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India says it will occupy Pakistani Kashmir in future

Does becoming a Pm define social status? Denying only PM's position means u will have low social status?
circular logic , why deny PM post for non muslims if so much equality in pak? think of one person who is fully capable , lets say more than capable for leading your country to zenith , but sadly he is a idolater , will he will be given a chance to be your PM?
Every religion has a code to follow ,u cant pick and choose things while following it. I dont get why any religion forbidding idolatory shud bother you? And why shud u view that as a flaw in that faith? Should others also start pointing out flaws in pro idolatory faiths? U will be fine?
well i dont have any problem with anyones faith , its problem when some ppl say all religion are same in view of humanity . its not some religions view the people inferior to them when they follow a different faith.
And this para from ur given newslink

"However, human rights activists and lawyers defending the accused have argued that it was an accident and not an act of sabotage.""
should i quote human right view on your country ?
if rampant persecution happened in train burning case then why not all 100 got convicted , why only 30 jailed for the crime committed .:rofl::rofl:. what happened to your argument not a single conviction of muslims in godhra train burning. lol .
As far as i knowbjp etc are also hindu extremists and sikhs are also fearful of them.
thats your view , not Sikhs. even i heard Sikhs voting for BJP. hell ,even BJP won loksabha election in 2009 in amritsar . so much for hating BJP.
all of pakistani politicians can sit here


i will be more happy if all of politicians and their supporters die tonight as eid gift
Well, There is no need for such a horrible aggregation at all.
But I like the pic against PML-N & PPP.

Try show your most News Channels poor propaganda against Pakistan.
But theta you will NEVER do!

I wonder why your news channels are so busy against Pakistan?
All the time poor propaganda against Pakistan.
You will never debate stats. Bcoz stats are something which cannot be denied.
OK buddy. First of all you do not have stats. So do not denigrate the word 'stats'. I agreed with you that Islam was the cause of a lot of bloodshed. But you cannot dodge the bullet when we analyse about Hinduism similarly.
The second point is yes abrahmic faiths are quite hateful to non adherants. Do you know carvaca . Google if you don't know . he practiced atheism in ancient India no body killed him , can you imagine doing the same in mideval papal states and middle East now a days . Gautam Buddha ridiculed Vedas , did someone kill him ? Try doing the same in some abrahmic faith states . yes there are a few bad apple but the difference in number is too large in both in old days and now .
Different religions. Different problems and different flavors of bigotry. But the bigotry part is common. If Abrahamic faiths attacked each other, it is because they found other religions to attack. With respect to Hinduism, it hurt its own adherents. The backward castes today are testament to the baggage that Hinduism carries. If you talk about Buddha being allowed to live, even muslim zealots will say Arabia was tolerant in medieval ages(even towards atheists) and science flourished there. You impression of bad apple count is misleading. Come out of the shell. You have no way of counting the bigotry that Hinduism gave rise to. Just look at the evidence. Buddhism and Jainism practically got wiped out from India from their heydays, guess who replaced them even before the birth of Islam. More than 50% of population got subjugated by upper castes under some divine law. What bad apple count are you talking about? You are roaming around naked and you are blinded by your pride to notice it.

About the third point , where did Vedas say caste system , lol manusmriti propagated caste system , even it got corrupted due to certain zelous brahmins . do you know manusmriti advocated more punishment for brahmins for drinking alcohol than others. So not all was hunky dory for brahmins in manusmriti.BTW nice try jumping from religion to caste.
Wow brahmins are not allowed to drink alcohol, how cruel!!
Bigotry is bigotry either towards a religion's own people or outside. I also asked you to take a guess on how Buddhism and Jainism got almost wiped out from India. Who ended their prominence? How did Shivites and Vaishnivites kill each other, when Hinduism was not one single religion. All the bloodshed has now one successor. It is Hinduism.
Oh really , are you the expert who saw Hindus started killing first in all communal violence? I said most not all , genius.
I never said Hindus started killing first. You check my posts and your tongue. This 'most not all' is a dangerous quantification. It allows both sides to claim they are the victims. So you are not alone in crying. You have buddies in the Owaisi brothers.
Look bhai

Both Pakistanis and Bharatis are pagan worshipers of their version of WRONG history.

Anytime someone provides a counter-narrative, the reaction is the same as yours.
Speak for yourself. Indian history is largely free from fiddling. You can see this when most neutral historians and even some Pakistani historians agree with the Indian textbook account.

League never asked by chopping off MMPs.
They wanted special status of MMPs within the federation.
Lol. Yeah a federation where they would have right to secede. Even if they do not secede they will have practically all the army and then hold the most fertile lands of India along with the biggest cities except Bombay and Madras. May be Jinnah also thought like you that Congress people are idiots. He is so blind to his own logic of division and now you too, that you want to segregate Indian states but don't want to touch any state internally. Why? Because that is convenient for you.

And then what answer do you have for this question? Why should the MMPs get special status in a federation?

Heck just read the mission plan clauses that were agreed by Jinnah. Who thwarted Jinnah and Mission plan?

Cabinet Mission plan was a stupid idea for the reasons I outlined above. I am surprised that Congress even gave it that much merit. Why the hell should any religion get parity at Central level? You should read into Jinnah's actual demands. They were watered down by the time they came into the British plans. What Jinnah asked was for parity at each state level among other ridiculous proposals. You tell me now. Will Pakistanis today agree for parity for non-muslims in Pakistan?

And Congress was successful in kicking out MMPs by chopping kaaatu Peetu politics
Why? Because Quaid's logic of division was applied to MMPs. It is only fair when you are saying divide India on the basis that Hindus and Muslims cannot live together, then how can they live together in a province? So Congress was not practicing kaatu peetu. They were cutting down India's losses and rescued as many people as possible.

Congress was the most powerful entity among the three I mentioned.

So please sit down, sip some cold water, and you will come to grips with the reality.

The reality is that Jinnah got Pakistan more than what any negotiator in his position can squeeze out of the situation. So you sip some cold water without crying over what you thought you lost in the MMPs. You already got more than what you(Muslim League) deserve.
What the heck is the street value. It did not work in MMPs.
No I did not say street value. I said ML had value as spoilsport. It did work in MMPs.
The only time in 50 years League tried to use direction action that showed up ONLY in muslim minority city of Calcutta.

why? It was the handy work of local gangs who used that opportunity to score hits on their opponents.
Please read into history. The Bengal government was in ML's hands. Muslims League, while being in power organized a hartal and direct action day. Show me another government which makes such a stupid move. A hartal by defnition in subcontinent means an opportunity to score hits. The fact is that any violence is an advantage for Muslim League. Because status quo was in Congress' favor. They can simply sit tight. Only the Muslims Leaguers were afraid of the scenario where the British leave India without settling the Hindu-Muslim question, either by partition or the ridiculous parity plans.

While Gandhi the clown mourned so called killings in Calcutta, 10s of 1000s of Biharis were raped and killed.

And people asked Gandhi

why the heck are you sitting in Calcutta while so many people are being hacked to death in Bihar

And guess what did he say

You know?
(lets see if you know your history)
I don't know what Gandhi said. But the same incident is projected by right wingers in India as proof that Gandhi cared more for muslims. So I guess you have your own theory on what happened. Let it out.

Had League any street power, then direction action day would have shown up in MMP areas and cities like Lahore, Karachi Peshawar.
Again I never claimed League had street power. So a strawman argument. Anyways as I mentioned, violence was in ML's advantage. You don't need to be in majority to stoke violence.
But it never did. So League failed miserably and the real winner were the Hindu mobs who went on killing spree in W Bengal and Bihar.

Hope you learn something now.

Thank you.
Hope you learn the other half that you left out without learning. W.Bengal and Bihar were not the only places where violence hit. It was there in Rawalpindi, in other places in Punjab and even where you seem to automatically assume that in all places Muslims were the victims, it was not the case. You can see the Bengal CM claiming that most people killed in the riot were muslims. This was similar to what the Hindu right wingers in India use as a call for war today. So please you learn the parts you missed and come back. We will discuss further.

I would like to hear from you on the merits of Cabinet Mission plan since you seem to think it was a golden plan. So what was so nice about it? What was in it for Congress and what was in it for the League?
pakistan n india are big gaints conventionally in weapons as india has no edge.(india has two fronts to secure )
its a night mare for india to attack pakistan.PA army wants that indian army take some decision but inidian policy makers policy knows real picture.
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India's shit will not stop, their dippers will burst because of the pressure.
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