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India says it will occupy Pakistani Kashmir in future

Indian planners and strategists plan way ahead.
thats true but remember so are the pakistanis the chinese and so on you are not the only one . where you focus on one topic another country exploits another vulnerability and uses it to their advantage.
thats true but remember so are the pakistanis the chinese and so on you are not the only one . where you focus on one topic another country exploits another vulnerability and uses it to their advantage.

We have too many vulnerabilities - so does the rest...so it all boils down to who does what.
why did Pakistan and india partition. because muslims and hindus wanted their own land. now kashmir being majority muslim was to be part of Pakistan.

it makes sense, muslim country and muslim state. but the leader was hindu so it was obvious who he was going to choose. also he had no choice as Pakistan invaded kashmir and took was was right fully theirs and what the Kashmiris wanted. this is seen across the whole of kashmir. people in the indian occupied kashmir waiving Pakistani flags and burning indian flags it like you wan to be apart of a group you wan tot be in but you r current group dozens t allow you to lean and turtles you in to submission. sorry if it seems very one sided but thats how i see it it, logic. i would not not imagine indian Kashmiris wanting to be indian un-less you're either hindu or sikh . its religion that started this in the first place.

firstly Hindus didn't want separate country from Muslims so this is your first misconception only Muslim wanted separate country.secondly Kashmir was never of Pakistan as Kashmir was given the right to choose and king as a representative of people he choose to remain independent.No one consider religion as a base for separate country so It is non sense to say that just because Kashmir was Muslim majority region It should have been with Pakistan.
Oh Chaha jaan, If its going to be an offensive action that already means start of kind of full scale war, unless pakistans hands are tied down with global pressures.

Surgical strikes can be of various forms, air drop paratroopers, or heli attack or full fledged air strikes. Depends upon what objectives have to be achieved.

I guess it was pretty late night for you, so you lost the context of our discussion. :p
Now if you insist on that, perhaps a mental asylum (or at least some sort of treatment) will be warranted.
Sorry to Say :p

India today is much more vulnerable to global pressures (both economic and strategic).

Modi baloon got punctured once the warning came down from China and USA.

And here you are talking about dropping paratroopers. Which really means a keyboard warrior drooping $hit in toilet bowl. hahahah.

What on earth we have these jingu mingos talkiing war $hit.

Strange. really strange.

firstly Hindus didn't want separate country from Muslims so this is your first misconception

Deepak bhai

Read Congress leaders statements of 1920, especially those Hindu leaders who were living in Muslim majority provinces.

Please do not spread 5th grade history book based knowledge on an international forum.

Thank you.
Rajiv Dixit died i think 2-3 yrs back, OP is a moron for posting old videos for rabble rousing.
Did not know this. RIP Dixit. He was a true nationalist, unlike the saffronists, a wise one at that.
well i see 1 pak soldier= 10 Indian soldiers ... hahaha so you counted how many soldiers infiltrated our soil??? meh PA occupied emptied posts in kargil... and IA retaliated ..... oops suddenly blunders becoming victory..... haha
Beta ye paragraph abu ne likh ke dia ya ami ne??
Never gonna happen and not in the list of "To Do things".

We are okay with LoC and IB.

Our policy is live and let live
or if hurt then give the pain back.
You may say that it is never going to happen. But the threat has a huge, I mean huuuge troll value, which will easily suck off a couple of percentage points from Pakistan's GDP. So it is a good idea to let the idea hang in air. I don't think these three people, especially Swami and Dixit, both being intellectuals, seriously want India to attack and gain back Kashmir. Both know the troll value of the threat. And it riles up Pakistanis so much, they will trip upside down, Karachi and Lahore get clogged by Hafiz Saeed processions. Despite India hearing such similar threats from Pakistan everyday to take back J&K. India's cool is its strength and any soft weapons like this should be used effectively.
thats true but remember so are the pakistanis the chinese and so on you are not the only one . where you focus on one topic another country exploits another vulnerability and uses it to their advantage.

Pakistan has a history of short sightedness. But we don't underestimate.

Read Congress leaders statements of 1920, especially those Hindu leaders who were living in Muslim majority provinces.

Please do not spread 5th grade history book based knowledge on an international forum.

Thank you.

Hi, Can you share them ?
firstly Hindus didn't want separate country from Muslims so this is your first misconception only Muslim wanted separate country.secondly Kashmir was never of Pakistan as Kashmir was given the right to choose and king as a representative of people he choose to remain independent.No one consider religion as a base for separate country so It is non sense to say that just because Kashmir was Muslim majority region It should have been with Pakistan.

I second your opinion...If i would have there at 1947...I would have welcomed the complete separation of Muslims from India....It is a good for us that Pakistan got created....My concern is not why Pakistan got created rather when a Muslim nation got created, why not India become a non Muslim state???.....
Deepak bhai

Read Congress leaders statements of 1920, especially those Hindu leaders who were living in Muslim majority provinces.
Please do not spread 5th grade history book based knowledge on an international forum.

Thank you.
You go and read the events around 1920. Also read an example about Jallianwallah bagh, which happened during a procession taken out in support of two leaders Saifudding Kitchlew and Satya Pal.

You ignore the statements of Congress President and higher ups and cherry-pick the words of right most fringe elements of the party. And then you ignore the words straight from the horses(aka Jinnah, the A-Z of Muslim League) mouth.
You go and read the events around 1920. Also read an example about Jallianwallah bagh, which happened during a procession taken out in support of two leaders Saifudding Kitchlew and Satya Pal.

You ignore the statements of Congress President and higher ups and cherry-pick the words of right most fringe elements of the party. And then you ignore the words straight from the horses(aka Jinnah, the A-Z of Muslim League) mouth.

Lala Lajpat rais were not lunatic fringe. People like him were the MAIN supporters (financial and intellectual) of Congress from Muslimi Majority provinces.

See! the problem with Bharati analysts is that they have not forking idea of Muslim majority provinces (MMPs). They never had it and never tried even today.

Bharati analysts instead look at the Hindu Majority provinces or HMPs (mainly from Central subcontinent) to draw their intellectual moorings for analyzing Muslims.

But the problem is that in doing so they are looking at minority Muslims who are ethnically and historically very very very different from Muslims residing in MMPs.

Thus the biggest cruelty to our region's history is to mix MMPs and HMPs in one bag and ignore the reality of 1920s

Back then Hindus in MMPs were 1000 times more vocal for partition compared to Muslims in HMPs.

Pakistan has a history of short sightedness. But we don't underestimate.

Hi, Can you share them ?

Read Hindu published tribune from Lahore back then,

Also read Lajpat rai letters.

you will know.

Obviously it will be difficult for you to find all that but keep at it and you will find the truth.
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