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India says it will occupy Pakistani Kashmir in future

Although it's not the topic of this thread, but then who the hell was interested in that anyway ?

Congress was interested. Who else. They were the strongest party on the table. you think any other party even British could win over them let alone puny League.

Read the Indian Bengal Assembly proceedings of 1948-1950 of how Hindu Bengalis MPs were up in arms against E. Pakistan openly threatening invasion and dismemberment of Pakistan.

Heck even Patel is on record saying we just need to wait for 2 years for Pakistan to disintegrate. Why did he say that? Simple. He knew it would take 2 years for Congress to consolidate their hold on the current day India. After that, project Pakistan could go away without much impact on Delhi gov.

It was only when Congress saw that 2 years go by and Pakistan is still there. 5 years go by and Pakistan is still there. Thus the start of Agartala conspiracy. that failed. And 10 damned years go by and Pakistan is till there.

So the solution comes in 1971 with finally the wishes of Hindu MPs and MNA for disintegration of Pakistan. Funding and training 1000s of insurgents. And then using actual military force when those insurgents failed.

I hope you see a consistent and vicious line of thinking on Congress part right from 1940s onwards as to how to deal with MMP "problem".

And yes please share your thoughts on this.


p.s. off course this is never taught in Indian text books as to why Congress did what it did. But you must ask all these questions in a critical way.

Historians be it masterji or fauji have mostly presented twisted facts in pakistan. :D

show it where? Just blaming the little guy is an old ploy successfully played by Congressis and other Bharati nationalist Hindus
Congress was interested. Who else. They were the strongest party on the table. you think any other party even British could win over them let alone puny League.

Read the Indian Bengal Assembly proceedings of 1948-1950 of how Hindu Bengalis MPs were up in arms against E. Pakistan openly threatening invasion and dismemberment of Pakistan.

Heck even Patel is on record saying we just need to wait for 2 years for Pakistan to disintegrate. Why did he say that? Simple. He knew it would take 2 years for Congress to consolidate their hold on the current day India. After that, project Pakistan could go away without much impact on Delhi gov.

It was only when Congress saw that 2 years go by and Pakistan is still there. 5 years go by and Pakistan is still there. Thus the start of Agartala conspiracy. that failed. And 10 damned years go by and Pakistan is till there.

So the solution comes in 1971 with finally the wishes of Hindu MPs and MNA for disintegration of Pakistan. Funding and training 1000s of insurgents. And then using actual military force when those insurgents failed.

I hope you see a consistent and vicious line of thinking on Congress part right from 1940s onwards as to how to deal with MMP "problem".

And yes please share your thoughts on this.


p.s. off course this is never taught in Indian text books as to why Congress did what it did. But you must ask all these questions in a critical way.

show it where? Just blaming the little guy is an old ploy successfully played by Congressis and other Bharati nationalist Hindus
India is deceiving World when the reason for raising MOUNTAIN CORP is for China. The object is Kashmir.
the NATO and it allies want to help to india. this is so they can compete with china and try to isolate Pakistan and disrupt the economic corridor. i find it quite funny to find india is building its navy at a destructive rate to counter china. and china just simply opens a port to bypass all of india's ambitions. which is to cut of the malacca straight. and in the process it brings investment and infrastructure to Pakistan and potential offers a gate way for central asian countries to a port. so i find it that india is being manipulated.
you say west, does that mean you are a Pakistani american?

Nope. I'm not Pakistani. I an just American who see that Indians are deceptive. Many are deceptive in real life as well as posters in here.
Nope. I'm not Pakistani. I an just American who see that Indians are deceptive. Many are deceptive in real life as well as posters in here.
well that some thing you don't hear every day. I'm on pdf to sort of get a pakistani perspective to things on current situations in and around Pakistan and also its military capabilities. i'm studying defence and politics.i am going to specialise in south asian politics. it's very interesting
Nehru is long gone with his vision of a disintegrated Pakistan unfulfilled.

The Baloch is not 'beginning', that conflict has been on and off for decades with the insurgency splintering and more and more nationalists coming on board.

With Iran coming back into the West's 'good graces' and struggling with it's own mirror Baloch insurgency, there is going to be little tolerance for Indian games in Balochistan that will have a blow-back in Iran. The final piece of the puzzle here is Afghanistan, and if Ghani and Pakistan succeed with their gambit of ending the Taliban insurgency via negotiations (excluding the hardline commanders), it'll put the final nail in the Baloch insurgency coffin.

You can start writing the obituary of the Baloch insurgency now - better to be prepared after all.

Superficial. Iran is only one part of the puzzle, that itself is not even entirely settled considering the internal power play in the US. Even if it were, that does little in Baloch where India has not even really begun to play. Ghani has severe resistance that will only grow post the Pak sponsored attack on their parliament. In some time, there will be a renewed spike in Baloch, inevitably. There is also the impact of IS to consider in due course.

As for obituary, how many insurgencies have had it written in India? No one in the world apart from you guys cares one bit about your struggle in Kashmir for instance, that's an obituary if I ever saw one.

PS: Its hilarious how you mention Nehru in context of breaking your country but not his daughter who actually cut it in half.

so what about kashmir no luck there. and what about the maoist?

Kashmir? What about it? The insurgency was at its peak in 90s, non-existent now. Maoists have been squeezed and are at their weakest in over a decade. Plenty of articles, go search for it.

India has mastered the art of crushing insurgencies or containing them over the years; Pak has little experience and by recent developments, they are struggling - that is likely to get worse.
why , is every saffronist anti-national acc to your opinion?
They are not anti-national. They are rabid, stupid and blindly nationalist. Which often hurts India and not help it. They would appreciate a 'India Zindabad' chanting murderers killing Indian muslims. But they won't have the brains to understand that a documentary on evil pratices/attitude in India will help India. They would want the documentary maker dead because he/she is 'showing India in poor light'. This is just one example.
dozens of consulates ? its pure lie yes they have 5 and pakistan also have 5
What else we can except by "Aaman Ki Aasha`s" lovers . . . :hitwall:

Subramanium Swami

Can't view vidoes. Going by the title 'India says it will occupy Pakistani Kashmir in future'

I don't believe the Swami is right when he says that India ''wants'' to occupy kashmir. The Indians want the whole of Pakistan. The next war will not be a limited war but full scale war. People on here believe the professional Indian bloggers when they come in hordes and harrass the weak.

But we know the reality and there is no 14 days war, or thinking Amrika will stop it, or the threat of nukes. Once real Muslims get in power, Allah hamarai saath hai.
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After watching India`s poor reality. You indian only can cry.

As long as PML-N is in power. Their supporter will defend India & GEO Network. That why you @Imran Khan doing your job for them!
The issue is not that India have 12, 15 or 10 General Counsulate in Afghanistan. The point is that how India useing Afghanistan against Pakistan. But PML-N lover got "Mook Makka" with India against Indian terror activities into Pakistan. Because their leader Nawaz Sharif is a business man. And business man always look after its business than country!
They are not anti-national. They are rabid, stupid and blindly nationalist. Which often hurts India and not help it. They would appreciate a 'India Zindabad' chanting murderers killing Indian muslims. But they won't have the brains to understand that a documentary on evil pratices/attitude in India will help India. They would want the documentary maker dead because he/she is 'showing India in poor light'. This is just one example.
You are as rabid hater for nationalists as you accuse them to be. You forgot that it's the Muslims who have problems with everyone, most Hindus have no problem with most Muslims . they are the one who wanted a separate country, you cannot blame others for having suspicions about intentions of Muslims . not everyone thinks like you , lets count how many Muslims have killed Hindus and vice versa since last 1000 yrs. Whenever they are in majority minority rights goes to gutters , don't need to look to a distant place. Do you know where independent India's largest exodus happened , in Kashmir , where your dear Muslims threatened non violent pandits to leave. Cite me another example where Hindus threw the Muslims away from their majority areas.

Talk about such things in ndtv website and jnu campus . here it won't cut.

You want to know what is the percentage of Muslims that voted muslim league and how many went. The answer is frightening 89% voted for Muslim league and nearly 50% left India . The difference is the traitors who are left here. Even if in modern India conducts another vote for partition now , I don't expect different results . only 10% will want to live in a secular state.rest will opt for ummah. If the population of Muslims again rises beyond 35-40% I expect another Pakistan or daily riots. Ask @SarthakGanguly about the exodus in Kashmir , he is a sufferer.
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Jaidi says "When East India Company entered the Sub Continent, mughals were ruling the country. When British left, it was their moral obligation and logical to return the rule back to progeny of Mughals. So partition plan was null and void, original rulers were to be brought back".
Lala Lajpat rais were not lunatic fringe. People like him were the MAIN supporters (financial and intellectual) of Congress from Muslimi Majority provinces.

See! the problem with Bharati analysts is that they have not forking idea of Muslim majority provinces (MMPs). They never had it and never tried even today.

Bharati analysts instead look at the Hindu Majority provinces or HMPs (mainly from Central subcontinent) to draw their intellectual moorings for analyzing Muslims.

But the problem is that in doing so they are looking at minority Muslims who are ethnically and historically very very very different from Muslims residing in MMPs.

Thus the biggest cruelty to our region's history is to mix MMPs and HMPs in one bag and ignore the reality of 1920s

Back then Hindus in MMPs were 1000 times more vocal for partition compared to Muslims in HMPs.

Read Hindu published tribune from Lahore back then,

Also read Lajpat rai letters.

you will know.

Obviously it will be difficult for you to find all that but keep at it and you will find the truth.

You are the one who is alleging that Lala Lajpat Rai wanted two separate countries. And all the best with using ZH terminology like Bharti analysts. The MMPs were thoroughly studied in history both by Indian and neutral historians. And the overwhelming conclusion is that partition did not find any support from these provinces until much later.

If you are alleging that Lala Lajpat Rai wanted to partition India, you better show evidence. If you don't show any and then cry hoarse that Bharti analysts then there is no point. After all who dug out those Lajpat Rai letters and Tribune? It must be some Indian historian. Lala Lajpat Rai had links with Arya Samaj and Hindu Mahasabha, but where does it ever indicate that he wanted partition?

You are as rabid hater for nationalists as you accuse them to be. You forgot that it's the Muslims who have problems with everyone, most Hindus have no problem with most Muslims . they are the one who wanted a separate country, you cannot blame others for having suspicions about intentions of Muslims . not everyone thinks like you , lets count how many Muslims have killed Hindus and vice versa since last 1000 yrs. Whenever they are in majority minority rights goes to gutters , don't need to look to a distant place. Do you know where independent India's largest exodus happened , in Kashmir , where your dear Muslims threatened non violent pandits to leave. Cite me another example where Hindus threw the Muslims away from their majority areas.

Talk about such things in ndtv website and jnu campus . here it won't cut.

You want to know what is the percentage of Muslims that voted muslim league and how many went. The difference is the traitors who are left here. Ask @SarthakGanguly about the exodus in Kashmir , he is a sufferer.
Be careful speaking for all nationalists. We are only talking about a particular fringe of stupid nationalists. Most Indians are nationalist, even those who are internationalist. So you 'nationalists' better keep your patriotism in your pants or wherever it belongs.

I do not hate anyone. But I have very low tolerance for stupidity. Extremists(of all religions) have problems with everyone. And this dumb score keeping of killings in 2015 is a shining example of such stupidity.

And I appreciate the jab you took with the references of ndtv website and jnu campus. Here let me return the favor(though I did not get offended by it :p:):

1. Sure like you talk about the BS you just pasted above in Sanghi websites?
2. I think it is time for your 50ps per post duty as online Bhakt trolling comments section on ndtv.
3. :mod: I think you are needed somewhere more urgently. To pack hound some poor liberal on his blog.
4. Hey hey, why are you wasting time here with me? You could have tweeted a dozen anti-muslim tweets in the time.
5. A quote from you in year 2075: These bloody muslims!! We still have to kill two more of them to balance the score of last 1000 years.

This is India. There is no trivializing anyone's sufferings. But please understand this country has a lot of suffering. An eye for eye, especially when the eye is that of someone a generation later, makes the whole world blind.

And if you are trying to tell me muslims are genetically tuned to seek Hindu blood, then p!ss off. If you are saying there are many muslims who want to erase other religions, I agree and will point out that there are enough people who want to kick all muslims, even the peaceful ones, wholesale out of India.
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