliant plan in Kargil why not do it now, toys obviously will only make sounds :)

PA never threatened India with any operations/ surgical strikes where as your side has twice and failed to walk the walk.

Your military speakers have honestly become a joke taken seriously by no one, not even by you at heart
Ohhhh India sees....
name of this thread is funny...
before this agencies from west starts such blaming and India just blame Pak for having security risk and insecure system that could fall in hand of Talibans...
This time India leapt and started a new propaganda....
congratulations to all Indians..
Their gov started a new type of blames on Pakistan..:cheers:
All know that India is strategic ally with USA and Israel in South Asia. They have just STORED their nuclear weapons in India to implement their hegemony though India. Never ever say that India's nuclear technology is indigenous. It would have been indigenous only if it was made for states that ALREADY have this technology. But this technology is build in friendship with those nuclear powers. There is clear logic that these nuclear stated took confidence in India and India became "Responsible Nuclear Power". Rather, Pakistan's nuclear technology is more likely to be indigenous because it is build for the countries which are already nuclear powers.

India is the most untrusted country in the world when it comes to banking on for such plans.

India can never be trusted by US for such kinda plan.
All know that India is strategic ally with USA and Israel in South Asia. They have just STORED their nuclear weapons in India to implement their hegemony though India. Never ever say that India's nuclear technology is indigenous. It would have been indigenous only if it was made for states that ALREADY have this technology. But this technology is build in friendship with those nuclear powers. There is clear logic that these nuclear stated took confidence in India and India became "Responsible Nuclear Power". Rather, Pakistan's nuclear technology is more likely to be indigenous because it is build for the countries which are already nuclear powers.

My dear friend... You have made my day with your post...... Request you to spend some time here then post...... (thats what i did & still doing).......
Ohhhh India sees....
name of this thread is funny...
before this agencies from west starts such blaming and India just blame Pak for having security risk and insecure system that could fall in hand of Talibans...
This time India leapt and started a new propaganda....
congratulations to all Indians..
Their gov started a new type of blames on Pakistan..:cheers:

Rondos will always be rondos instead of having guts for protesting directly against North Korea they once again shown their true Indian colors of being Pakistan specific. :)

otherwise the name of Isreal is on top for the black market from where many things came to India as well
Only a matter of time, we'll be seeing another such stupid thread by dumbos when Iran tests its own.
India is the most untrusted country in the world when it comes to banking on for such plans.

India can never be trusted by US for such kinda plan.

History says who is trusted and who cant be trusted..... (if you are talking in the context of india pak i can agree with you... but you are not).....US trusted you very well before and now entire world knows how much trust is there between US the non nato ally.....

Btw India wont trust US and US wont trust india... But we will work together.....
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