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India, Saudi Arabia To Discuss Joint Weapon Projects

That remains to be seen on how well the House of Saud treats its citizens... a well fed person will not revolt.
How they treat Pakistani's.. or Bangladeshi is another matter.. since those people are third rate residents there.
In any case.. this deal has more to do with Iran than Pakistan.
But at least that stupid cataract of taking the Saudi Kingdom as a spiritual leader for our country should be dropped.
They occupy the two mosques.. that is their greatest asset in the Muslim world.

They may be well fed, but they will not remain satisfied as the level of education improves in the country. Education brings enlightenment brings revolutionary humanist egalitarian ideology.

It's not about considering Saudi Kingdom (A non Islamic concept) as a spiritual leader it's about getting rid of enslaving Petrodollars.
Why does that surprise you? The negativity you're seeing in us is only a reflection of your image. And of course the indians will be nice to you in your face when it fits their agenda. Now that i think about it, i really do hope india and Saudi relations get stronger, hopefully to such an extent that indian boots replace those American boots on Saudi soil, since America (and now Saudi) is propping up india to be the regional police man.

Ur subtle hate towards India is so apparent. INDIA is/will never be a regional police. We are one of the largest contributor to UN peace keeping forces. Be believe in UN. Your hate is clouding your judgement.

If India was not bothered to militarily intervene in Maldives ( a country stone throw away from CSL where our ACC is being built) as recently as a fortnight ago, how do you conclude that we will send our boots to far away desert like SA ? notwithstanding the dissimilarities between an middle-eastern upbringing and an Indian upbringing as well....

First: 'Failed the test' is usual excuse when the bigger bribes are offered. I am talking about the most recent deal of Abrams that was initiated in 2006.

Second: Al-Yamamah deal is a kind of on-going deal, have you received all of your Eurofighters?

Third: I have nothing against the people of Saudi Arabia, but, I sincerely hope and pray that a revolution brings down the menace of House of $aud.

As I have previously said and will reiterate, There can be no revolution in the Muslim World until there is a revolution in Saudi Arabia.

1. South asia has some places with similar conditions like SA deserts. A joint military task force to iron out 'heat problems' should have been your counter proposal....

2. Again a self centered view. Haven't you heard of the uprisings in Egypt and so many other muslim countries that followed. Their citizens made a collective and conscious decision to do away with Islamic theocracy/Autocracy with democracy. The season of 'Arab revolution' is now passe. Still I can't fathom any reduction in royal family's grip over SA.

3. There are so many other countries like Bahrain etc with a high level of education but still ruled by royal families.

I can't understand where your idea of 'a mass revolution in SA against royals alongwith a massive revolution in muslim world ' fits in.

# my point is most pakistanis here becomes too emotional when it comes to relation with muslim countries. ( an idea of unified muslim world under a caliphate is too tempting to reject though ). It will be more advisable for you guys to wake up and smell the coffee. Just be shrewd with foreign policy vis-a-vis any country. You guys will do just fine...
That remains to be seen on how well the House of Saud treats its citizens... a well fed person will not revolt.
How they treat Pakistani's.. or Bangladeshi is another matter.. since those people are third rate residents there.
In any case.. this deal has more to do with Iran than Pakistan.
But at least that stupid cataract of taking the Saudi Kingdom as a spiritual leader for our country should be dropped.
They occupy the two mosques.. that is their greatest asset in the Muslim world.

I don't think most pakistanis would be of this view. Instead, they respect and revere the saudi royal family for protecting their holy shrines over the past decades. This is partly due to the excellent way they have been serving the muslims coming for HAJ there. An image of 'Protector of symbols of their faith' which they have successfully marketed over years, has now sunk into common muslim's psyche. It may not influence an educated man's views but common people are more gullible to fall for it...
I don't think most pakistanis would be of this view. Instead, they respect and revere the saudi royal family for protecting their holy shrines over the past decades. This is partly due to the excellent way they have been serving the muslims coming for HAJ there. An image of 'Protector of symbols of their faith' which they have successfully marketed over years, has now sunk into common muslim's psyche. It may not influence an educated man's views but common people are more gullible to fall for it...

Unfortunately.. that is what it is.
Where for many educated people religion may come as a form of enlightenment and spiritual understanding.
Religion also serves as opium for the uneducated masses... using it many wrongs can be committed.
The day education becomes common to Muslims all over...is the day many ills will go right.
India should choose iran instead of soudi arabia.. Iran is a reliable country..

we have good relations with both and region's interest is in being close to both and work towards peace initiatives in the region via business deals and cultural unity and diplomacy.
May be we India could design a machine gun mounted on a camel with the help of saudi's.....

Seriously,didn't they get any other???Why join with a country who can't even build a decent motor bike and who lives only on oil......
May be we India could design a machine gun mounted on a camel with the help of saudi's.....

Seriously,didn't they get any other???Why join with a country who can't even build a decent motor bike and who lives only on oil......

Because they have oil and India needs oil to run the country. Secondly it doesn't hurt to be friends with them.
May be we India could design a machine gun mounted on a camel with the help of saudi's.....

Seriously,didn't they get any other???Why join with a country who can't even build a decent motor bike and who lives only on oil......

I don't think its good for us to continue with this ignorant negative stereotyping of Saudis.

However, i'm wondering why Saudi's are interested in us? Many of Indian military stuff have lot of Israeli inputs.

No problems as long as they fund some of the projects.

I'm looking for a Saudi newspaper to make sure of this news
May be we India could design a machine gun mounted on a camel with the help of saudi's.....

Seriously,didn't they get any other???Why join with a country who can't even build a decent motor bike and who lives only on oil......

Camel mounted machine guns... Woof that sounds amazing they should starting working on it now :) .
Pakistan needs greater cooperation with Iran in the field of weapons production. Between Pakistani and Iranian know how we can produce highly effective weapons. Pakistan depends too much on Saudi Arabia at the cost of our next door neighbour who can be a great source of trade and development.

My friendly advice to Iran would be to go in for such an offer if it is made. Iran also has satellite launch capability from which Pakistan can benefit. Pakistan has nukes but Iran probably has greater R&D capability.

As far as India is concerned we are friends with all Muslim countries except Pakistan. We can be friends with Pakistan too if you have a moderate approach to boundary issues.
Pakistan needs greater cooperation with Iran in the field of weapons production. Between Pakistani and Iranian know how we can produce highly effective weapons. Pakistan depends too much on Saudi Arabia at the cost of our next door neighbour who can be a great source of trade and development.

Iran? No chance. Our ties with Iran is strongest than any other gulf countries. India is building a port in Iran and they are our way into Afghanistan and central asia.
After go through 12 pages of this thread. I want a question to my Pak friends:
On some occasions on this forum, pak members were saying that in hour of need KSA will allow its fighter jets to be used by Pakistan against India. Now after this kind of deal, how u see the things? Do u still count there jets as yours?
If possible then please avoid 1 liners?

Please no member here is that delusional other the few house of saud lovers I have always said we had a better chace of India lending us the sukhois then Saudi giving us even a bullet they have funded extremist mullahs in Pakistan and financed terrorist in Pakistan not cause they loved us cause they wated to destroy Pakistan thank to ALmighty devil design for Pakistan has failed so now it's time for him to come out in the open so hate to tell you dude no surprises here.:agree:
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